Over the past couple of days I've been compiling information on Angus McBride in order to write him up for the
Look and Learn website blog and for an obituary in
The Guardian. I thought I'd share the following list of his illustrated books that I compiled. I've clumped a number of illustrated role-playing books together at the end until I can get full details. As it stands, the list runs to over 150 titles which is an astonishing body of work. I've compiled some links below which might be of interest if you want to see more of Angus' work.
Angus McBride
obituary at Look and Learn.
Angus McBride
artwork at Look and Learn.
Angus McBride
obituary at The Guardian (27 May),
The Times (9 June).
Angus McBride
tribute at Osprey Publishing by Martin Windrow.
Angus McBride
tributes at Osprey Publishing by friends and fans.
Angus McBride entry at
Angus McBride
artwork at Book Palace.
Angus McBride
artwork at the Illustration Art Gallery.

Books [illustrated by the author]
The Way They Lived. London, Purnell, 1967.
The Roman Empire. Manchester, World Distributors, 1971.
The Zulu War. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 57), 1976.
Angus McBride's Characters of Middle Earth, ed. Jessica M. Ney. Iron Crown Enterprises, Nov 1990.
Warriors & Warlords. The art of Angus McBride, with a foreword by Martin Windrow. Oxford, Osprey, 2002.
Illustrated BooksEmergency Ward 10 Annual, illus. Eric Dadswell and Angus McBride. London, Purnell, 1962.
Walt Disney's Toyland Annual illus. Walt Disney Studio and Angus McBride. Paulton, Purnell, 1962.
Animal Heroes. Tales of courage and friendship, ed. Virginia Shankland. London, Purnell, 1966.
The Weather Guide by A. G. Forsdyke. London, Hamlyn, 1969.
Archaeology by Francis Celoria. Feltham, Hamlyn, 1970.
Spotlight on Sailing Ships by George Goldsmith Carter; illus. Bill Robertshaw and Angus McBride. London, Hamlyn, 1973.
The Tartan-Spotter's Guide by James D. Scarlett. London, Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers, 1973.
Scotland's Clans and Tartans by James Scarlett. Guildford, Lutterworth Press, 1975.
Armour by Hugh Gregor; illus. Angus McBride and Dick Eastland. Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1976.
Early Man by Anthony Harvey & Judith Diment. Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1976.
Napoleon's Dragoons and Lancers by Emir Bukhari. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 55), 1976.
Shops and Markets by Stephanie Thompson. Basingstoke, Macmillan Education, 1976.
War and Weapons, ed. Jennifer L. Justice; illus. Angus McBride, Dick Eastland and Michael Trim. Maidenhead, Sampson Low, 1976.
Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers by Emir Bukhari. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 64), 1977.
Napoleon's Line Chasseurs by Emir Bukhari. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 68), 1977.
The British Army, 1965-80. Combat and service dress by D. G. Smith. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 71), 1977.
North-West Frontier, 1837-1947 by Robert Wilkinson-Latham. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 72), 1977.
A Closer Look at Early China by Wendy Boase; illus. Angus McBride and Terry Dalley. London, Hamilton (Closer Look Book no. 10), 1977.
A Closer Look at Ancient Egypt by Wendy Boase; illus. Angus McBride and Eric Thomas. London, Hamilton (Closer Look Book no. 13), 1977.
See Inside a Roman Town by Jonathan Rutland; illus. Angus McBride, Bernard Robinson and Bill Stallion. London, Hutchinson, 1977.
The Grenadier Guards by Sir David Fraser. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 73), 1978.
Napoleon's Hussars by Emir Bukhari. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 76), 1978.
Napoleon's Guard Cavalry by Emir Bukhari. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 83), 1978.
Musical Instruments by Neil Ardley; illus. Annette Wade and Angus McBride. London, Macmillan, 1978.
Byzantine Armies 886-1118 by Ian Heath. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 89), 1979.
Life of Christ. London, Hamlyn, 1979.
Napoleon's Cavalry by Emir Bukhari (collects
Cuirassiers and Carabiniers,
Dragoons and Lancers,
Line Chasseurs,
Hussars and
Guard Cavalry). London, Osprey, 1979.
