Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Rebellion Releases — 4 September 2024

Michael Carroll and Joe Currie’s Silver: Book One: Unearthed has been running in 2000 AD since Prog 2390, up to part 8 in the latest Prog. A supernatural thing, an alien invasion thing, an Earth’s last resistance thing – it’s all of these. But most of all, it’s another stunning new strip for The Galaxy’s Greatest.

So, time to talk to writer Mike Carroll all about it. We would have talked to Joe as well, but Tharg’s always a little reluctant to let the art droids have any free time away from the drawing board!

Silver began in the middle of the night, somewhere north-east of Bristol, England, 2001, with a group of armed survivors arriving at the ruins of a burned-out house, obviously looking for something. They’ve got a cage on the back of their truck, and they’ve broken out the shovels to begin to dig down into the earth. What they were told was under the soil, what they were hunting for, could be the key to saving the human race.

Since then, we’ve learned a little more – we know that Earth’s been invaded and conquered by the alien Sepsis, and we know a little of Baroness DeSilva, the thing the resistance fighters were digging up. Let’s just say she’s somewhere around five hundred years old, one of the old creatures, something classically supernatural… if you catch my drift.

Silver is one of those strips that’s hit the ground running, incredibly fast-paced, full of so much mystery, asking so many questions, and with some incredible artwork from Joe Currie. This is one you really should all be reading.

So, without further ado… over to Mike Caroll to tell us a little more about Silver: Book One: Unearthed…

You can read the interview at the 2000 AD website.

And now, this week's release...

2000 AD Prog 2398
Cover: Cliff Robinson / /Dylan Teague (cols).

JUDGE DREDD // MACHINE RULE by John Wagner (w) Colin MacNeil (a) Chris Blythe (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
ROGUE TROOPER // RECON by Geoffrey D. Wessel (w) Paul Marshall (a) Pippa Bowland (c) Jim Campbell (l)
BRINK // CONSUMED by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)
HERNE & SHUCK // SUFFER THE CHILDREN by David Barnett (w) Lee Milmore (a) Quinton Winter (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)
SILVER // UNEARTHED by Mike Carroll (w) Joe Currie (a) Simon Bowland (l)

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