Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Masters of British Comic Art by David Roach
David Roach, one of the foremost researchers of British comics, has dialed it up to fivemost with his new book. The first third of the book is a comprehensive history of UK comics that will introduce readers to the creators behind the scenes who filled the British weekly anthologies and monthly pocket libraries. The bulk of the book is then dedicated to showing off some of the stunning artwork that has appeared over the years by 127 different artists, much of it reproduced from original boards and ranging from Tom Browne to Anna Mill. David takes in the "usual suspects" (Hampson, Embleton, Lawrence) but casts his net wide to show off artwork by more obscure names like Leslie Otway, Norman Lee and Doris Kinnear. There may be the odd name missing, but some missing from the gallery (Philip Mendoza, for instance) are covered in the opening history.
Why have I been rather reticent about discussing Masters of British Comic Art previously? Well, it's because David kindly dedicated the book to me. I've had my name in a lot of books (often on the title page and cover!), but it was a real shock and an absolute delight to spot it here.
If you have even a passing interest in comics history and comic art, this is the book for you. You will not be disappointed.
Masters of British Comic Art by David Roach
Rebellion ISBN978-1781-08759-6, 2 April 2020, 384pp, £39.99 / $50 (hardcover, cover by Brian Bolland) Available via Amazon.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
ComicScene #13 update: order your print copy now
70 years ago, on 14 April 1950, the first issue of Eagle sold an amazing 900,000 copies. It was a colourful escape for everyone after the war and during rationing.
On 14 April 2020, ComicScene will be celebrating 70 years of Eagle and Dan Dare in digital form and by post as close to that date as possible, depending on what is happening with the post at that time. If you want a print copy please order at the ComicScene store by 31st March.
Anyone ordering the regular 80-page digital or print copy will receive an enhanced digital issue with an extra 30 pages of content. ComicScene 13 has articles on the original Eagle and Dan Dare, Dan Dare in 2000AD, '80s Eagle, Dan Dare by Grant Morrison and Rian Hughes from Revolver, Dare in Virgin, Titan Comics and B7 audio adventures and a look at the work of Frank Hampson. There are also strips including Rok of the Reds, Whackoman!, the final episodes of Flintlock and Captain Cosmic and a free 16 page 'Spaceship Away' supplement with three strips in the style of 50's Dan Dare.
ComicScene #13 print edition will be available by post only. Tony Foster says this is due to advice that many specialist magazines are leaving their current issue—in the case of ComicScene that's issue 12mdash;on newsstands for an extended series. This means that #12 will be on sale until at least 21 May, and may well remain on sale until July, depending on the situation at the time.
ComicScene are also offering a variety of packages which includes the latest issue plus digital copies of back issues and issues of various comics can also be found at the ComicScene online store.
On 14 April 2020, ComicScene will be celebrating 70 years of Eagle and Dan Dare in digital form and by post as close to that date as possible, depending on what is happening with the post at that time. If you want a print copy please order at the ComicScene store by 31st March.
Anyone ordering the regular 80-page digital or print copy will receive an enhanced digital issue with an extra 30 pages of content. ComicScene 13 has articles on the original Eagle and Dan Dare, Dan Dare in 2000AD, '80s Eagle, Dan Dare by Grant Morrison and Rian Hughes from Revolver, Dare in Virgin, Titan Comics and B7 audio adventures and a look at the work of Frank Hampson. There are also strips including Rok of the Reds, Whackoman!, the final episodes of Flintlock and Captain Cosmic and a free 16 page 'Spaceship Away' supplement with three strips in the style of 50's Dan Dare.
ComicScene #13 print edition will be available by post only. Tony Foster says this is due to advice that many specialist magazines are leaving their current issue—in the case of ComicScene that's issue 12mdash;on newsstands for an extended series. This means that #12 will be on sale until at least 21 May, and may well remain on sale until July, depending on the situation at the time.
"We are ready to go to print with Issue 13, (our second birthday issue celebrating 70 Years of Comics, Eagle and Dare) and will do so to meet subscribers, library/school/special offer packs and those comic fans wanting a copy of this very special celebratory issue. Support the magazine and make your order online by 31st March and you will receive your magazine in April as expected by post."You can get the magazine in print or digital at www.getmycomics.com/ComicScene or get one of our special offer packs at https://comicscene.org/comicscene-online-store/.
"Let Dan Dare help battle the Virus from Venus and celebrate comics together on the 14th April 2020!
"Please order your copy by 31 March for print/digital issue so we can get in post to you (our enhanced digital issue can be ordered up to and beyond the date!). Only £5.99 in print and digital (£2 added for postal copies)."
ComicScene are also offering a variety of packages which includes the latest issue plus digital copies of back issues and issues of various comics can also be found at the ComicScene online store.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Comic Cuts - 27 March 2020
We were expecting changes: plans were already afoot when I last wrote for Mel's workplace – and my old stomping ground, Aceville – to be shut down and for all staff to work from home. For security reasons, she had to bring her work computer home and this took some setting up as our first attempt failed because the (ancient) computer couldn't be connected to her (almost new) monitor. A trip into the office was required to get some cabling, after which everything was relatively easy to set up.
As I type, she's in her little office, working on the latest issue of one of her magazines.
On Monday, it looked like I was sunk as far as Bear Alley Books was concerned, and posted a note on Tuesday to say that the lockdown was likely to stop all my publishing activities dead in their tracks from 12 midnight Monday/Tuesday. It was unlikely that I would even be seeing the proof copies that I had sent off some days earlier, let alone be able to get new orders printed and delivered.
I posted this about 11am and was settling in to think of some ways I could generate money – it's almost impossible for a freelance writer to prove that he's unemployed and not working! – when I received a message from The Guardian asking if I was available to write a piece for them. Yes. Yes I was. It wasn't all raising glasses and party poppers as we cheered in a new dawn of financial security... the commission was for an obituary for Albert Uderzo, co-creator of Asterix the Gaul. He had died that morning from a heart attack, aged 92.
Thankfully his death was not related to the coronavirus or I would have been feeling a little ghoulish.
That kept me busy Monday afternoon collecting information that I wrote up yesterday, a slightly sprawling 2,500 words that I sent in this (Thursday) morning. If you heard a yelp of annoyance around 10 am this morning, that was the folk at the obits desk opening my e-mail and seeing a long, long day of checking ahead of them. (I will just say that my pieces are often edited for length, as they have to fit in with other pieces on what is nowadays a single page. A lot of newspapers have slimmed down the number of pages they dedicate to obits, not just The Guardian.)
I decided just now to see whether any of the other UK broadsheets had carried an obituary. The Times and The Telegraph are both behind paywalls, but sometimes you get a free look at a few pages. So I spied the obituary in The Times and went to have a look. A notice popped up asking me to consent to having various "partners" storing and retrieving information from my browser... the usual cookie consent form.
We use the following partners to help it deliver the best content and services to you. You can consent to the companies listed by clicking the link below. You can change your mind and revisit your consent choices at any time by returning to this site via the cookies link in the header or footer of every page.I had a look at the list of "partners" and there were 197 of them. That's 197. I didn't mistype. Out of curiosity, I randomly picked one to see what they did and chose ZighZag, the last name on the list, which took me to a security warning about potential threats of the site allowing attackers to steal passwords and credit card details. Way to go, The Times.
The good news—and there is good news even in these dark times—is that I have a paying project that I'll be starting next week. I'll hopefully have some more details for you shortly but for now all I'll say is that it ties in with a recent Rebellion release.
I had that good bit of news on Wednesday, and later the same day I received a notification that my proofs for the Rocket index and two other books had been printed and were in the post. No sign of them yet, but I expect the post office is at full stretch at the moment, with at least some staff in isolation and some routes perhaps not being covered every day. However, I'm risking taking orders again... had one today and we shall see what happens over the coming days and weeks.
The new work doesn't mean I'm out of the woods financially. Between them the two jobs will keep me going for maybe five or six weeks at best, and everything is costing a little more as cheap options are often the ones that disappear first from shop shelves. At least we have enough toilet paper!
Of course, just to put a dampner on the good news, I have developed a wobbly tooth. My dentist's advice: "Take some paracetamol and don't chew on that side of your mouth." Over the past couple of days, the wobble has become more pronounced and the gum aches constantly. "Let us know if there is bleeding that won't stop," says the dentist, "otherwise we can make an appointment when things are back to normal."
Last night I had a quadruple whisky and that seemed to numb the pain. I've had a bottle of 12-year-old scotch in the cupboard for quite a while and now seems as good a time as any to make the best of it.
Spoilers below as we take a look at Locke and Key. Jump to the end if you don't like them.
I'm not averse to the occasional horror show on TV, and Locke and Key has the advantage of being based on a comic strip that has been generally well received – it has won the British Fantasy Award twice and writer Joe Hill picked up an Eisner Award.
The TV series takes elements from the first five graphic novels, which collected together five 6-issue mini-series published in 2008-12. Although it retains the key elements (no pun intended), the TV show is generally softer on the horror side of things than the comic, but it still has its creepy moments.
The murder of school teacher Rendell Locke by one of his students leads his surviving family to relocate from Seattle. Widowed Nina Locke drives her three children – Tyler, Kinsey and Bode – to their father's old family home in Matheson, Massachusetts, a sprawling residence called the Keyhouse. The youngest son, Bode (Jackson Robert Scott), excitedly explores their new home, while Tyler (Connor Jessup) and Kinsey (Emilia Jones) are unhappily facing the prospect of entering a new school.
Following whispered voices, Bode discovers that a number of keys are hidden around the house... and there's a woman at the bottom of a well in the well house. Meanwhile, Tyler and Kinsey are making friends and enemies at their new school. Kinsey meets Scot (Petrice Jones) and his friends, amateur filmmakers nicknamed the Savini Squad.
After two episodes I have to confess that I was beginning to think that the show was going to be chiefly a teenage romance drama... which I wasn't particularly interested in. However, that soon dies down, bubbling along in the background, as the story gets going. Bode discovers the keys do magical things: one allows him to open a door to anywhere he can picture, another to step into a mirror universe, while a third lets them access their minds and memories in a representative world (Kinsey's, for instance, is a mall).
Bode is being tormented by the well lady, who calls herself Echo but is revealed to be Dodge, who knew the Locke's father. There are more twists to be learned about her background as the story progresses. She visits in prison and then frees Sam Lesser (Thomas Mitchell Barnet), the student who killed Randell, who now makes his way to the Keyhouse.
The storyline concentrates chiefly on the Locke children as mother Nina (Darby Stanchfield) at first seems unable to recall things that happen to her in the Keyhouse, even after being trapped in the mirror dimension. However, she starts to become suspicious of seemingly friendly Ellie, who attended school with her late husband and is now a teacher. It is Nina who discovers the grisly end of one of the nicer inhabitants of Matheson.