Women at War, 1939-1945 by Jack Cassin-Scott. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 100), 1980.
The Conquistadores by Terence Wise. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 101), 1980.
Marlborough's Army, 1702-11 by Michael Barthorp. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms), 1980.
The Mongols by S. R. Turnbull. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 105), 1980.
Ancient Armies of the Middle East by Terence Wise. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 109), 1981.
Bible Stories by Patricia Hunt. London, Ward Lock, 1981.
Origin of a Nation. The story of Battle, Sussex by Michael Phillips. Battle, The Battle Bookshop, 1981; as
Origin of a Nation, 1066, 3rd edition, Bexhill-on-Sea, M. Phillips, 1989.
The Special Air Service and Royal Marines Special Boat Squadron by James G. Shortt. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 116), 1981.
German Commanders of World War II by Anthony Kemp. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 124), 1982.
The Armies of Islam 7th-11th centuries by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 125), 1982.
The Scythians 700-300 BC by E. V. Cernenko. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 137), 1983.
Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300-1774 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 140), 1983.
The Army of Alexander the Great by Nick Sekunda. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 148), 1984.
The Age of Charlamagne. Warfare in Western Europe 750-1000 AD by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 150), 1984.
Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars. Anglo-Celtic warfare, AD 410-1066 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 154), 1984.
Dracula by Bram Stoker; retold by Joan Cameron. Loughborough, Ladybird, 1984.
The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum; retold by Joan Collins. Loughborough, Ladybird, 1984.
From the Old Testament based on stories by Patricia Hunt. London, Ward Lock, 1984.
The Life of Jesus based on stories by Patricia Hunt. London, Ward Lock, 1984.
The Teachings of Jesus based on stories by Patricia Hunt. London, Ward Lock, 1984.
The Viking Warrior by Martin Windrow. London, Franklin Watts, 1984.
Ancient Egypt by Miriam Stead; illus. Angus McBride, Eric Thomas and John Brettoner. London, Hamilton, 1985.
The Barbarians. Warriors & wars of the Dark Ages by Tim Newark. Poole, Blandford, 1985.
The British Redcoat of the Napoleonic Wars by Martin Windrow. London, Watts, 1985.
Rome's Enemies 2: Gallic and British Celts by Peter Wilcox. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 158), 1985.
German Medieval Armies, 1300-1500 by Christopher Gravett. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 166), 1985.
The Mummy from stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; retold by Raymond Sibley. Loughborough, Ladybird, 1985.
Sleeping Beauty adapted by Alison Ainsworth. Loughborough, Ladybird, 1985.
The Vikings by Ian Heath. London, Osprey (Elite no. 3), 1985.
The Ancient Greeks. Armies of Classical Greece, 5th and 4th centuries BC by Nick Sekunda. London, Osprey (Elite no. 7), 1986; as
Warriors of Ancient Greece, London, Osprey, 1999.
Celtic Warriors, 400 BC-1600 AD by Tim Newark. Poole, Blandford Press, 1986.
Early China by Denise Goff; illus. Angus McBride, Karen Johnson and Terry Dalley. London, Hamilton, 1986.
Jock of the Bushveld by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick; retold by Phillida Brooke Simons. Cape Town, Struik Timmins, 1986.
Saladin and the Saracens. Armies of the Middle East 1100-1300 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms 171), 1986.
Rome's Enemies 3: Parthians and Sassanid Persians by Peter Wilcox. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 175), 1986.
Rome's Enemies 4: Spanish Armies 218BC-19BC by Rafael Trevino. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 180), 1986.
Polish Armies 1569-1696 Vol.1 by Richard Brzenzinski. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 184), 1987.
Polish Armies 1569-1696 Vol.2 by Richard Brzenzinski. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 188), 1987.
Henry VIII's Army by Paul Cornish. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 191), 1987.
Medieval Warlords by Tim Newark. London, Blandford, 1987.
The Normans by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Elite no. 9), 1987.
