Thursday, September 26, 2024

Commando 5787-5790

For issues 5787-5790 of Commando, we’re dedicating the whole set to special issues with art and covers by beloved long-time artist Manuel Benet. He’s been working with Commando for more than 40 years, so it only seemed right! They go on sale from today, Thursday 26th September 2024.

5787: Hunter and Bunter

Hunter was a crackshot, a tough, well-trained sergeant. Bunter was lazy and afraid — a useless soldier. From their first meeting, the two hated the sight of one another. Not the makings of a good team at all, but the day would come when each of them would have to depend on the other — or die!
    Our first issue in the set dedicated to Manuel Benet features a classic odd couple scenario with a range of twists and turns courtesy of writer Roger Sanderson. Manuel Benet’s  brilliant character work shines!

Story: Roger Sanderson
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet
Originally printed as No. 2538 in 1992

5788: Jungle Killer

In the dark, dank jungles  of Vietnam, danger was everywhere. But Sergeant Clint Bryden of the American Forces was at home there — just like a beast of prey, revelling in the shadows and cover. He became so good at this job that before long, even those on his side began to walk in fear of the…JUNGLE KILLER!
    This dark tale of the Vietnam war was written by Ian Clark who clearly was channelling the great classics of Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. The gritty issue showcases Manuel’s abilities through his careful rendering of the dense jungle undergrowth.

Story: Ian Clark
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet
Originally printed as No. 2669 in 1993

5789: The Devil’s Road

You won’t find the name on any maps for this barren, mountainous region, but somehow the Germans had learned about the narrow pass which the local Arabs called “The Devil’s Road”.
    Now the enemy were about to put their knowledge to lethal use and the two men who had stumbled on their secret and might be able to stop them, were in big trouble — spiralling out of control towards the ground in a badly‑damaged aircraft...
    We’re off to the desert in Heptonstall’s action-packed script with some amazing aerial scenes courtesy of master Manuel! They always say “the devil’s in the detail” and Manuel is no stranger to beautiful intricate work which is for all to see in Issue 5789!

Story: Heptonstall
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet
Originally printed as No. 2949 in 1996

5790: Twice the Danger

Captain Chris Blower and his company of British paratroopers were assigned a dangerous mission in enemy occupied Sicily in 1943.
    As if that wasn’t tough enough, an American colonel had got in on the act. A real life film star with an inflated sense of his own importance, he knew too much about future invasion plans for his own good.
So when he fell into enemy hands, Chris and his men were suddenly faced with a mission that was doubly dangerous!
    Our final Commando in the special one-off issues dedicated to Manuel is a fun romp about a movie star caught in the throes of battle written by Roger Sanderson. The issue seemed a fitting way to round off this set since Manuel is a bit of a star around Commando HQ after all!

Story: Roger Sanderson
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet
Originally printed as No. 3019 in 1997

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for your continuing coverage of the series. It would be useful to state that Amazon UK seems to get these about six or seven weeks after publication. Those rushing to buy a particular issue as a digital downloadable edition will be disappointed if they don't know this.



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