At that point, the end of episode five, I became quite hooked into the series and the excitement carried me through the latter half of the show.
Comics News
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Rebellion distribution news
As the UK government brings in restrictions on movement in the face of
the COVID-19 pandemic, Rebellion has assured readers that
2000 AD will continue to be published. They have been working closely with printers and distributors to ensure that
the supply of Thrill-power continues through this difficult time.
"This is a rapidly-changing situation so please bear with us," says Mike Molcher. "Our top priority is the safety of all our staff, as well as those at our printers and distributors, and delivery staff. We are constantly monitoring developments and reappraise our operations on a daily basis, taking both government advice and common sense into account when making decisions.
"It is important to us that comics, which can provide distraction and entertainment at a time when people are unable to leave their homes, continue to reach those who need them.
"As things stand at 12 noon on Tuesday 24 March, 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine will continue to be printed and sent to subscribers. Non-subscribers can order physical copies of both titles from the 2000 AD webshop. Newsagents and retailers will receive comics as well, with some exceptions outlined below.
"Physical copies of our specials, such as this week’s Action 2020 Special and the forthcoming Cor!! Buster Easter Special, will still go out to customers and stockists, and will be available to buy from the 2000 AD and Treasury of British Comics webshops.
"While newsagent chains such as WH Smiths are closing selected stores, we will continue to support independent newsagents, comic book stores, and supermarkets that remain open and which stock our titles. Comic book stores especially face a huge challenge as Diamond Distribution is ceasing all deliveries of new titles, please support them through this difficult time where you can with mail order custom or the purchase of gift certificates etc.
"Due to the closure of Diamond’s distribution network, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the publication of Best of 2000 AD #1, which was due to go on sale on 29 April. This title is postponed until further notice.
"All titles will be available digitally on their existing publication dates from 2000 AD and the Treasury of British Comic’s webshop. All pre-orders of physical paperback and hardback editions will also be supplied.
"Our huge backlist of titles will continue to be available to order from the 2000 AD and Treasury of British Comics webshop. There will be unfortunate but understandable delays to overseas deliveries. Please consult your government’s advice on postal services for information about local deliveries and border closures.
"The 2000 AD webshop and apps will continue to be updated with our latest titles. Go to https://2000ad.com/get-the-app/ to download our apps for Apple, Android, and Windows 10 devices.
"Please stay safe, Earthlets: follow the advice to stay home where possible, wash your hands regularly, and maintain social distancing, but ensure you help vulnerable members of your community as much as you safely can.
"We may often deal in dystopias, but if our 43 years of stories have taught us anything it’s to work together and look out for one another."
This week's 2000AD release from Rebellion.
2000AD Prog 2174
Cover: Will Simpson
Judge Dredd: Hair of the Dog (part 1) writer: Ian Edginton; art: D'israeli; letters: Annie Parkhouse
Aquila: The Burning Fields (part 1) writer: Gordon Rennie; art: Patrick Goddards; colours: Pippa Bowland; letters; Jim Campbell
Sinister Dexter: The Frighteners (part 3/final) writer Dan Abnett; art: Steve Yeowell; colours: John Charles; letters: Simon Bowland
Skip Tracer: Nimrod (part 4) writer James Peatty; art: Paul Marshall; colours: Dylan Teague; letters: Simon Bowland
Feral & Foe (part 12/final) writer: Dan Abnett; art: Richard Elson; colours: Richard & Joe Elson; letters: Annie Parkhouse
"This is a rapidly-changing situation so please bear with us," says Mike Molcher. "Our top priority is the safety of all our staff, as well as those at our printers and distributors, and delivery staff. We are constantly monitoring developments and reappraise our operations on a daily basis, taking both government advice and common sense into account when making decisions.
"It is important to us that comics, which can provide distraction and entertainment at a time when people are unable to leave their homes, continue to reach those who need them.
"As things stand at 12 noon on Tuesday 24 March, 2000 AD and the Judge Dredd Megazine will continue to be printed and sent to subscribers. Non-subscribers can order physical copies of both titles from the 2000 AD webshop. Newsagents and retailers will receive comics as well, with some exceptions outlined below.
"Physical copies of our specials, such as this week’s Action 2020 Special and the forthcoming Cor!! Buster Easter Special, will still go out to customers and stockists, and will be available to buy from the 2000 AD and Treasury of British Comics webshops.
"While newsagent chains such as WH Smiths are closing selected stores, we will continue to support independent newsagents, comic book stores, and supermarkets that remain open and which stock our titles. Comic book stores especially face a huge challenge as Diamond Distribution is ceasing all deliveries of new titles, please support them through this difficult time where you can with mail order custom or the purchase of gift certificates etc.
"Due to the closure of Diamond’s distribution network, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone the publication of Best of 2000 AD #1, which was due to go on sale on 29 April. This title is postponed until further notice.
"All titles will be available digitally on their existing publication dates from 2000 AD and the Treasury of British Comic’s webshop. All pre-orders of physical paperback and hardback editions will also be supplied.
"Our huge backlist of titles will continue to be available to order from the 2000 AD and Treasury of British Comics webshop. There will be unfortunate but understandable delays to overseas deliveries. Please consult your government’s advice on postal services for information about local deliveries and border closures.
"The 2000 AD webshop and apps will continue to be updated with our latest titles. Go to https://2000ad.com/get-the-app/ to download our apps for Apple, Android, and Windows 10 devices.
"Please stay safe, Earthlets: follow the advice to stay home where possible, wash your hands regularly, and maintain social distancing, but ensure you help vulnerable members of your community as much as you safely can.
"We may often deal in dystopias, but if our 43 years of stories have taught us anything it’s to work together and look out for one another."
This week's 2000AD release from Rebellion.
2000AD Prog 2174
Cover: Will Simpson
Judge Dredd: Hair of the Dog (part 1) writer: Ian Edginton; art: D'israeli; letters: Annie Parkhouse
Aquila: The Burning Fields (part 1) writer: Gordon Rennie; art: Patrick Goddards; colours: Pippa Bowland; letters; Jim Campbell
Sinister Dexter: The Frighteners (part 3/final) writer Dan Abnett; art: Steve Yeowell; colours: John Charles; letters: Simon Bowland
Skip Tracer: Nimrod (part 4) writer James Peatty; art: Paul Marshall; colours: Dylan Teague; letters: Simon Bowland
Feral & Foe (part 12/final) writer: Dan Abnett; art: Richard Elson; colours: Richard & Joe Elson; letters: Annie Parkhouse
Bear Alley Books and the current situation
It looks unlikely that I will be able to release any of the new and updated titles I had planned for the end of the month, and being a boutique publisher that carries almost no stock – each book is printed to order as and when those orders come in – and with our printers closed down, it seems very unlikely that I will be able to fulfil any orders for the foreseeable future.
I do have some titles in stock, but in very low numbers (the links will take you to the relevant page at Bear Alley Books). These include the Peter Jackson reprint London is Stranger Than Fiction, the Sexton Blake Annuals for 1938, 1940, 1941 and 1942, Lion: King of Picture Story Papers, Ranger: The National Boys' Magazine, Boy's World: Ticket to Adventure, Treasure Island by Millar-Watt and King Solomon's Mines by Mike Hubbard.
Most of these I have only one copy of, so I guess the best thing to do is drop me a line (my e-mail address is top left, just below the photo) and find out if they're still available. The post office is still open, and we're allowed out for exercise, so it's a good excuse to get out in the sunshine.
I'm trying to think of ways to mitigate the worst of this situation and will hopefully have some news for you soon.
Comics News
Rebellion & Penguin Random House graphic novel audiobook deal
Increasing demand for science fiction audio has led to Penguin Random House partnering up with leading comics, fiction, and
video game publisher Rebellion to create graphic novels and fiction audiobooks. The partnership will see Penguin Random
House produce and distribute audio versions of their latest fiction
titles alongside classic graphic novels from the #1 bestselling 2000 AD
New research from Harris Interactive indicates that science fiction is one of the leading audiobook genres, with 30% of those surveyed listening to science fiction in the last 12 months. However, the latest research from Bookstat, revealed at the recent Futurebook conference, has indicated that traditional publishers are only capturing half of the overall demand, which supported Penguin Random House’s decision to invest in this area.
Richard Lennon, Audio Publisher at Penguin Random House, said: “This is a really exciting new partnership which helps us reach even more listeners in this hugely popular and ever-growing section of the audiobook market. We’re looking forward to helping tell some of Rebellion’s incredible stories and to creating some truly groundbreaking recordings, particularly as we explore turning some of British comic book history’s true greats – Judge Dredd, Slaine and Rogue Trooper, to name but a few - into audiobooks for the first time.”
Ben Smith, Rebellion’s Head of Film, TV & Publishing, said: “Rebellion is the UK’s leading comic book publisher and home to Hugo and Nebula award-winning fiction from our Solaris and Abaddon imprints, and as such we’re delighted to partner with Penguin’s forward-looking audio team. Their appetite to bring both our fiction and our landmark graphic novels to the audiobook market is tremendously exciting. We can’t wait for the public to listen to the incredible stories in the works.”
Penguin Random House will produce and distribute audio versions of around 30 titles a year from the Rebellion frontlist, which covers genres including science fiction, fantasy and horror, and will include works from authors such as Chuck Wendig, Katherine Addison, Derek Künsken and Adrian Tchaikovsky. The audiobooks, published from March 2020, will draw on Penguin Random House’s roster of top narrator talent. They regularly top the bestseller charts with titles such as The Handmaid’s Tale narrated by Elisabeth Moss, The Secret Commonwealth narrated by Michael Sheen, and Becoming narrated by Michelle Obama.
The partnership also sees Penguin Random House record and produce adaptations of 5 new graphic novels in the 2000 AD series, which will feature multi-voice narration, sound design and original music to bring the stories to life. This is not the first time Penguin Random House has embarked on ambitious recordings of science fiction audiobooks: last year it brought together a groundbreaking ensemble of 50 different voices for a completely immersive full-cast recording of Sylvain Neuvel’s Only Human, which was nominated for several awards including the New York Festival Radio Awards.
Available from today, the first title to be published will be Chuck Wendig’s apocalyptic epic, Wanderers, read by Dominic Hoffman and Xe Sand (Audio Download ISBN: 9781781088319, 19 March 2020). Available via Amazon.
The 32 hour 21 minute audiobook is available for free if you sign up for a trial with Audible.
