JT’s Victor: The Comic Strips
by Jeremy Briggs
As related in the previous part of this article, western author JT Edson worked as a freelance writer for DC Thomson in the early Sixties. In his collection of short stories, JT’s Hundredth, he discussed his work on text stories and comic strips which mainly appeared in The Victor. The previous article covered his text story work so this time we will look at his comic strips.

While writing the first Dan Hollick text series, Willie Mann sent him a comic strip and the script that it had been drawn from and asked if he could write stories in this style. Edson’s answer was yes and his first comic strip was “Johnny Orchid, White Hunter” which began in The Victor issue 149, dated 28 December 1963.
In describing the writing of a comic strip script for The Victor, Edson says, “In a script, the plot had to be set down in thirty or forty separate frames, with not more than three ‘forties’ in a twelve episode series. There was a limit to how much written explanation was permissible. Speech was restricted to two or rarely three balloons per frame – and then only if not more than a couple of short words were involved. The action had to be kept flowing and the amount of people, or background detail, one could use was not great. As far as the latter was concerned, how much appeared depended upon the artist assigned to illustrate the strip. With a few exceptions, I was fortunate in having my work given to excellent illustrators.”
Unusually for a short story collection, JT’s Hundredth reprints a Johnny Orchid comic strip, illustrated by Arnau whom Edson describes as one of his favourite artists. His comment about the inclusion of the comic strip in the book is “Don’t blame me. Transworld said they didn’t believe they could get the full script in.” What would have been a 4 page story in The Victor becomes an 8 page story in the trade paperback with the original pages split in half and each half page turned 90 degrees to allow for the largest possible printing. The first Johnny Orchid series, which follows the adventures of a modern day professional hunter in Africa, ran for 12 weeks into 1964 and was popular enough to appear in the 1966 Victor Book For Boys. A prequel, “The Making Of A White Hunter”, began a 13 week run in issue 291, dated 17 September 1966, while issue 308 on 14 January 1967 had a single one-off episode.

After “The Town Tamers” ended in issue 203, the next Edson series was about a roving reporter for an American hunting and fishing magazine entitled “The Rifle And The Rod” which began in issue 205, dated 23 January 1965, and ran for 12 episodes. Issue 217, dated 17 April 1965, started the 12 part “It’s A Dog’s Life” which were individual stories of working dogs through the ages. Edson then moved his stories north to Canada for “The Boot And The Saddle” which told individual stories of the forerunners of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with a selection of different recurring characters including Tex Yandel who began as a constable. 12 episodes of these stories of the Mounties began in issue 229, dated 10 July 1965, and were followed up in 1970 by another 14 episodes under the title “The Queen’s Cowboys” which began in issue 481, dated 9 May 1970. Both these series were reprinted intermittently as “Boot And Saddle” beginning in issue 859 in 1977.

As with his text story “Son Of A Yellow Cop”, Edson had a comic strip story paid for but apparently never published. “The Lunatic Line” told the story of the building of the railway from Mombasa to Lake Victoria. In addition to this he had at least two comic strip ideas rejected. “Bring Law To The Kenya Colony” would have been about the colonial Kenyan police force, while the stories of gunsmith John Moses Browning were reworked into the Johnny Boyland text stories in the Boy’s World annuals.
JT Edson stopped writing for Thomson's boy's papers because of a change in editorial policy which he does not detail. Since, at that point, he could not live on just the earnings of his novels he took a job as a postman. This lasted for three years until his writing could once again support him and his family as a full time job.
He describes the style of many of his comic stories as “factional”, fiction based on fact. Since his book readers would have known him as a western writer, in JT’s Hundredth he says of his comics writing, “I did very few Western scripts. "The Town Tamers", which DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. kindly permitted me to turn into the book of the same name, was one.” This would suggest that, after all, there was only one novel based on “The Town Tamers” comic strip.
Time will tell.
The information for these two JT Edson articles comes from the short story collection JT’s Hundredth, written by JT Edson and published by Corgi in 1979 and The Illustrated Comics Journal Issue 35 article/interview with JT Edson by Alan Smith with research by Ray Moore. With thanks to Norman Boyd.
For more information on The Victor comic, visit Adrian Banfield’s Victor and Hornet website.
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