These connections are relevant to the Mysterious Mr. Hawkins as I'll try to make clear.
The original publisher of the 'Mystery Thrillers' series was Sharman Ellis Ltd., 61 Chandos Street, London W.C.2. I don't have any of this series but it is advertised on the back cover of a boys' adventure series that Sharman Ellis also published:

The connection between to Sharman Ellis/Publishers Agents and Gramol is confirmed by a couple of things. First, Sharman Ellis were partly responsible for a series called 'New Adelphi Novels' published originally by Arthur Gray and later by Gramol Publications. Secondly, Barrington Gray, son of Gramol's co-founder, later reprinted a couple of the books advertised on the back of The Mysterious Mr. Hawkins. Gray's 'Mystery Thrillers' were published in the late 1940s and were priced at 4½d rather than 2d. The Circle of Death (by W. J. Eliot) and The Murder Trap (by Don Campbell) appeared as numbers 9 and 10 of the new series in c.1949.

To return to The Mysterious Mr. Hawkins for a moment, it remains a little mysterious but it looks like it was published in c.1938. And, just to confirm that estimate, I've found Publishers Agents Ltd. listed in the phone book at 123 Grand Buildings W.C.2. I wonder when the phone books were compiled? Were they like comics annuals and produced in 1937 for 1938? When in the year were they published?
I've managed to answer my own question: the London telephone directory was issued twice a year in the late 1930s: A-K was published in February and August and L-Z was published in May and November. Corrections for the May issue of A-Z were accepted up to 20 February and corrections for the August issue of A-K were accepted up to 21 May. So there's an approximately 3 month delay.
So we can say with some certainty that Publishers Agents Ltd. arrived at their Whitehall (W.C.2) address between August 1937/February 1938 in order to be listed in the May 1938 phone book and disappeared some time after February 1939 (when the May 1939 phone book was completed) but before August 1939 (when the Nov book was completed). Approximately Autumn 1937 to Spring 1939.
I've just tried the same trick with Sharman Ellis and find that they are listed in the November 1936 to November 1937 editions, meaning they ran from approximately Feb/Aug 1936 to Aug 1937/Feb 1938 -- call it Spring 1936 to Autumn 1937. See how the two companies nestle nicely against each other? What's the betting that Publishers Agents Ltd. opened their doors just as Sharman Ellis closed theirs.
Fascinating detective work, Steve! The moment I saw the first "Mystery Thriller" cover here, the layout reminded me immediately of the Barrington Gray stuff. I know I have some samples in the boxes in my basement (including at least one "Jack Kelso" and an unacknowledged reprint of a vampire tale from a US pulp under the name "Chris Brand"). I bought them at Woolworths, probably in the early fifties. My pocket money didn't stretch to much beyond cheap remainders! (Does it now?) And, of course, when I scroll down, I see "The Murder Trap" cover has precisely the same layout and artist. Thank you for this background info.