New research from Harris Interactive indicates that science fiction is one of the leading audiobook genres, with 30% of those surveyed listening to science fiction in the last 12 months. However, the latest research from Bookstat, revealed at the recent Futurebook conference, has indicated that traditional publishers are only capturing half of the overall demand, which supported Penguin Random House’s decision to invest in this area.
Richard Lennon, Audio Publisher at Penguin Random House, said: “This is a really exciting new partnership which helps us reach even more listeners in this hugely popular and ever-growing section of the audiobook market. We’re looking forward to helping tell some of Rebellion’s incredible stories and to creating some truly groundbreaking recordings, particularly as we explore turning some of British comic book history’s true greats – Judge Dredd, Slaine and Rogue Trooper, to name but a few - into audiobooks for the first time.”
Ben Smith, Rebellion’s Head of Film, TV & Publishing, said: “Rebellion is the UK’s leading comic book publisher and home to Hugo and Nebula award-winning fiction from our Solaris and Abaddon imprints, and as such we’re delighted to partner with Penguin’s forward-looking audio team. Their appetite to bring both our fiction and our landmark graphic novels to the audiobook market is tremendously exciting. We can’t wait for the public to listen to the incredible stories in the works.”
Penguin Random House will produce and distribute audio versions of around 30 titles a year from the Rebellion frontlist, which covers genres including science fiction, fantasy and horror, and will include works from authors such as Chuck Wendig, Katherine Addison, Derek Künsken and Adrian Tchaikovsky. The audiobooks, published from March 2020, will draw on Penguin Random House’s roster of top narrator talent. They regularly top the bestseller charts with titles such as The Handmaid’s Tale narrated by Elisabeth Moss, The Secret Commonwealth narrated by Michael Sheen, and Becoming narrated by Michelle Obama.
The partnership also sees Penguin Random House record and produce adaptations of 5 new graphic novels in the 2000 AD series, which will feature multi-voice narration, sound design and original music to bring the stories to life. This is not the first time Penguin Random House has embarked on ambitious recordings of science fiction audiobooks: last year it brought together a groundbreaking ensemble of 50 different voices for a completely immersive full-cast recording of Sylvain Neuvel’s Only Human, which was nominated for several awards including the New York Festival Radio Awards.
Available from today, the first title to be published will be Chuck Wendig’s apocalyptic epic, Wanderers, read by Dominic Hoffman and Xe Sand (Audio Download ISBN: 9781781088319, 19 March 2020). Available via Amazon.
A decadent rock star. A deeply
religious radio host. A disgraced scientist. And a teenage girl who may
be the world's last hope. From the mind of Chuck Wendig comes an
astonishing tapestry of humanity.
Shana wakes up one morning to discover her little sister in the grip of a strange malady. She appears to be sleepwalking. She cannot talk and cannot be woken up. And she is heading with inexorable determination to a destination that only she knows. But Shana and her sister are not alone. Soon they are joined by a flock of sleepwalkers from across America, on the same mysterious journey. And, like Shana, there are other 'shepherds' who follow the flock to protect their friends and family on the long dark road ahead.
For on their journey, they will discover an America convulsed with terror and violence, where this apocalyptic epidemic proves less dangerous than the fear of it. As the rest of society collapses all around them and an ultraviolent militia threatens to exterminate them, the fate of the sleepwalkers depends on unravelling the mystery behind the epidemic. The terrifying secret will either tear the nation apart or bring the survivors together to remake a shattered world.
Shana wakes up one morning to discover her little sister in the grip of a strange malady. She appears to be sleepwalking. She cannot talk and cannot be woken up. And she is heading with inexorable determination to a destination that only she knows. But Shana and her sister are not alone. Soon they are joined by a flock of sleepwalkers from across America, on the same mysterious journey. And, like Shana, there are other 'shepherds' who follow the flock to protect their friends and family on the long dark road ahead.
For on their journey, they will discover an America convulsed with terror and violence, where this apocalyptic epidemic proves less dangerous than the fear of it. As the rest of society collapses all around them and an ultraviolent militia threatens to exterminate them, the fate of the sleepwalkers depends on unravelling the mystery behind the epidemic. The terrifying secret will either tear the nation apart or bring the survivors together to remake a shattered world.
The 32 hour 21 minute audiobook is available for free if you sign up for a trial with Audible.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Comic Cuts - 20 March 2019
While the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, I've hunkered down at home and had my nose to the grindstone working on the latest books from Bear Alley.
The two indexes were finished and proofed as best as possible visually by the tail end of last week and I spent the weekend working on the omnibus volume of Eagle Over the Western Front, which contains everything from the three volumes published back in 2011. Sales have slowed to almost zero these past two years, so I'm hoping that a single volume will give the series a boost – it's a fantastic strip written by Mike Butterworth and drawn by Bill Lacey that's well worth a look if you've not picked up a copy.
I took Sunday off to write a little essay. Not the little essay that I was planning to write – I'm easily distracted – but a nice break none-the-less. I haven't written any 'Forgotten Authors' essays for six or seven months, and that previous one was written after a break of probably ten months.
I then spent a couple of days finishing off the text of the four Gwyn Evans books that I'm planning to reprint. We have a cover artist, so what I'm calling phase two is also coming together. I'm wondering whether to update the Gwyn Evans book (The Lunatic, the Lover, and the Poet) as I've discovered half-a-dozen more stories. That said, it seems an awful lot of work when I know there will be almost no reward.
Over the last few days I've been slowly putting together a brochure that I will be able to send out to people who order books. I thought of this as a little job I could knock off in no time at all... wrong! I find myself writing a few dozen little bits of text, digging around for images I haven't seen for up to a decade, and generally spending a lot longer on each page than I anticipated. That said, I think it will look a lot better than what I was originally planning. And being a PDF brochure means I can have a little colour in it for a change.
While I was looking for an image for the Hurricane & Champion index, I stumbled across an image labelled "cover" that wasn't the cover that eventually ended up on the book. I'd decided on a particular image that I was going to use and started roughing out a version of the cover (hence giving it that file name), when I had a conversation with fellow-collector Phil Rushton. Phil told me he had some original artwork from one of the covers and would that be any use to me?
Yes. Yes it would. And his 'Crusaders' artwork, beautifully painted by Alessandro Biffignandi, was used on the cover of the first edition. For the second edition, however, I've decided to go back to my original version, which uses a piece of artwork by Jordi Penalva – and, as can be seen from our column header, it makes for a fantastic cover.
I've ordered physical proof copies of the three phase one books now that the files have been uploaded to the printer, and can now get on with a couple of other things, namely the proofing of the phase two books and writing the little essay that I was supposed to write last weekend. I'll have more news on all this next week.
For those of you interested, you'll see from the above that I'm keeping busy, which keeps me isolated in my office. Mel will be working from home from Monday, so that reduces any chances of bringing in the coronavirus almost to zero. We will have to pop out to the Co-op for bread and milk, but I'm thinking of moving my usual "big shop" day from Saturday to a week day to avoid any crowds. Not that there have been crowds on Colchester high street for months. I went in on Wednesday a week or two back and the town was deserted (photo below).
I'm also beginning to wonder if it will be worth going into town anyway... my usual Saturday route takes in all the charity shops and a couple of places that sell second hand DVDs. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they're all closing down for the duration, which means I'd be going in just to shop at Sainbury's. There's a Tesco superstore closer and we have the Co-op just around the corner, so it might make more sense to put Colchester off-limits for a while. It's not like I'm running out of books to read or DVDs to watch...
Wivenhoe is suffering from the same panic buying and closures as everywhere. The first thing to disappear was soap, tissues and toilet paper. We haven't had any new supplies for a week. They're now talking about possibly shutting down the little bakery at the Co-op. As I love my fresh rolls, this is potentially the first casualty that affects me. If they run out of cheese or sausages, I'm not sure I'll want to go on.
There are simple precautions you can all take, the easiest of which is: keep your distance from people, don't go anywhere unnecessary, and wash your hands with soap in hot water regularly. Other than that, keep walking your pets, make sure you're getting some exercise and phone your elderly relatives – you might know what's going on, but they may be Daily Mail readers and under the impression that by not eating bats or Chinese food they're safe.
More news next week. Stay safe, everyone, and we'll all get through this.
The two indexes were finished and proofed as best as possible visually by the tail end of last week and I spent the weekend working on the omnibus volume of Eagle Over the Western Front, which contains everything from the three volumes published back in 2011. Sales have slowed to almost zero these past two years, so I'm hoping that a single volume will give the series a boost – it's a fantastic strip written by Mike Butterworth and drawn by Bill Lacey that's well worth a look if you've not picked up a copy.
I took Sunday off to write a little essay. Not the little essay that I was planning to write – I'm easily distracted – but a nice break none-the-less. I haven't written any 'Forgotten Authors' essays for six or seven months, and that previous one was written after a break of probably ten months.
I then spent a couple of days finishing off the text of the four Gwyn Evans books that I'm planning to reprint. We have a cover artist, so what I'm calling phase two is also coming together. I'm wondering whether to update the Gwyn Evans book (The Lunatic, the Lover, and the Poet) as I've discovered half-a-dozen more stories. That said, it seems an awful lot of work when I know there will be almost no reward.
Over the last few days I've been slowly putting together a brochure that I will be able to send out to people who order books. I thought of this as a little job I could knock off in no time at all... wrong! I find myself writing a few dozen little bits of text, digging around for images I haven't seen for up to a decade, and generally spending a lot longer on each page than I anticipated. That said, I think it will look a lot better than what I was originally planning. And being a PDF brochure means I can have a little colour in it for a change.
While I was looking for an image for the Hurricane & Champion index, I stumbled across an image labelled "cover" that wasn't the cover that eventually ended up on the book. I'd decided on a particular image that I was going to use and started roughing out a version of the cover (hence giving it that file name), when I had a conversation with fellow-collector Phil Rushton. Phil told me he had some original artwork from one of the covers and would that be any use to me?
Yes. Yes it would. And his 'Crusaders' artwork, beautifully painted by Alessandro Biffignandi, was used on the cover of the first edition. For the second edition, however, I've decided to go back to my original version, which uses a piece of artwork by Jordi Penalva – and, as can be seen from our column header, it makes for a fantastic cover.
I've ordered physical proof copies of the three phase one books now that the files have been uploaded to the printer, and can now get on with a couple of other things, namely the proofing of the phase two books and writing the little essay that I was supposed to write last weekend. I'll have more news on all this next week.

I'm also beginning to wonder if it will be worth going into town anyway... my usual Saturday route takes in all the charity shops and a couple of places that sell second hand DVDs. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they're all closing down for the duration, which means I'd be going in just to shop at Sainbury's. There's a Tesco superstore closer and we have the Co-op just around the corner, so it might make more sense to put Colchester off-limits for a while. It's not like I'm running out of books to read or DVDs to watch...
