George Goodchild was an incredibly prolific novelist and short story writer whose career lasted over 55 years during which time his output never seemed to let up. The publications checklist below lists 135 novels (106 under his own name), 61 collections and 8 other titles. He also wrote plays and, before becoming a full-time writer of fiction, Goodchild had worked as a journalist and in a publishing house.
For such a prolific author, not a great deal seems to be known about Goodchild. He was born in Kingston-on-Thames in 1888, was married to Dora Mary Hill and had one son and two daughters. He lived at The Great Quarry, Guildford.
A number of his books and stories were filmed, including
Colorado Jack (1921, based on
Colorado Jim),
Bucking the Barrier (1923, from a story by Goodchild),
The Public Defender (1931, based on
The Splendid Crime),
Condemned to Death (1932, based on
Jack o'Lantern),
Trooper O'Neill (1932) and
No Escape (1936, based on
No Exit).
Goodchild died in Aldershot in 1969, aged 80.
He wrote about a number of characters over the years, most notably those featuring police officer Inspector McLean, spy catcher Q33 and Trooper O'Neill. Many Inspector McLean stories appeared in
The Weekly News where they continued to appear (anonymously) until 6 October 1979, long after Goodchild's death. Given the popularity of the McLean stories (they even inspired an
Inspector McLean Library from D. C. Thomson), I'm surprised that there seems to be a dearth of information on the character or his author.
Only a handful of his books are still in print, although there have been quite a number
reprinted in large print over the past decade or so.
His early contribution (1921) to The Children's Newspaper is also something of a surprise as it is a science fiction yarn, a genre Goodchild never seems to have tackled again.
Novels (series: Colorado Jim; Inspector McLean; Nigel Rix)
The Barton Mystery (novelisation of a play by Walter Hackett). London, Jarrold & Sons, 1916.
Tiger’s Cub. A romance of Alaska (novelisation of the play by George Potter). London, Jarrold & Sons, 1917.
Behind the Barrage. The story of a siege battery. London, Jarrolds, 1918.
The Land of Eldorado. A tale of the seal islands. London, Jarrolds, 1919.
“Old Sport”. The romance of a warhorse, with Maurice Mottram. London, Jarrolds, 1919.
Colorado Jim; or, The Taming of Angela (Colorado Jim). London, Robert Hayes, 1920; New York, Watt, 1922.
The Compassionate Rogue. London, Jarrolds, 1920.
The Woollen Monkey. London, Lloyd’s, 1920.
The Alaskan. London, Lloyd’s, 1921.
Trooper O’Neill. London, Robert Hayes, 1921; New York, Watt, 1933.
The Right to Strike (novelisation of the play by Ernest Hutchinson). London, Robert Hayes, 1921.
Klondyke Kit’s Revenge. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1923 [1922].
The Valley of Lies. London, John Long, 1923.
The Man Who Wasn’t. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1924 [1923].
Plain Bill. A romance of Alaska. London, Jarrolds, 1924.
Tall Timber. New York, Watt, 1924; London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1927.
Hurricane Tex. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1925.
The Taming of Nancy. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Red Letter Novels 141), 1925.
The Black Orchid. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1926.
Jim Goes North (Colorado Jim). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1926.
Ace High. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1927.
Meg o’ the Dale. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Red Letter Novels 179), 1927.
The Monster of the Grammont. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1927; New York, Mystery League, 1930.
Mushalong. London, Robert Hayes, 1927.
His Desert Maid. London, J. Leng & Co. (Ivy Stories 133), 1928.
The Rain on the Roof. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1928.
The Elephant; or, The Man From Beyond. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929.
The Freeze-Out. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929.
Jack o’Lantern. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929; New York, Mystery League, 1930.
The Man from the West. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Red Letter Novels 221), 1929; as by Jesse Templeton, London, Mellifont Press, 1933.
The Girl at Pine Creek. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Red Letter Novels 242), 1930.
The Girl Who Failed Him. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Red Letter Novels 259), 1930.
His Bride form England. London, J. Leng & Co. (Ivy Stories 203), 1930.
The Emperor of Hallelujah Island. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1930; New York, Houghton, 1931.
The Splendid Crime. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1930; as The Public Defender, New York, Grosset, 1931.
Her Dear Tyrant. London, J. Leng & Co. (Ivy Stories 214), 1931.
The Road to Marrakesh. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1931; New York, Houghton, 1932.
For Reasons Unknown. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1932.
Petticoat Lane. London, Mellifont Press, 1932.
