The clue is in the title... and some of the titles of the stories to be offered in the first issue: "Spliffy the Stoner Chick", "Dr. Hemp's Problem Page", "The Spaced Cabby", "Reefer Jim", "The Dopranos"... can you spot a theme? For all the world, Wasted looks like a digital underground comic of the kind you could pick up in head shops back in the 1970s. Only this one is in colour and available online.
You can check out the magazine's online preview which offers a taste of things to come in the shape of 'Tales of the Buddha' by Grant and artist Jon Haward. The first issue is dated Winter 2007, costs £2.00 to view and is available here. According to Down the Tubes, a print version of the comic will be available from February.
More news... tho' not much...
* Lew Stringer takes a look back at the old British football comic Score 'n' Roar.
* Paul Gravett is also looking back -- at the career of Bryan Talbot.
* In the first Strip! of the new year, Duncan Nott presents a quartet of interviews on classic literature and comics: Alex Fitch talks to David Brawn from Harper Collins about their Agatha Christie graphic novels, Duncan talks to Karen Wenborn from Classical Comics about their Shakespeare adaptations and guest presenter Virginie Selavy talks to Jamie Delano & Matt Brooker (D’israeli) about their contributions to the Poe collection Nevermore. You'll be able to download the podcast at Alex Fitch's Panel Borders blog shortly.
* Matthew Badham interviews Paul Grist at the Forbidden Planet International blog.
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