Wivenhoe is suffering from the same panic buying and closures as everywhere. The first thing to disappear was soap, tissues and toilet paper. We haven't had any new supplies for a week. They're now talking about possibly shutting down the little bakery at the Co-op. As I love my fresh rolls, this is potentially the first casualty that affects me. If they run out of cheese or sausages, I'm not sure I'll want to go on.
There are simple precautions you can all take, the easiest of which is: keep your distance from people, don't go anywhere unnecessary, and wash your hands with soap in hot water regularly. Other than that, keep walking your pets, make sure you're getting some exercise and phone your elderly relatives – you might know what's going on, but they may be Daily Mail readers and under the impression that by not eating bats or Chinese food they're safe.
More news next week. Stay safe, everyone, and we'll all get through this.
Comics News
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Commando 5315-5318
Commando keeps trooping on with two tanks, a Catalina and some Motor Torpedo Boats! All in Issues 5315-5318 — out soon!
You don’t even have to leave your house to get Commandos! Order them direct to your door by emailing shop@dctmedia.co.uk with the issue number and title you’d like to purchase.
5315: Ironhide
Alf Hubbert was a country boy with a knack for working on machines. And so, in 1917, he was thrust into a Mark IV “Male” configuration tank named “Lydia”. In the hot, noisy landship, Alf had to learn the hard way that he may be able to fix machines with ease but he couldn’t replace his friends as easily. But when he’s finally forced to choose, will he pick Lydia or his mates?
Story: Heath Ackley
Art: Vicente Alcazar
Cover: Keith Burns
5316: Secret of the Sands
‘Secret of the Sands’ is a classic Commando, and make no mistake! Lieutenant Luke Cope could cope with everything and anything as he traversed the desert sands of North Africa! Or at least he could until he met bookworm Trooper, “Steinie” Wallace, who had read more books than he had sense! But when these two characters joined forces it was as if the legendary General Hannibal lived again!
Story: Lomas
Art: Watson
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 945 (1975).
5317: Catalina Sunrise
Hot-headed Australian cattle-herder-turned-pilot Flight Lieutenant Bill Mitchell thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Only that meant he was reckless and had trouble following orders. Booted out of flying Hurricanes in North Africa, Bill was returned to Australia then sent to New Guinea to fly Kittyhawks, then Beaufighters until his disregard of orders got so bad that the only squadron that would have him was flying Catalinas. Let’s just say, Bill was less than pleased!
Story: Brent Towns
Art: Paolo Ongaro
Cover: Ian Kennedy
5318: Rescue!
Two Motor Torpedo Boats had skippers whose friendly rivalry was less than friendly at the best of times! Like chalk and cheese, Lieutenant Dave Hopkirk was easy-going while Lieutenant George Stone was strictly business by the book. But when someone was needed to rescue some blokes from a castle in Greece — these men were the ones for the job! If they could work together for five minutes that is…
Story: Staff
Art: Salmeron
Cover: John Ridgway
Originally Commando No. 1517 (1981).
You don’t even have to leave your house to get Commandos! Order them direct to your door by emailing shop@dctmedia.co.uk with the issue number and title you’d like to purchase.
5315: Ironhide
Alf Hubbert was a country boy with a knack for working on machines. And so, in 1917, he was thrust into a Mark IV “Male” configuration tank named “Lydia”. In the hot, noisy landship, Alf had to learn the hard way that he may be able to fix machines with ease but he couldn’t replace his friends as easily. But when he’s finally forced to choose, will he pick Lydia or his mates?
Story: Heath Ackley
Art: Vicente Alcazar
Cover: Keith Burns
5316: Secret of the Sands
‘Secret of the Sands’ is a classic Commando, and make no mistake! Lieutenant Luke Cope could cope with everything and anything as he traversed the desert sands of North Africa! Or at least he could until he met bookworm Trooper, “Steinie” Wallace, who had read more books than he had sense! But when these two characters joined forces it was as if the legendary General Hannibal lived again!
Story: Lomas
Art: Watson
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 945 (1975).
5317: Catalina Sunrise
Hot-headed Australian cattle-herder-turned-pilot Flight Lieutenant Bill Mitchell thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Only that meant he was reckless and had trouble following orders. Booted out of flying Hurricanes in North Africa, Bill was returned to Australia then sent to New Guinea to fly Kittyhawks, then Beaufighters until his disregard of orders got so bad that the only squadron that would have him was flying Catalinas. Let’s just say, Bill was less than pleased!
Story: Brent Towns
Art: Paolo Ongaro
Cover: Ian Kennedy
5318: Rescue!
Two Motor Torpedo Boats had skippers whose friendly rivalry was less than friendly at the best of times! Like chalk and cheese, Lieutenant Dave Hopkirk was easy-going while Lieutenant George Stone was strictly business by the book. But when someone was needed to rescue some blokes from a castle in Greece — these men were the ones for the job! If they could work together for five minutes that is…
Story: Staff
Art: Salmeron
Cover: John Ridgway
Originally Commando No. 1517 (1981).
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Rebellion Releases (2000AD)
Rebellion releases this week include a classic from British comics—The Trigan Empire!
The new Rebellion release comes in a couple of variants, with the main release being the softcover below. However, between 1st November and 4th December 2019, the Treasury of British Comics webshop was taking pre-orders for an exclusive, individually numbered 304-page special edition hardcover will ship in March 2020.
Chris Weston – the artist on Judge Dredd, The Filth and The Invisibles has paid tribute to the inimitable work of the legendary Don Lawrence, artist on Trigan Empire – one of the finest comics creators in British comics history, and Weston’s mentor early in his career.
This retailer variant hardcover is also available to buy from Forbidden Planet, Forbidden Planet International, OK Comics, Book Palace, and other selected stockists.
Featuring stunning artwork taken from crisp scans of Lawrence’s original artwork, this 304-page volume includes a touching introduction from Liam Sharp (Green Lantern), who was also mentored by Lawrence, and marks the first time the series is being collected in a mass market edition.
Co-created by Lawrence with writer Mike Butterworth, The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire merges the movie serials of the 1930s, Flash Gordon, John Carter, and ancient history into a sprawling, classic science-fiction epic. It has been named as a major influence by the likes of writer Neil Gaiman (Sandman), artist Dave Gibbons (Watchmen) and Brian Bolland (Judge Dredd), amongst many others.
Originally published in the anthology title Ranger from September 1965, and Look and Learn from June 19966 until April 1982, the series told the story of an alien empire on the planet Elekton that was heavily influenced by history, particularly that of the Roman Empire. Created by Mike Butterworth, who died in 1986, and artist Don Lawrence, who died in 2004, the series’ mix of political intrigue and Lawrence’s lush painted artwork won a host of fans worldwide, and proved to be highly influential, inspiring a generation of comic book creators with its depth and beauty.
Lawrence, who started out as a comics creator in the Gower Street Studios in London, first working on Marvelman before moving on to Karl the Viking for Lion. Other artists who worked on the strip include Ron Embleton, Miguel Quesada, Philip Corke, Oliver Frey and Gerry Wood. Although the strip has seen only limited English-language release it remains one of the most popular comic series in Holland and Germany, with over two million albums sold.
2000AD 2173
Cover: Cliff Robinson (colours by Dylan Teague)
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
SINISTER DEXTER: THE FRIGHTENERS by Dan Abnett (w) Steve Yeowell (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Judge Dredd Megazine 418
Cover: Phil Winslade
JUDGE DREDD: BAD SECTOR by Arthur Wyatt (w) PJ Holden (a) John Charles (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
DEVLIN WAUGH: A VERY LARGE SPLASH by Ales Kot (w) Mike Dowling (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
BLUNT III by TC Eglington (w) Boo Cook (a) Simon Bowland (l)
ZOMBIE ARMY: LAST RITES by Chris Roberson (w) Andrea Mutti (a) Matt Soffe (c) Simon Bowland (l)
LAWLESS: BOOM TOWN by Dan Abnett (w) Phil Winslade (a) Jim Campbell (l)
Features: New Comics: Action 2020 Special, New Books: Trigan Empire, New Comics: Judge Dredd - False Witness
Bagged reprint: Black Shuck
The Trigan Empire Volume 1 by Mike Butterworth & Don Lawrence
Rebellion ISBN 978-1781-08755-8, 17 March 2020, 304pp, £19.99 / $24.99 (US). Available via Amazon.
The first of a four-volume series reprinting The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire - a landmark 1960s science fiction series which rivalled Game of Thrones in popularity and was the precursor to every mythic sci-fi adventure to come!
Under the leadership of Trigo the Vorg tribesmen band together to resist the Lokan Empire, forming an empire of their own: The Trigan Empire. And this is the story of its rise and fall.
Originally published in the educational Ranger magazine in 1965, and continuing in the similarly themed Look and Learn. The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire uses elements of the Roman Empire and ancient Greece to tell a fascinating sci-fi story. The first in a series of four books collecting all the stories beautifully painted by Don Lawrence in their originally published order.
The new Rebellion release comes in a couple of variants, with the main release being the softcover below. However, between 1st November and 4th December 2019, the Treasury of British Comics webshop was taking pre-orders for an exclusive, individually numbered 304-page special edition hardcover will ship in March 2020.
Chris Weston – the artist on Judge Dredd, The Filth and The Invisibles has paid tribute to the inimitable work of the legendary Don Lawrence, artist on Trigan Empire – one of the finest comics creators in British comics history, and Weston’s mentor early in his career.
This retailer variant hardcover is also available to buy from Forbidden Planet, Forbidden Planet International, OK Comics, Book Palace, and other selected stockists.
Featuring stunning artwork taken from crisp scans of Lawrence’s original artwork, this 304-page volume includes a touching introduction from Liam Sharp (Green Lantern), who was also mentored by Lawrence, and marks the first time the series is being collected in a mass market edition.
Co-created by Lawrence with writer Mike Butterworth, The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire merges the movie serials of the 1930s, Flash Gordon, John Carter, and ancient history into a sprawling, classic science-fiction epic. It has been named as a major influence by the likes of writer Neil Gaiman (Sandman), artist Dave Gibbons (Watchmen) and Brian Bolland (Judge Dredd), amongst many others.
Originally published in the anthology title Ranger from September 1965, and Look and Learn from June 19966 until April 1982, the series told the story of an alien empire on the planet Elekton that was heavily influenced by history, particularly that of the Roman Empire. Created by Mike Butterworth, who died in 1986, and artist Don Lawrence, who died in 2004, the series’ mix of political intrigue and Lawrence’s lush painted artwork won a host of fans worldwide, and proved to be highly influential, inspiring a generation of comic book creators with its depth and beauty.