The Flagons of St. Niven. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
The Choice. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
Rosemary’s Love Adventure. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
The Skeleton in the Cupboard. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
The House of Strange Adventure. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
The Singing Wheat. London, Mellifont Press, 1932?
Captain Sinister. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1933.
Mountain Gold. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1933.
Rainbow. The story of a dog and a man. London, Chapman & Hall, 1933.
The Square Deal. London, Modern Publishing Co., 1933.
The Triumph of McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1933; New York, Houghton, 1933.
The Jury Disagree, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Jarrolds, 1934; New York, Macmillan, 1955.
Mad Mike, edited by George Goodchild. London, Chapman & Hall, 1934; Toronto, Harlequin, 1953.
Quest of Nigel Rix (Rix). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1934.
Yes, Inspector McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1934.
The Dear Old Gentleman, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Jarrolds, 1935; New York, Harper, 1936.
Death on the Centre Court (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935; New York, Green Circle, 1936.
The Homeward Trail. London, George Newnes, 1935.
Knock and Come In (Rix). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1935.
No Exit. London, George Newnes, 1936.
Rough Going. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1936.
Steve. London, R. Hale & Co., 1936.
Summer Moon. London & Dundee, J. Leng & Co. (People’s Friend Library 429), 1936.
Tidings of Joy, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Jarrolds, 1936.
Danger Below (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1937.
Having No Heart (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1937.
A Murder Will Be Committed. London, R. Hale & Co., 1937.
Operator No.19. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1937.
Infamous Gentleman. London, Robert Hale, 1938.
The Prisoner’s Friend, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Jarrolds, 1938.
Yellowstones. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1938.
The Clock Struck Seven. London, Robert Hale, 1939.
McLean Sees It Through (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1939.
We Shot An Arrow, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Victor Gollancz, 1939.
Forced Landing. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940.
Known as Z.1. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1940.
Man Peter. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1941.
Brave Interlude. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1942.
McLean Takes a Holiday (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1942; revised as Inspector McLean’s Holiday, London, Pan Books, 1951.
Behind That Door. London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1943.
The Last Ditch. London, Mellifont Press, 1944.
Safety Last. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1944.
Uncle Oscar’s Niece (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1944.
The Footlight’s Call. London, Mellifont Press, 1945.
Wise Virgin. London, Mellifont Press, 1945.
Cauldron Bubble. London, Macdonald & Co., 1946.
East of Singapore. London, Mellifont Press, 1946.
Lady Take Care. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1946.
Rivers to Cross. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1947.
Dear Conspirator (McLean). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1948.
Companion to Sirius (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1949.
Stout Cortez. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1949.
The Efford Tangle (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1950.
Final Score. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1950.
McLean to the Dark Tower Came (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1951.
The Spanish Steps. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1951.
The Last Redoubt (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1952.
Doctor Zils’ Experiment. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1953.
Double Acrostic (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1954.
Find the Lady! (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1955.
The Last Secret. London, Rich & Cowan, 1956.
Next of Kin (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1957; Toronto, Harlequin, 1957.
The Danger Line. London, Jarrolds, 1958.
Tiger, Tiger (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1959.
False Intruder. London, Jarrolds, 1960.
Savage Encounter (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1962.
Novels as Alan Dare
Killigrew. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1922 [1921]; as Knight Takes Queen by George Goodchild, London, George Newnes, 1935.
The Isle of Hate. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1924; as by George Goodchild, London, George Newnes, 1935.
Out of the Desert. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1925; as by George Goodchild, London, George Newnes, 1934.
The Eye of Abu. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1927; as by George Goodchild, George Newnes, 1934.
The Guarded Soul. London, Herbert Jenkins, 1928.
Body and Soul. London, Jarrolds, 1929.
Novels as Wallace Q. Reid
The Sands of Desire. London, Robert Hayes, 1928; as by George Goodchild, London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1933.
The Bride of the Sierras. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1933.
The Man from Peace River. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1933.
Saskatoon Patrol. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1934.
Red River. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1934.
Bluewater Landing. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1935.
Son of the South. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1935.
Doctor of the North. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1936.
The Rainbow Trail. London, W. Collins, Sons & Co., 1936.
Novels as Jesse Templeton
Jake Canuke. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1924; as by George Goodchild, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1932; as The Call of the North by George Goodchild, London, George Newnes, 1938.
The Eternal Conflict. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1925; as by George Goodchild, Stoke-on-Trent, Archer Press, 1950.
The Feud. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1925; as by George Goodchild, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1935.
The Timber Wolf. London, Hurst & Blackett, 1927.
