Jeremy Briggs gave me the heads up to these a few days ago and pointed out a couple of points of interest: The True Brit reprint (which does note the previous title it was issued under) is in its 4th printing and the ANZACS book in its second. But the very first Commando book they put out, Commando: The Dirty Dozen has had at least 10 printings -- 7 as Dirty Dozen (Carlton), 2 from SevenOaks and a softcover BCA edition.
The other bit of good news (for me) is that, although we're still waiting for Death or Glory to come through, I'm seeing the Unleash Hell volume all over. It keeps mysteriously appearing in prominent places in various bookshops around Colchester as does The Bumper Book of Look and Learn. Curious, eh?
The Borders on Tottenham Court Road had a nice display a few weeks ago where the new releases are stacked.
ReplyDeleteSide by side there was 'All Guns Blazing', 'Aarrgghh!! It's War!!', 'Anzacs at WAr', and 'Unleash Hell'. A week later it was 'Tamara Drew', so pretty good all around. GOSH even had a few copies of the War/Battle index.
An expensive few weeks...