Lawrence, who started out as a comics creator in the Gower Street Studios in London, first working on Marvelman before moving on to Karl the Viking for Lion. Other artists who worked on the strip include Ron Embleton, Miguel Quesada, Philip Corke, Oliver Frey and Gerry Wood. Although the strip has seen only limited English-language release it remains one of the most popular comic series in Holland and Germany, with over two million albums sold.
2000AD 2173
Cover: Cliff Robinson (colours by Dylan Teague)
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
SINISTER DEXTER: THE FRIGHTENERS by Dan Abnett (w) Steve Yeowell (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Judge Dredd Megazine 418
Cover: Phil Winslade
JUDGE DREDD: BAD SECTOR by Arthur Wyatt (w) PJ Holden (a) John Charles (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
DEVLIN WAUGH: A VERY LARGE SPLASH by Ales Kot (w) Mike Dowling (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)
BLUNT III by TC Eglington (w) Boo Cook (a) Simon Bowland (l)
ZOMBIE ARMY: LAST RITES by Chris Roberson (w) Andrea Mutti (a) Matt Soffe (c) Simon Bowland (l)
LAWLESS: BOOM TOWN by Dan Abnett (w) Phil Winslade (a) Jim Campbell (l)
Features: New Comics: Action 2020 Special, New Books: Trigan Empire, New Comics: Judge Dredd - False Witness
Bagged reprint: Black Shuck
The Trigan Empire Volume 1 by Mike Butterworth & Don Lawrence
Rebellion ISBN 978-1781-08755-8, 17 March 2020, 304pp, £19.99 / $24.99 (US). Available via Amazon.
The first of a four-volume series reprinting The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire - a landmark 1960s science fiction series which rivalled Game of Thrones in popularity and was the precursor to every mythic sci-fi adventure to come!
Under the leadership of Trigo the Vorg tribesmen band together to resist the Lokan Empire, forming an empire of their own: The Trigan Empire. And this is the story of its rise and fall.
Originally published in the educational Ranger magazine in 1965, and continuing in the similarly themed Look and Learn. The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire uses elements of the Roman Empire and ancient Greece to tell a fascinating sci-fi story. The first in a series of four books collecting all the stories beautifully painted by Don Lawrence in their originally published order.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
"Hoist the plague flag!" Coming soon from Rebellion
A deadly virus, a quarantined city - discover the 'Sin City' of Judge Dredd's nightmares
Judge Dredd has a reputation as being a prescient comic book but the new chapter in the best-selling Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files series hits home with a deadly virus leading to a quarantined community - but this is no natural epidemic. This is a weapon.
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files Vol.35 is out in print and digital on 14 May.
It reprints the entirety of one of the forgotten classics from modern Dredd - Sin City by John Wagner (A History of Violence) and Kev Walker (Black Panther) - a tale of a deadly virus, a city under quarantine, and a blood-thirsty quest for vengeance that will claim thousands of lives.
The floating multi-story metropolis of illegal delights known as 'Sin City' has anchored outside Mega-City One, and Dredd has seemingly been sent aboard to keep what order can be kept on this lawless pleasure city.
His real task? Locate Ula Danser, the De-Megification terrorist determined to destroy the Mega-Cities at any cost! And they're not working alone either – Dredd’s old enemy Orlok the Assassin is en route to meet her, and he’s carrying a cargo intended to pay back everything Dredd did to East-Meg One in the Apocalypse War – with interest!
The latest 304-page volume in the smash-hit, best-selling graphic novel series contains numerous stories plucked from the archive and features work by some of 2000 AD's very best including Cam Kennedy (Batman), John Higgins (Watchmen), Ian Gibson (Halo Jones) Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd), Robbie Morrison (Drowntown), Alan Grant (Batman) and Gordon Rennie (Absalom).
With half a million copies sold, the thirty-fifth volume of the flagship Complete Case Files series continues to collect the cases of the future's greatest lawman, in order, from his first story in 1977.
Judge Dredd has a reputation as being a prescient comic book but the new chapter in the best-selling Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files series hits home with a deadly virus leading to a quarantined community - but this is no natural epidemic. This is a weapon.
Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files Vol.35 is out in print and digital on 14 May.
It reprints the entirety of one of the forgotten classics from modern Dredd - Sin City by John Wagner (A History of Violence) and Kev Walker (Black Panther) - a tale of a deadly virus, a city under quarantine, and a blood-thirsty quest for vengeance that will claim thousands of lives.
The floating multi-story metropolis of illegal delights known as 'Sin City' has anchored outside Mega-City One, and Dredd has seemingly been sent aboard to keep what order can be kept on this lawless pleasure city.
His real task? Locate Ula Danser, the De-Megification terrorist determined to destroy the Mega-Cities at any cost! And they're not working alone either – Dredd’s old enemy Orlok the Assassin is en route to meet her, and he’s carrying a cargo intended to pay back everything Dredd did to East-Meg One in the Apocalypse War – with interest!
The latest 304-page volume in the smash-hit, best-selling graphic novel series contains numerous stories plucked from the archive and features work by some of 2000 AD's very best including Cam Kennedy (Batman), John Higgins (Watchmen), Ian Gibson (Halo Jones) Carlos Ezquerra (Judge Dredd), Robbie Morrison (Drowntown), Alan Grant (Batman) and Gordon Rennie (Absalom).
With half a million copies sold, the thirty-fifth volume of the flagship Complete Case Files series continues to collect the cases of the future's greatest lawman, in order, from his first story in 1977.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
John Kippax cover gallery
John Kippax was the pen-name of John Hynam (1915-1974), a musician and writer who met his collaborator, Dan Morgan, in the 1950s. They co-wrote the Venturer Twelve books together, with "Kippax" writing the fourth book alone. Morgan was to have written a fifth book, but it never appeared, leaving the series on something of a cliffhanger.
A Thunder of Stars by Dan Morgan & John Kippax
Pan 0330-24098-6, 1974, 200pp, 40p. Cover by Dean Ellis (originally the cover of Ballantine's 1973 edition of The Neutral Stars)
Pan 0330-24099-4, 1974, 210pp, 40p. Cover by Dean Ellis (originally the cover of Ballantine's 1973 edition of Expedition to Earth by Arthur C. Clarke)
Pan 0330-24250-4, 1975, 215pp, 40p. Cover by John Berkey
Pan 0330-24251-2, 1975, 154pp, 40p. Cover by John Berkey
A Thunder of Stars by Dan Morgan & John Kippax
Pan 0330-24098-6, 1974, 200pp, 40p. Cover by Dean Ellis (originally the cover of Ballantine's 1973 edition of The Neutral Stars)
In the dark of space lies a new dimension of fear...Seed of Stars by Dan Morgan & John Kippax
The stars are no longer neutral and Mankind becomes aware that the skies are shared with an alien race.
United Earth and its colonies are protected by thinly spread starships of the Space Corps manned by such very specially qualified men and women as Tom bruce of Venturer Twelve and Helen Lindstrom, his second-in-command.
In Space they had to play God. And the worlds hated them for it.
Pan 0330-24099-4, 1974, 210pp, 40p. Cover by Dean Ellis (originally the cover of Ballantine's 1973 edition of Expedition to Earth by Arthur C. Clarke)
'Can we even begin to understand the motivation of a completely nonhuman race...'The Neutral Stars by Dan Morgan & John Kippax
United Earth needs strong colonies who can stand by her as allies, not rebellious subject planets.
Kepler III is peopled by colonists of Asiatic origin, their ruler prepared to lie and cheat for independence, their future threatened by monstrous mutations.
Decoyed into deep space, Commander Tom Bruce finds that the planet which his starship Venturer Twelve was to protect lies at the mercy of an unknown enemy.
On his actions depends the future of the human race...
Pan 0330-24250-4, 1975, 215pp, 40p. Cover by John Berkey
'Is there no defence against these aliens?'Where No Stars Guide by John Kippax
Until the 'Space Warp' drive was perfected for the Space Corps dreadnoughts of United Earth, the solar system lay at the mercy of alien beings in sub-space.
Elkan Niebohr, head of the Excelsior Colonization Corporation with its fleet of merchantmen, was intent on carrying out his own research using planet Orphelin and its neighbouring asteroid.
When Orphelin went off the air, Commander Tom Bruce took his starship Venturer Twelve into orbit at full battle alert.
Had Niebohr's plans gone awry or had alien forces struck yet again?
Pan 0330-24251-2, 1975, 154pp, 40p. Cover by John Berkey
'The aliens have come from somewhere within the holes in space'
United Earth's need for warp drive locked three people in bitter conflict...
Elsa Niebohr, who chose a Balomain planet for Excelsior Coporation's research into sub-space travel...
Surgeon Lieutenant Creighton who needed Venturer Twelve to capture an alien being alive...
Commando Tom Bruce – on assignment to protect Balomain Four – who preferred his aliens dead.
The arrival in space of an enormous, shimmering, gold ball with its strange cargo brought problems for them all...
Friday, March 13, 2020
Comic Cuts - 13 March 2020
The latest comic history/index from Bear Alley Books, Rocket: The First Space-Age Weekly, should be out within the next couple of weeks. I'm trying to double-up on a couple of projects to reduce costs, so I'm working on three books at the moment (updating the Hurricane/Champion index and Eagles Over the Western Front being the other two) to cut postage costs for getting printed proofs.
At this precise moment, Rocket has been visually proofed and all I need is an advert for the final page (page 84 for excited pagination fans!); all the updates for the Hurricane/Champion are written and designed and just need proofing; and I should get to work on Eagles this weekend.
I'm also trying to get a second project, reprinting some old crime novels, completed as well as finishing off another reprint that was potentially going to be the very first Bear Alley book, way back in 2008! I've had a proof copy sat on a shelf for 12 years and now seems as good a time as any to get it finished. More on that soon.
The column header is an illustration from Rocket by Harry Winslade. To learn more about what's going on in the story and more about the artist... well, you'll just have to read the book.
Below I'm taking a look at Avenue 5. There are spoilers for the series, so skip to the end of the column if that's something you dislike.
A new comedy from Armando Iannucci is always cause for celebrations. He's playing at teh top of his game still – you only need to watch Veep, and the movie The Death of Stalin and David Copperfield to be assured that he's lost none of the satirical skills he honed on The Day Today, Saturday/Friday Night Armistice, Alan Partridge and The Thick Of It.
I have to say that Avenue 5 is a stumble. Not a fall, but a show that didn't spot a root under the autumn leaves and caught its foot and flailed for a bit before settling back into the rhythm. It has already been announced that there will be a second season, so hopefully things will improve.