Joan of Arc by Harold Nottridge. Hove, Wayland, 1987.
The Complete Book of South African Wine by various. Cape Town, Struik Publishers, 1988.
Hungary and the Fall of Eastern Europe by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 195), 1988.
El Cid and the Recogquista. Warfare in medieval Spain, 1050-1492 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 200), 1988.
French Revolution by Ken Hills; illus. Angus McBride and Tony Morris. Bath, Cherrytree, 1988.
Knights at Tournament by Chris Gravett. London, Osprey (Elite no. 17), 1988.
The Zulus by Ian Knight. London, Osprey (Elite no. 21), 1989.
The Samurai. Warriors of Medieval Japan 940-1600 by Anthony J. Bryant. London, Osprey (Elite no. 23), 1989.
Soldiers of the English Civil War 1: The Infantry by Keith Roberts. London, Osprey (Elite no. 25), 1989.
Women Warlords. An illustrated military history of female warriors by Tim Newark. Poole, Blandford, 1989.
Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200 BC by C. J. Peers. London, Osprey (Men at arms no. 218), 1990.
The Age of Tamerlane. Warfare in the Middle East c.1350-1500 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 222), 1990.
Soldiers of the English Civil War 2: Cavalry by John Tincey. London, Osprey (Elite no. 27), 1990.
Attila and the Nomad Hordes. Warfare on the Eurasian Steppes 4th-12th centuries by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Elite no. 30), 1990; reprinted as
Attila the Hun, Oxford, Osprey, 2000.
Day of Darkness by John Tully. Aylesbury, Ginn, 1990.
Aladdin and the Lamp. Harlow, Longman, 1991.
French Medieval Armies 1000-1300 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 231), 1991.
Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies by John M. D. Pohl. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 239), 1991.
Rome's Enemies 5: The Desert Frontier by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 243), 1991.
Early Samurai 200-1500 AD by Anthony J. Bryant. London, Osprey (Elite no. 35), 1991.
The Ancient Assyrians by Mark Healy. London, Osprey (Elite no. 39), 1991.
New Kingdom Egypt by Mark Healy. London, Osprey (Elite no. 40), 1992; reprinted as
Armies of the Pharaohs, Oxford, Osprey, 1999.
Moctezuma and the Aztecs by R. E. C. Burrell, Cherrytree, 1992.
Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th-9th Centuries by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 247), 1992.
Zulu: Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift 22nd-23rd January 1879 by Ian Knight; illus. Michael Chappell and Angus McBride. London, Windrow & Greene, 1992.
Armies of the Muslim Conquest by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 255), 1993.
The Mamluks, 1250-1517 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 259), 1993.
Mughul India, 1523-1805 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 263), 1993.
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt by Rosalie David. Eagle, 1993.
Growing Up in Viking Times by Dominic Tweddle. Eagle, 1993.
Samurai, 1550-1600 by Anthony J. Bryant. London, Osprey (Warrior no. 7), 1994.
Seleucid and Ptolemaic Reformed Armies 168-145 BC Vol.1 The Seleucid Army Under Antiochus IV Epiphanes by Nick Sekunda. Stockport, Montvert, 1994.
The Army of Tang China by Karl Heinz Ranitzsch; illus. Angus McBride and Ed Org. Stockport, Montvert Publications, 1995.
The Border Reivers. The story of the Anglo-Scottish borderlands by Keith Durham. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 279), 1995.
Byzantine Armies 1118-1461 by Ian Heath. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 287), 1995.
In Stone Age Times by Christopher Maynard. London, Kingfisher, 1995.
Seleucid and Ptolemaic Reformed Armies 168-145 BC Vol.2 The Ptolemaic Army Under Ptolemy VI Philometor by Nick Sekunda. Stockport, Montvert, 1995.
South African Myths and Legends by Jay Heale. Cape Town, Struik, 1995.
Zulu 1816-1906 by Ian Knight. London, Osprey (Warrior no. 14), 1995.
Germanic Warriors 236-568 AD by Simon MacDowall. London, Osprey (Warrior no. 17), 1996.