Between the Tides. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1929; as by George Goodchild, Ward, Lock & Co., 1936.
Dead or Alive. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1929; as by George Goodchild, Ward, Lock & Co., 1937; abridged, Ward, Lock & Co., 1938.
The Bitter Test. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1930.
Clay-Face. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1930.
Ten Fathoms Deep. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1931; as by George Goodchild, Ward, Lock & Co., 1938.
The Yellow Hibiscus. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1931.
Love’s Challenge. London, Mellifont Press, 1932.
Winning Through. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1932; as by George Goodchild. Ward, Lock & Co., 1935.
Virginia’s Quest. London, Mellifont Press, 1934.
The Woman Accused. London, Mellifont Press, 1934.
Collections (series: Inspector McLean; John Trelawny)
Caravan Days, illus. C. A. Shepperson. London, Jarrold & Sons, 1916.
Umpteen Yarns, Collected from Somewhere in France. London, Jarrolds, 1917.
Down ‘Plug Street’ Way, and other tales. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1918.
The Crimson Domino. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1919; abridged (?) as by Jesse Templeton, London, Mellifont Press, 1933.
The Great Alone. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1919.
Captain Crash. London, Robert Hayes, 1924.
McLean of Scotland Yard (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929.
McLean at the Golden Owl (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1930.
McLean Investigates (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1930.
How Now, McLean? (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1931.
Chief Inspector McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1932.
12 Dandy McLean Detective Stories. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
12 Famous McLean Cases. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
Dandy Hangs Behind (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
Dandy Nabs “The Falcon”. London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
Dandy Against the Gangsters (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library 5), 1933.
Greta Dey’s Confession (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
Her Little Game (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
The Pretty Daredevil (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
The Prince of Crooks (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
The Terror of Stapleton Quarry (McLean). London, D. C. Thomson & Co. (Dandy McLean Library), 1933.
Q 33 (Trelawny). London, Odhams Press, 1933.
McLean Plays a Hand (McLean). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1934.
McLean Knows Best (McLean). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1935.
McLean Prevails (McLean). London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1935.
The Man from the West, and other stories of adventure. London, George Newnes, 1935.
Mister Q 33 (Trelawny). London, George Newnes, 1935.
Lead On, McLean! (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1936.
McLean Finds a Way (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1936.
McLean Remembers! (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1936.
This Woman Is Wanted. London, George Newnes, 1936.
Call McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1937.
McLean Takes Charge (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1937.
Q 33—Spy Catcher (Trelawny). London, Newnes, 1937.
McLean Incomparable (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1938.
Again McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1939.
McLean Intervenes (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1939.
McLean Excels (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1939.
McLean Deduces (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940.
McLean the Magnificent (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940.
Up, McLean! (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940.
McLean Keeps Going (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1941.
McLean, Non-Stop. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1941.
Hail McLean (McLean). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1945.
Inspector McLean’s Casebook (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1949.
McLean Carries On (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1950.
McLean Predominant (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1951.
McLean Steps In (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1952.
Well Caught, McLean (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1953.
Trust McLean (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1954.
Watch McLean (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1955.
McLean Solves It (McLean). London, Rich & Cowan, 1956.
Forever McLean (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1957.
McLean Disposes (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1958.
McLean Scores Again (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1959.
Follow McLean (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1961.
McLean Invincible (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1963.
Laurels for McLean (McLean). London, Jarrolds, 1964.
McLean Takes Over (McLean). London, John Long, 1966.
McLean Knows the Answers (McLean). London, John Long, 1967.
Collections as Jesse Templeton
Inch of the C.I.D.. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., 1932; as by George Goodchild, Ward, Lock & Co., 1936.
The Last Cruise of the “Majestic”. From the log-book of J. G. Cowie. London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1917.
Pinches of Salt from the Seven Seas. London, Jarrolds, 1918.
The Lore of the Wanderer. An open-air anthology. London, The Wayfarer’s Library, 1914.
England, My England. A war anthology. London, Jarrold & Sons, 1914.
The Miniature Classics, edited by George Goodchild. London, Jarrold & Sons, 6 pts., 1914.
The Blinded Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Gift Book, edited by George Goodchild. London, Jarrold & Sons, 1915.
Made in the Trenches. Composed entirely from articles & sketches contributed by soldiers, edited by Sir Frederick Treves & George Goodchild. London, G. Allen & Unwin, 1916.
A Century of Western Stories, edited by George Goodchild. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1936.
They All Do It! and two other plays, with C. E. Bechofer-Roberts. London, Jarrolds, 1935.
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