That might not be easy. In the case of The Thick Of It and Veep there is a hierarchy built into the show that is at constant war with itself – imagine Selina Meyer, the VP, is a planet around which all her staff orbit, there to protect and promote her. Unfortunately, her solar system is filled with other planets of varying sizes with their own attendant moons that have a gravitational effect on Planet Meyer. Natural disasters on the planet (her ability to put her foot deeply and firmly into it), jostling moons and the occasional black hole (her ex-husband, for instance) drive the orbital mechanics of her solar system.
I'm not sure Avennue 5 has this. Hugh Laurie as Captain Ryan Clark doesn't have the same desperation for power. In fact, he knows precisely why he doesn't have any power at all – he's a fake, an actor hired to be the reassuring face of the interplanetary cruise liner Avenue 5. Disaster strikes during a gravity flip and the ship is sent off-course by the mass of 5,000 passengers suddenly being flung to one side of the vessel, killing the engineer, Joe, who is actually in command. The shift in orbit adds three years to the time it will take to get back to Earth.
When Clark's American accent slips, he is revealed as a British actor to some of those onboard, including second engineer Billie McEvoy (Lenora Crichlow), grumpy passenger Karen Kelly (Rebecca Front), the billionaire owner of the ship Josh Gad (Herman Judd) and his associate Iris Kimura (Suzy Nakamura). Gad is a fat, blonde-haired buffoon, who thinks every stupid idea he has is genius and his first concern is always how a problem might impact his business.
The curtain is further pulled aside: it isn't just the Captain—the whole flight crew who are actors. Avenue 5 is controlled from a hidden flight deck by a small group of nerdy engineers.
The problem is that the main handful of characters quickly learn each other's secrets and effectively neutralize them: Karen Kelly is offered the position of Passenger Liaison Officer with a beautiful, expensive room to sweeten the bribe; Gad is openly stupid and makes no attempt to hide it; only one degree of separation away, Billie and Iris seem to be efficient, sensible assistants who will deal effectively with any problems.
So rather than the "us versus ourselves" conflict of Veep, Avenue 5 is more "us covering up our mistakes" and they seem to be doing a reasonable job of it. I guess the question to ask is: Where's the jeopardy? Selina Meyer's political career was always on the line, but what happens if Captain Clark is found out? Nothing much... the ship will still take three more years to reach Earth. The unlikable Gad might get sued and some actors might lose their gig. Selina feared losing her shot at being President in Veep, but there isn't a similar goal or prize at risk in Avenue 5.
The show does have some funny moments and the characters are likeable (and some deliberately unlikable). The dialogue is where the show should shine, and there's plenty of inventive wit and sarcasm on show, but very few laugh-out-loud moments that raised Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Red Dwarf to the top echelons of SF comedy. The funniest moments are often the grossest: due to its weight, rather than being blasted into eternity, Joe's coffin begins orbiting the spaceship; similarly, three dead passengers also join him, visible at regular intervals through windows; and a burst waste-recycling pipe causes a halo of human faeces to circle the ship.
I'm sorry to say, that last one made me laugh the loudest.
Don't write Avenue 5 off yet. It is still finding its space feet and a second season may up the jeopardy.
At this precise moment, Rocket has been visually proofed and all I need is an advert for the final page (page 84 for excited pagination fans!); all the updates for the Hurricane/Champion are written and designed and just need proofing; and I should get to work on Eagles this weekend.
I'm also trying to get a second project, reprinting some old crime novels, completed as well as finishing off another reprint that was potentially going to be the very first Bear Alley book, way back in 2008! I've had a proof copy sat on a shelf for 12 years and now seems as good a time as any to get it finished. More on that soon.
The column header is an illustration from Rocket by Harry Winslade. To learn more about what's going on in the story and more about the artist... well, you'll just have to read the book.
Below I'm taking a look at Avenue 5. There are spoilers for the series, so skip to the end of the column if that's something you dislike.
A new comedy from Armando Iannucci is always cause for celebrations. He's playing at teh top of his game still – you only need to watch Veep, and the movie The Death of Stalin and David Copperfield to be assured that he's lost none of the satirical skills he honed on The Day Today, Saturday/Friday Night Armistice, Alan Partridge and The Thick Of It.
I have to say that Avenue 5 is a stumble. Not a fall, but a show that didn't spot a root under the autumn leaves and caught its foot and flailed for a bit before settling back into the rhythm. It has already been announced that there will be a second season, so hopefully things will improve.
That might not be easy. In the case of The Thick Of It and Veep there is a hierarchy built into the show that is at constant war with itself – imagine Selina Meyer, the VP, is a planet around which all her staff orbit, there to protect and promote her. Unfortunately, her solar system is filled with other planets of varying sizes with their own attendant moons that have a gravitational effect on Planet Meyer. Natural disasters on the planet (her ability to put her foot deeply and firmly into it), jostling moons and the occasional black hole (her ex-husband, for instance) drive the orbital mechanics of her solar system.
I'm not sure Avennue 5 has this. Hugh Laurie as Captain Ryan Clark doesn't have the same desperation for power. In fact, he knows precisely why he doesn't have any power at all – he's a fake, an actor hired to be the reassuring face of the interplanetary cruise liner Avenue 5. Disaster strikes during a gravity flip and the ship is sent off-course by the mass of 5,000 passengers suddenly being flung to one side of the vessel, killing the engineer, Joe, who is actually in command. The shift in orbit adds three years to the time it will take to get back to Earth.
When Clark's American accent slips, he is revealed as a British actor to some of those onboard, including second engineer Billie McEvoy (Lenora Crichlow), grumpy passenger Karen Kelly (Rebecca Front), the billionaire owner of the ship Josh Gad (Herman Judd) and his associate Iris Kimura (Suzy Nakamura). Gad is a fat, blonde-haired buffoon, who thinks every stupid idea he has is genius and his first concern is always how a problem might impact his business.
The curtain is further pulled aside: it isn't just the Captain—the whole flight crew who are actors. Avenue 5 is controlled from a hidden flight deck by a small group of nerdy engineers.
The problem is that the main handful of characters quickly learn each other's secrets and effectively neutralize them: Karen Kelly is offered the position of Passenger Liaison Officer with a beautiful, expensive room to sweeten the bribe; Gad is openly stupid and makes no attempt to hide it; only one degree of separation away, Billie and Iris seem to be efficient, sensible assistants who will deal effectively with any problems.
So rather than the "us versus ourselves" conflict of Veep, Avenue 5 is more "us covering up our mistakes" and they seem to be doing a reasonable job of it. I guess the question to ask is: Where's the jeopardy? Selina Meyer's political career was always on the line, but what happens if Captain Clark is found out? Nothing much... the ship will still take three more years to reach Earth. The unlikable Gad might get sued and some actors might lose their gig. Selina feared losing her shot at being President in Veep, but there isn't a similar goal or prize at risk in Avenue 5.
The show does have some funny moments and the characters are likeable (and some deliberately unlikable). The dialogue is where the show should shine, and there's plenty of inventive wit and sarcasm on show, but very few laugh-out-loud moments that raised Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Red Dwarf to the top echelons of SF comedy. The funniest moments are often the grossest: due to its weight, rather than being blasted into eternity, Joe's coffin begins orbiting the spaceship; similarly, three dead passengers also join him, visible at regular intervals through windows; and a burst waste-recycling pipe causes a halo of human faeces to circle the ship.
I'm sorry to say, that last one made me laugh the loudest.
Don't write Avenue 5 off yet. It is still finding its space feet and a second season may up the jeopardy.
Comics News
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Rebellion Releases (2000AD)
Our weekly round-up of Rebellion's latest releases...
2000AD Prog 2172
Cover: Jake Lynch
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
SINISTER DEXTER: THE FRIGHTENERS by Dan Abnett (w) Steve Yeowell (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
2000AD Prog 2172
Cover: Jake Lynch
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
SINISTER DEXTER: THE FRIGHTENERS by Dan Abnett (w) Steve Yeowell (a) John Charles (c) Simon Bowland (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Monday, March 09, 2020
Upcoming from Rebellion
It horrified prudes and censors alike – but Action is back!
Celebrate the legacy of the legendary comic that they tried to ban with the new Action 2020 special!
Packed with the same blend of unbeatable characters and no-holds-barred action, Rebellion's latest special is being brought to you by the best talents of today, including Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys), Ram V (Batman, Paradiso) and Henry Flint (Judge Dredd)!
Some of the most popular strips from this most influential of comic books return in the all-new special: there's killer shark action in Hookjaw by Keith Richardson and Dan Lish, juvenile delinquency in Kids Rule OK by Ram V and Henrick Stahlstrom, frontline German Panzer with Hellman of Hammer Force by Garth Ennis and Mike Dorey, merciless secret agent action with Dredger by Zina Hutton and Staz Johnson, and the brand new Hell Machine by Henry Flint and Jake Lynch.
The Action 2020 Special will be on sale from newsagents and comic book shops on Wednesday 25th March.
A special edition, only available from the 2000 AD and Treasury of
British Comics webshops, will come bagged with a reproduction of the
‘banned’ issue of Action from October 1976.
Launched in 1976 by writer and editor Pat Mills, Action‘s blend of no-holds-barred action, unbridled anarchism, and violent riffs off popular films earned it immediate acclaim. The gritty tone and graphic gore of strips such as Hook Jaw, Hellman of Hammer Force, BlackJack, Death Game 1999, Kids Rule OK, Dredger, and Look Out For Lefty delighted readers but quickly attracted the attention of public moralists, with the comic branded “the seven-penny nightmare” by the press.
A campaign by the infamous Mary Whitehouse and her National Viewers and Listeners Association led to threats of a boycott of all publisher IPC’s titles by newsagent chains such as WH Smith and John Menzies. This in turn led to pressure from publisher IPC’s higher management and the 23 October issue was pulped.
When the title returned that November, the violence was heavily toned down. Sales of this neutered Action dropped dramatically and it was folded into stablemate Battle a year later. However, Action remains one of the most influential comic books in British history, leading to Mills creating 2000 AD and also inspire a generation of comic book readers and creators!
The saga of classic British super-team, The Vigilant, concludes this June!
They’ve battled the greatest threat to the universe and now the story of The Vigilant comes to an end with an explosive grand finale this June!
The story of Rebellion’s super-team of classic British comic book characters, The Vigilant, will come to a reality-shattering conclusion in the pages of the Judge Dredd Megazine #421, on sale 17 June 2020.
After two spellbinding special issues, these home-grown superheroes – Dr. Sin, Blake Edmonds, Thunderbolt the Avenger, The Steel Commando, Dr. Sin, Pete’s Pocket Army, Death-Man, Yāo and The Leopard from Lime Street – leap forth once again from the Rebellion archive of more than a century of classic comics.
