A while back I put up an
illustration by Peter Jackson in which a number of the finest
Look and Learn artists were given a name-check amongst the advertising boards and shop fronts. Well, here's another, this time by Richard Hook. I've spotted Peter Jackson, Ron Embleton and, tucked away on a sack, J (for Jack) Parker, art editor (later editor) of
L&L as well as Hook's monogram on the horse at the bottom. There's a hint of a 'McBride' on a hat box but it's unclear, although, given the friendship between the two artists, it's very likely to have been intended. Kelleher would be Dan Kelleher of the Temple Artists' Agency... but who N. Mardell might be I've no idea.
(* The illustration comes from a feature on Christmas shopping in
Look and Learn no. 519 (25 December 1971) and is
© Look and Learn Magazine Ltd.)
Great blog entry Steve. What on Earth does 'Late Manager' mean under the half Embleton name?