Sunday, July 14, 2019

Private Eye strip cartoons (0)

Back in April last year, I dumped a 14 inch-high pile of magazines that had accumulated since not long after we moved house back in 2010. I had disposed of hundreds of copies before we moved and had been quite good at reading and recycling for a couple of months before copies started to pile up again.

The magazine is Private Eye, of which I've been a reader for over 20 years. Back in April 2018 I was determined to have a regular cull, but before they went out I scanned some examples of all the regular comic strips, so, over the next few days I'll be posting strips from the recent past with a few notes about them where I can find information.

Currently in the shops is Private Eye's 1,500th issue. Lurking in a box I found an earlier celebratory issue, the 1,000th dated 21 April 2000, which I've added to our column header.

For ease of loading I've broken the strips down into small groups. The numbers of the post title doesn't signify anything... it just makes it easier for me to locate should I have an opportunity to add anything in the future.

On with the show...

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