Imperial Rome at War by Martin Windrow. Hong Kong, Concord Publications, 1996.
Jane Prichard, Child of the Manor by John Evans. Caerdydd, Dref Wen, 1996; also published in Welsh as
Jane Prichard, plentyn y plas, Caerdydd, Gwasg y Dref Wen, 1996.
Lake Peipus 1242 by David Nicolle. London, Osprey Military (Campaign no. 46).
Republican Roman Army 200-104BC by Nick Sekunda. London, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 291), 1996.
Warlords. Ancient, Celtic, Medieval by Tim Newarki (omnibus:
Celtic Warriors,
Medieval Warlords). London, Arms & Armour, 1996.
Highland Clansmen, 1689-1746 by Stuart Reid. London, Osprey (Warrior no. 21), 1997.
Granada 1492. The reconquest of Spain by David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey Military (Campaign no. 53), 1998.
Pirates 1660-1730 by Angus Konstam. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 67), 1998.
Reivers. Anglo-Scottish border raiders from their origins to the end of the 16th century by Keith Durham. Stockport, Montlight, 1998.
Armies of Medieval Russia, 750-1250 by David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 333), 1999.
Hannibal's War With Rome: The Armies and Campaigns 216 BC by Terence Wise and Mark Healy; illus. Angus McBride and Richard Hook (omnibus). Oxford, Osprey Military, 1999.
Buccaneers, 1620-1700 by Angus Konstam. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 69), 2000.
Caesar's Legions. The Roman soldier 753BC to 117AD by Nicholas V. Sekunda, Simon Northwood and Michael Simkins; illus. Richard Hook, Angus McBride and Ron Embleton. Oxford, Osprey History, 2000.
Elizabethan Sea Dogs 1560-1605 by Angus Konstam. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 70), 2000.
The Emperor and the Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen; retold by Marie Crook. Harlow, Pearson Education, 2000. [illustrations originally published by S.I. Librarie Du Liban, 1996]
The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen; retold by Nicole Taylor. Harlow, Pearson Education, 2000. [illustrations originally published by S.I. Librarie Du Liban]
French Armies of the Hundred Years War, 1337-1453 by David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 337), 2000.
The Alamo, 1836: Santa Anna's Texas Campaign by Stephen L. Hardin. Oxford, Osprey Military (Campaign no. 89), 2001.
Gladiators 100BC-AD 200 by Stephen Wisdom. Oxford, Osprey (Warrior no. 39), 2001.
The Moors. The Islamic West 7th-15th century AD by David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 348), 2001.
Privateers & Pirates, 1730-1830 by Angus Konstam. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 74), 2001.
The Thracians, 700 BC-AD 46 by Christopher Webber. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 360), 2001.
Medieval Russian Armies, 1250-1500 by David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 367), 2002.
Italian Medieval Armies 1000-1300 by Viacheslav Shpakovskii and David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 376), 2002.
Samurai Heraldry by Stephen Turnbull. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 82), 2002.
Armies of the German Peasants' War 1524-26 by Douglas Miller. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 384), Feb 2003.
Samurai. The world of the warrior by Stephen Turnbull. Oxford, Osprey, 2003.
Stirling Bridge & Falkirk, 1297-98. William Wallace's rebellion by Pete Armstrong. Oxford, Osprey (Campaign), Feb 2003.
Roman Legionary 58 BC-AD 69 by Ross Cowan. Oxford, Osprey (Warrior no. 71), Jun 2003.
Medieval Scandinavian Armies Vol.1, 1100-1300 by David Lindholm and David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 396), Aug 2003.
Medieval Scandinavian Armies Vol.2, 1300-1500 by David Lindholm and David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 399), Oct 2003.
Imperial Roman Legionary, AD 161-284 by Ross Cowan. Oxford, Osprey (Warrior no. 72), Dec 2003.
Henry VII. The first Tudor king by John Evans. Cardiff, Dref Wen, 2003; also published in Welsh as
Harri Tudur, Cardiff, Dref Wen, 2003.
The Hussite War, 1419-36 by Stephen Turnbull. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 409), May 2004.