Writer Simon Furman (Transformers), artist Simon Coleby (Judge Dredd), colourist Len O’Grady (Jaegir), and letterer Simon Bowland (The Boys) reunite for this explosive climax to The Vigilant saga – Nightcomer Beth Rogan has had a vague vision that one of the team will betray his or her comrades, and that’ll allow the evil Doktor Von Hoffman to usher in a Hell on Earth. Can Dr Sin’s crew stop the demon Mazoul’s terrifying Blood Rapture from becoming a reality?
Readers will once again get the chance to enjoy the return of these iconic British characters as they face their deadliest threat – one that may destroy them for good!
This issue of the Judge Dredd Megazine will also come bagged with a 64-page graphic novel featuring stories from the original incarnations of these legendary comic book heroes, giving readers fascinating context to The Vigilant’s final mission!
The complete story of The Vigilant, featuring work by Simon Furman, Simon Coleby, DaNi, Henrik Sahlstrom, Warwick Fraser-Combe, Staz Johnson, Will Sliney, and Jake Lynch, will be collected in a 128-page paperback graphic novel this September.
Editor Keith Richardson said: “It has been an honour to usher in the new era of exciting stories featuring some of the greatest adventure characters in British comics, created by the best of British talent. Stay Vigilant!”
Celebrate the legacy of the legendary comic that they tried to ban with the new Action 2020 special!
Packed with the same blend of unbeatable characters and no-holds-barred action, Rebellion's latest special is being brought to you by the best talents of today, including Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys), Ram V (Batman, Paradiso) and Henry Flint (Judge Dredd)!
Some of the most popular strips from this most influential of comic books return in the all-new special: there's killer shark action in Hookjaw by Keith Richardson and Dan Lish, juvenile delinquency in Kids Rule OK by Ram V and Henrick Stahlstrom, frontline German Panzer with Hellman of Hammer Force by Garth Ennis and Mike Dorey, merciless secret agent action with Dredger by Zina Hutton and Staz Johnson, and the brand new Hell Machine by Henry Flint and Jake Lynch.
The Action 2020 Special will be on sale from newsagents and comic book shops on Wednesday 25th March.
![]() |
A taster of Mike Dorey's new Hellman story |
Launched in 1976 by writer and editor Pat Mills, Action‘s blend of no-holds-barred action, unbridled anarchism, and violent riffs off popular films earned it immediate acclaim. The gritty tone and graphic gore of strips such as Hook Jaw, Hellman of Hammer Force, BlackJack, Death Game 1999, Kids Rule OK, Dredger, and Look Out For Lefty delighted readers but quickly attracted the attention of public moralists, with the comic branded “the seven-penny nightmare” by the press.
A campaign by the infamous Mary Whitehouse and her National Viewers and Listeners Association led to threats of a boycott of all publisher IPC’s titles by newsagent chains such as WH Smith and John Menzies. This in turn led to pressure from publisher IPC’s higher management and the 23 October issue was pulped.
When the title returned that November, the violence was heavily toned down. Sales of this neutered Action dropped dramatically and it was folded into stablemate Battle a year later. However, Action remains one of the most influential comic books in British history, leading to Mills creating 2000 AD and also inspire a generation of comic book readers and creators!
* * * * *
The saga of classic British super-team, The Vigilant, concludes this June!
They’ve battled the greatest threat to the universe and now the story of The Vigilant comes to an end with an explosive grand finale this June!
The story of Rebellion’s super-team of classic British comic book characters, The Vigilant, will come to a reality-shattering conclusion in the pages of the Judge Dredd Megazine #421, on sale 17 June 2020.
After two spellbinding special issues, these home-grown superheroes – Dr. Sin, Blake Edmonds, Thunderbolt the Avenger, The Steel Commando, Dr. Sin, Pete’s Pocket Army, Death-Man, Yāo and The Leopard from Lime Street – leap forth once again from the Rebellion archive of more than a century of classic comics.
Writer Simon Furman (Transformers), artist Simon Coleby (Judge Dredd), colourist Len O’Grady (Jaegir), and letterer Simon Bowland (The Boys) reunite for this explosive climax to The Vigilant saga – Nightcomer Beth Rogan has had a vague vision that one of the team will betray his or her comrades, and that’ll allow the evil Doktor Von Hoffman to usher in a Hell on Earth. Can Dr Sin’s crew stop the demon Mazoul’s terrifying Blood Rapture from becoming a reality?
Readers will once again get the chance to enjoy the return of these iconic British characters as they face their deadliest threat – one that may destroy them for good!
This issue of the Judge Dredd Megazine will also come bagged with a 64-page graphic novel featuring stories from the original incarnations of these legendary comic book heroes, giving readers fascinating context to The Vigilant’s final mission!
The complete story of The Vigilant, featuring work by Simon Furman, Simon Coleby, DaNi, Henrik Sahlstrom, Warwick Fraser-Combe, Staz Johnson, Will Sliney, and Jake Lynch, will be collected in a 128-page paperback graphic novel this September.
Editor Keith Richardson said: “It has been an honour to usher in the new era of exciting stories featuring some of the greatest adventure characters in British comics, created by the best of British talent. Stay Vigilant!”
Friday, March 06, 2020
Comic Cuts - 6 March 2020
I've reached the proofing stage on Rocket: The First Space-Age Weekly and I'm pleased to show off the cover (above), which mirrors an issue of the comic itself, with some tweaking. It's a tradition of these books where the covers followed a pattern. I did the same thing nine years ago with the very first index published by Bear Alley.
That first book Hurricane and Champion is getting a slight make-over. The subsequent indexes included specials and annuals in the index, but I didn't have the full details back in 2011 when I was working on the book. I now have information on the full runs of both sets of annuals, so I'm going to incorporate them into the book. If you've already bought a copy, don't worry – I published the information here on Bear Alley years ago. This is simply an update, not a wholesale revision.
I'm also thinking of bringing together Eagles Over the Western Front as a single volume. It worked well as three smaller volumes, as there was less initial outlay and that was spread across three titles. This was when I was testing the market and I wasn't sure it would withstand a book for which I was going to have to charge eighteen quid or thereabouts. I'm more confident now and sales of the individual volumes have slowed to almost zero.
I'm not sure what will be next, I might put together some of the stuff I've written about the Trigan Empire series. I wrote something like 55,000 words for the limited edition that came out in Holland in 2004-09 but I'd like to make that work available to a wider audience, especially now that Rebellion are putting out the Don Lawrence episodes again.
I also desperately need an artist who fancies doing four covers for a batch of reprints of some 1930s crime novels. I've tried doing something myself but I'm really unhappy with the results. What I really need is someone to produce some Eric R. Parker / Sexton Blake Library cover art. Drop me a line if you're interested.
There are a few projects in the planning stage, but I don't have a clue which one will surface first.I need to figure out what I can finance.
My impressions of Altered Carbon season two. There are spoilers, so skip to the end of the column if you don't like that kind of thing.
I watched the first season of this almost exactly two years ago and thought it was fantastic, with a twisted plot and special effects worthy of the novel. Joel Kinnaman was a solid lead character as the book's hero, Takeshi Kovacs, although within the world of Altered Carbon, he had been re-sleeved, his personality and memories downloaded into the body of a former cop named Elias Ryker. We were introduced to the original Kovacs, played by Will Yun Lee, who reprises the role for parts of season two, giving the show a useful throughline. The new season also sees the return of Quellcrist Falconer (Renee Elise Goldsberry), who trained him as an elite Envoy, and artificial intelligence Poe (Chris Conner), who, following events in season one, is glitching, which leads it to underperform.
The new Kovacs is sleeved in an enhanced military Envoy body (Anthony Mackie, Falcon in the MCU). In the opening episode, he is being sought out at a bar on Magda Prime by a bounty hunter, Trepp (Simone Missick, Luke Cage's Misty Knight). She is acting on behalf of Horace Axley, a Meth (the nick-name for the ultra-rich who can afford to extend their lives by regular re-sleeving) who wants protection. In return he will reveal Quell's location.
Kovacs wakes up on Harlan's World with everyone around him dead, including Axley. Kovacs risks being killed to get to Tanaseda Hideki, a Yakuza boss whom he knew hundreds of years earlier. Meanwhile, Colonel Carrera (Torben Liebrecht) murders the crime scene investigators at the Axley murder site to protect the rule of Danica Harlan (Lela Loren), who has brought peace to the planet after a civil war against the Quellists.
So far, so confusing, but we're only at the beginning of the second episode and it will take that long for your brain to get you up to speed after being additionally derailed by discovering that Quell is responsible for Axley's murder, leaving Kovacs to take the fall.
If you're to keep track of the plot, I'd suggest you watch the show over as few days as you can (I watched the eight episodes between Friday and Tuesday), just to keep the plot and characters straight in your mind. It doesn't help that, thanks to re-sleeving, you can't be absolutely sure that when you see a character do something, it's really them. (Kovacs' former partner Ortega (Martha Higareda) is re-introduced, for instance, but is a wholly different person.)
The bottom line is: Is it any good? I'd say yes, once things start to settle down around episode three. There's some bloody futuristic torture and lots of brutal fight scenes; Kovacs is an unstoppable machine but we get to learn more about his past and the past of his sister, Rei (Dichen Lachman), although the heavyweight emotional elements of the story involve Trepp and her family and, surprisingly, Poe and another AI, Dig 301 (Dina Shihabi). There's a little too much digging around in caves and back alleys, rather than the expansive city-scapes of the first season, but it continues to be a dark, uncompromising future noir that will hopefully see another season at least.
We at least have Altered Carbon: Resleeved to look forward to in a fortnight – an anime movie co-written by Dai Sato & Tsukasa Kondo and directed by Jō Nakajima is due for release on 19 March. The film is not based on any of the Kovacs stories by Richard Morgan, although he did a continuation to the original trilogy as a comic book – Altered Carbon: Download Blues – last year. While I'm talking Morgan, I've updated my Richard Morgan cover gallery, although I have to say his UK paperback covers don't make for a particularly exciting gallery.
That first book Hurricane and Champion is getting a slight make-over. The subsequent indexes included specials and annuals in the index, but I didn't have the full details back in 2011 when I was working on the book. I now have information on the full runs of both sets of annuals, so I'm going to incorporate them into the book. If you've already bought a copy, don't worry – I published the information here on Bear Alley years ago. This is simply an update, not a wholesale revision.
I'm also thinking of bringing together Eagles Over the Western Front as a single volume. It worked well as three smaller volumes, as there was less initial outlay and that was spread across three titles. This was when I was testing the market and I wasn't sure it would withstand a book for which I was going to have to charge eighteen quid or thereabouts. I'm more confident now and sales of the individual volumes have slowed to almost zero.