Zulu War (combines material from
Zulu War 1879,
british Forces in Zululand 1879 and
Zulu War) by Ian Knight and Ian Castle. Oxford, Osprey, Jul 2004.
Alexander the Great (combines material from
Alexander the Great and
Alexander 334-323 BC) by Nicholas Sekunda and John Warry. Oxford, Osprey, Aug 2004.
Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600BC-AD 1300 by Antony Karasulas. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 120), Sep 2004.
Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 226-642 by Kaveh Farrokh. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 110), Jul 2005.
Warriors of Medieval Japan by Stephen Turnbull; illus. Angus McBride, Wayne Reynolds and Howard Gerrard. Oxford, Osprey, Jul 2005.
The Mycenaeans, c. 1650-1100 BC by Nicolas Grguric. Oxford, Osprey (Elite no. 130), Sep 2005.
Armies of Ivan the Terrible. Russian troops 1505-1700 by Viacheslav Shpakovskii and David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 427), Jan 2006.
The Scandanavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500 by David Lindholm and David Nicolle. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms no. 436), Feb 2007.
Byzantine Infantryman. Eastern Roman Empire c.900-1204 by Timothy Dawson. Oxford, Osprey (Warrior no. 118), Jun 2007.
The Army of Herod the Great by Samiel Rocco. Oxford, Osprey (Men-at-arms), Nov 2007.
Pack 1, Early Man to the Cretans by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther. ISBN 0333215001, 1977.
Pack 2, The Phoenicians to the Romans by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther. ISBN 0333241401, Dec 1978.
Pack 3, The Fall of Rome to the Norman Conquest by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther. ISBN 0333243641, 1978.
Pack 4, The First Crusade to the Black Death by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther. ISBN 0333263472, 1979.
Pack 5, The Peasants' Revolt to the Tudors by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther. ISBN 0333263480, 1979.
Pack 6, The Conquest of Mexico to the Great Fire of London by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther, with illustrations by Ron Embleton. ISBN 0333284240, Aug 1980.
Pack 7, The Sun King to Napoleon by Angus McBride & Kenneth Lowther ISBN 0333289439, 1980 [Jan 1981]. Role-playing Books (this list still needs some work)
Brigands of Mirkwood by Charles Crutchfield & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Jun 1986.
Lorien and the Halls of the Elven Smiths by Terry K. Amthor & S. Coleman Charlton. Iron Crown Enterprises, Jun 1986.
Ents of Fangorn by Randell E. Doty, Charles Crutchfield & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Jun 1987.
Sea Lords of Gondor by John B. Morin & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, 1987.
Lost Realm of Cardolan by Jeff McKeage & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Oct 1987.
Rivendell: The House of Elrond by Terry K. Amthor & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Nov 1987.
Woses of the Black Wood by Jeff McKeage & Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Dec 1987.
Creatures of Middle-Earth by Peter C. Fenlon. Iron Crown Enterprises, Feb 1989.
Mount Gundabad by Carl Willner. Iron Crown Enterprises, 1989.
Denizens of the Dark Wood by Jessica Ney. Iron Crown Enterprises, 1990.
Rogues of the Borderlands by Peter C. Fenlon. Berkley Publishing Co., 1990.
Bladestorm by S. Coleman Charlton. Iron Crown Enterprises, Sep 1990.
War Law by S. Coleman Charlton. Berkley Publishing Co., 1991.
Valar & Maiar: The Immortal Powers by Peter C. Fenlon, Terry K. Amthor & Jessica Ney-Grimm. Iron Crown Enterprises, 1993.
Spell Law by S. Coleman Charlton, Peter C. Fenlon & S. Marvin. 3rd edition, Iron Crown Enterprises, 1995.
Middle-Earth Role Playing by S. Coleman Charlton & Peter C. Fenlon. 2nd edition, Iron Crown Enterprises, 1997.
(The two pictures above are from original artwork
© Look and Learn Magazine Ltd. The second piece is the original artwork for the cover of issue 492, used to illustrate the
Guardian obituary.)