I'm not sure what will be next, I might put together some of the stuff I've written about the Trigan Empire series. I wrote something like 55,000 words for the limited edition that came out in Holland in 2004-09 but I'd like to make that work available to a wider audience, especially now that Rebellion are putting out the Don Lawrence episodes again.
I also desperately need an artist who fancies doing four covers for a batch of reprints of some 1930s crime novels. I've tried doing something myself but I'm really unhappy with the results. What I really need is someone to produce some Eric R. Parker / Sexton Blake Library cover art. Drop me a line if you're interested.
There are a few projects in the planning stage, but I don't have a clue which one will surface first.I need to figure out what I can finance.
My impressions of Altered Carbon season two. There are spoilers, so skip to the end of the column if you don't like that kind of thing.
I watched the first season of this almost exactly two years ago and thought it was fantastic, with a twisted plot and special effects worthy of the novel. Joel Kinnaman was a solid lead character as the book's hero, Takeshi Kovacs, although within the world of Altered Carbon, he had been re-sleeved, his personality and memories downloaded into the body of a former cop named Elias Ryker. We were introduced to the original Kovacs, played by Will Yun Lee, who reprises the role for parts of season two, giving the show a useful throughline. The new season also sees the return of Quellcrist Falconer (Renee Elise Goldsberry), who trained him as an elite Envoy, and artificial intelligence Poe (Chris Conner), who, following events in season one, is glitching, which leads it to underperform.
The new Kovacs is sleeved in an enhanced military Envoy body (Anthony Mackie, Falcon in the MCU). In the opening episode, he is being sought out at a bar on Magda Prime by a bounty hunter, Trepp (Simone Missick, Luke Cage's Misty Knight). She is acting on behalf of Horace Axley, a Meth (the nick-name for the ultra-rich who can afford to extend their lives by regular re-sleeving) who wants protection. In return he will reveal Quell's location.
Kovacs wakes up on Harlan's World with everyone around him dead, including Axley. Kovacs risks being killed to get to Tanaseda Hideki, a Yakuza boss whom he knew hundreds of years earlier. Meanwhile, Colonel Carrera (Torben Liebrecht) murders the crime scene investigators at the Axley murder site to protect the rule of Danica Harlan (Lela Loren), who has brought peace to the planet after a civil war against the Quellists.
So far, so confusing, but we're only at the beginning of the second episode and it will take that long for your brain to get you up to speed after being additionally derailed by discovering that Quell is responsible for Axley's murder, leaving Kovacs to take the fall.
If you're to keep track of the plot, I'd suggest you watch the show over as few days as you can (I watched the eight episodes between Friday and Tuesday), just to keep the plot and characters straight in your mind. It doesn't help that, thanks to re-sleeving, you can't be absolutely sure that when you see a character do something, it's really them. (Kovacs' former partner Ortega (Martha Higareda) is re-introduced, for instance, but is a wholly different person.)
The bottom line is: Is it any good? I'd say yes, once things start to settle down around episode three. There's some bloody futuristic torture and lots of brutal fight scenes; Kovacs is an unstoppable machine but we get to learn more about his past and the past of his sister, Rei (Dichen Lachman), although the heavyweight emotional elements of the story involve Trepp and her family and, surprisingly, Poe and another AI, Dig 301 (Dina Shihabi). There's a little too much digging around in caves and back alleys, rather than the expansive city-scapes of the first season, but it continues to be a dark, uncompromising future noir that will hopefully see another season at least.
We at least have Altered Carbon: Resleeved to look forward to in a fortnight – an anime movie co-written by Dai Sato & Tsukasa Kondo and directed by Jō Nakajima is due for release on 19 March. The film is not based on any of the Kovacs stories by Richard Morgan, although he did a continuation to the original trilogy as a comic book – Altered Carbon: Download Blues – last year. While I'm talking Morgan, I've updated my Richard Morgan cover gallery, although I have to say his UK paperback covers don't make for a particularly exciting gallery.
Comics News
Thursday, March 05, 2020
Commando 5311 - 5314
The spotlight’s on the ladies this set as Commando celebrates
International Women’s Day with four special comics all written by women,
showcasing Commando’s female talent! Brand-new Commando issues — out
5311: Tank Wife
When Private Elvira Ogarkova discovered her husband had been killed by invading Nazis, she marched right up to Joseph Stalin himself and demanded to drive her own T-34 to get her revenge. From the writer of ‘Commando Vs Zombies’ and ‘Union Jack Jackson’, ‘Tank Wife’ is inspired by the true story of a female tank driver in the Red Army during World War Two. Out for vengeance, there’s nothing stopping the wrath of this Soviet widow as she leads her T-34 into the heart of the battle!
Story : Georgia Standen Battle
Art : Manuel Benet
Cover : Manuel Benet
5312: Aces Wild
Originally penned by prolific Commando writer and war comic legend Mary Feldwick in 1970, ‘Aces Wild’ is a classic RAF tale from a writer who knows how to spin a mystery! All is not what it seems for Clive Shaw as he tries to unravel the true story behind his ace pilot brother’s death! ‘Aces Wild’ features amazing interiors from beloved artist Jose Maria Jorge, wrapped up in an amazing Ian Kennedy cover!
Story : Feldwick
Art : Jose Maria Jorge
Cover : Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 489 (1970).
5313: Iron Resistance
Writer Hailey Austin returns for her second-ever Commando. Inspired by the brave exploits of women in the French Resistance, Austin spins an ensemble story based on the true adventures of several historical women who helped to sabotage Nazi rail lines, aiding the Allied victory in the Liberation of Paris!
Story : Hailey Austin
Art : Jaume Forns
Cover : Neil Roberts
5314: A Man Needs Luck
Peter Reed and Tom Evans had been friends since childhood, but when an old woman gives Peter a mysterious talisman their lives are about to be changed forever! Is it as lucky as she claims or will the pair perish in the deserts of North Africa? Featuring an explosive cover from Ian Kennedy, this reprint from 1983 features lively internal artwork from Carrion complementing the classic boys’ adventure writing style from one of Commando’s few female writers — Diana Muriel Garbutt!
Story : Garbutt
Art : Carrion
Cover : Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 1719 (1983).
5311: Tank Wife
When Private Elvira Ogarkova discovered her husband had been killed by invading Nazis, she marched right up to Joseph Stalin himself and demanded to drive her own T-34 to get her revenge. From the writer of ‘Commando Vs Zombies’ and ‘Union Jack Jackson’, ‘Tank Wife’ is inspired by the true story of a female tank driver in the Red Army during World War Two. Out for vengeance, there’s nothing stopping the wrath of this Soviet widow as she leads her T-34 into the heart of the battle!
Story : Georgia Standen Battle
Art : Manuel Benet
Cover : Manuel Benet
5312: Aces Wild
Originally penned by prolific Commando writer and war comic legend Mary Feldwick in 1970, ‘Aces Wild’ is a classic RAF tale from a writer who knows how to spin a mystery! All is not what it seems for Clive Shaw as he tries to unravel the true story behind his ace pilot brother’s death! ‘Aces Wild’ features amazing interiors from beloved artist Jose Maria Jorge, wrapped up in an amazing Ian Kennedy cover!
Story : Feldwick
Art : Jose Maria Jorge
Cover : Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 489 (1970).
5313: Iron Resistance
Writer Hailey Austin returns for her second-ever Commando. Inspired by the brave exploits of women in the French Resistance, Austin spins an ensemble story based on the true adventures of several historical women who helped to sabotage Nazi rail lines, aiding the Allied victory in the Liberation of Paris!
Story : Hailey Austin
Art : Jaume Forns
Cover : Neil Roberts
5314: A Man Needs Luck
Peter Reed and Tom Evans had been friends since childhood, but when an old woman gives Peter a mysterious talisman their lives are about to be changed forever! Is it as lucky as she claims or will the pair perish in the deserts of North Africa? Featuring an explosive cover from Ian Kennedy, this reprint from 1983 features lively internal artwork from Carrion complementing the classic boys’ adventure writing style from one of Commando’s few female writers — Diana Muriel Garbutt!
Story : Garbutt
Art : Carrion
Cover : Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 1719 (1983).
Wednesday, March 04, 2020
Rebellion Releases (2000AD)
Coming this week from Rebellion Publishing.
2000AD Prog 2171
Cover: Jimmy Broxton
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
PROTEUS VEX: ANOTHER DAWN by Michael Carroll (w) Henry Flint (a) Simon Bowland (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Judge Dredd: Mechanismo – Machine Law by John Wagner, John McCrea & Colin MacNeil
Rebellion ISBN 978-1781-08754-1, 5 March 2020, 96pp, £10.99 / $13.99. Available via Amazon.
The next chapter in the legendary epic, penned by incomparable Judge Dredd co-creator John Wagner! With Mega-City One eating Judges faster than they can be replaced, the Justice Department prepares once more to trial a radical solution for their manpower shortage: The Mark-8 RV Mechanismo unit, robotic judges programmed to deal with everything the city can throw at them, with freshly programmed AIs designed to empathise with the citizens they'll encounter. Dredd is ordered to put aside his prejudices and conduct an assessment with one of the latest models, nicknamed HARVEY!
2000AD Prog 2171
Cover: Jimmy Broxton
JUDGE DREDD: THE RELIC by Kenneth Niemand (w) Jake Lynch (a) Jim Boswell (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
PROTEUS VEX: ANOTHER DAWN by Michael Carroll (w) Henry Flint (a) Simon Bowland (l)
SKIPER TRACER: NIMROAD by James Peaty (w) Paul Marshall (a) Dylan Teague (c) Simon Bowland (l)
THE ZAUCER OF ZILK: A ZAUCERFUL OF SECRETS by Peter Hogan (w) Brendan McCarthy (a+c) Len O'Grady (c) Jim Campbell (l)
FERAL & FOE by Dan Abnett (w) Richard Elson (a+c) Joe Elson (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
Judge Dredd: Mechanismo – Machine Law by John Wagner, John McCrea & Colin MacNeil
Rebellion ISBN 978-1781-08754-1, 5 March 2020, 96pp, £10.99 / $13.99. Available via Amazon.
The next chapter in the legendary epic, penned by incomparable Judge Dredd co-creator John Wagner! With Mega-City One eating Judges faster than they can be replaced, the Justice Department prepares once more to trial a radical solution for their manpower shortage: The Mark-8 RV Mechanismo unit, robotic judges programmed to deal with everything the city can throw at them, with freshly programmed AIs designed to empathise with the citizens they'll encounter. Dredd is ordered to put aside his prejudices and conduct an assessment with one of the latest models, nicknamed HARVEY!
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