Steve Winders reviews Virgin Comics’ new
Dan Dare
series by Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine
series by Garth Ennis and Gary Erskine

This is not to suggest that I dislike all the new versions. All of them have strengths and I was particularly impressed by Grant Morrison’s work and enjoyed much of Dave Gibbons and Ian Kennedy’s interpretations, so after my initial coolness regarding the new project, I finally set about the quite difficult task of buying the first issue.

As this is a review and not an analysis I do not propose to summarise the story, especially as there may be many readers who wish to read it when they get an opportunity. Essentially it is about a retired Dan Dare being persuaded to come out of retirement to lead the defence of Earth against the Mekon, who is threatening the solar system with a huge fleet of ships and a black hole! Dan is given command of the Royal Navy space fleet, who have replaced the Interplanet Spacefleet following a war between the U.S.A. and China, which has resulted in the destruction of both countries and the break up of the United Nations and Spacefleet. But it’s not all bad. Britain is now the only surviving world power!
Dan’s recall to action is reminiscent of the Grant Morrison version, although while he is disillusioned he is not the broken man of Morrison’s Dare. On the contrary he shows the dynamic confident leadership, courage and ingenuity that fans of the original would expect. Dan is aided by a bearded Digby, who shows less humour than in the original, but is just as loyal and dependable as he ever was and Professor Peabody, who is now Home Secretary. None of the characters look quite like they did in the original Eagle, even allowing for a significant passage of time. They bear strong similarities, but it is as though they are actors who look very much like the comic characters. If this was a live action film I would not be raising this issue, but it is not. Why for example does Dan now have blue eyes?

Add to this the totally redesigned Earth spaceships, which look like a cross between naval battleships and submarines, the significantly altered Treen ships and the redesigned Treen uniforms and one is again left asking why? In previous versions changes were made to supposedly ‘update’ the stories. In 2000AD Dan was moved to the far future and in the new Eagle the stories were originally about his great great grandson, but this version adopts a retro look, with its ‘submarine’ spaceships and Royal Navy spacepersons, so why make these completely unnecessary changes?
The artist Gary Erskine has produced some impressive work on the strip and he shows much more technical ability than many working in comics today. He is undoubtedly aided by the quality of the colour work by Parasuraman A. and others and the quality of the printing. He conveys facial expressions well and his backgrounds contain a lot of detail, although he has missed opportunities to create interesting and imaginative spaceship interiors. Clearly this is deliberate in his dull functional interiors for the navy ships, but it is a pity that he did not contrast this with more imaginative interiors for the Treen ships. His London cityscape is not much different from the present day city, which is very different from the splendid city created by Frank Hampson. His depictions of space battles are quite impressive, but they are cluttered with too many ships, impossibly close together!
Many of his drawings of the Mekon are excellent. In fact he has based several studies on Keith Watson’s best picture of the character. He has redesigned the Mekon’s anti gravity boat, creating a more substantial vehicle which stays true to the spirit of the original. He also draws Treens well, which is the acid test for ‘Dan Dare’ artists. His new designs for Treen soldiers recall those of David Pugh, but his Treen scientists wear long and quite ornate robes which suggest an artistic race, which obviously they are not.

Like Grant Morrison’s Dare, this is an adult story. Comics are no longer aimed at the children’s market. Clearly it does not portray the bright optimistic future of Hampson’s stories and success is only achieved through great sacrifice. Unlike some contemporary comics the borders between right and wrong are clearly drawn. Britain’s Prime Minister does not really provide a valid alternative to Dan’s way and while the reader might feel a little sympathy for Admiral Carter, he demonstrates his inadequacy for command when he fails to stay calm in a crisis and when he persists in trying to follow a safe logical course when the situation demands risk. He and the self serving Captain Finley personify what self-centred Britain has become. Fortunately there are many others who do not follow their Government’s lead.
The story invites many comparisons with Grant Morrison’s version, but it is not nearly so dark in its vision. Morrison’s Dan was a broken man who had himself committed atrocities. He was recruited by the Government to support their election campaign, not to save the world and he was himself only saved by a last drastic and desperate act. In comparison to that, Ennis’ version seems positively lighthearted, but it is not and it could have benefited from some humour, which need not have detracted from the serious story. Nevertheless, despite some negative observations this is an interesting new interpretation with much to commend it. The release of a graphic novel edition should open it up to the wider audience it deserves.
Dan Dare. Virgin Comics (ISBN 978-0981480831, 1 October 2008). Hardcover collection of all seven issues.
Further information: Dare by Grant Morrison & Rian Hughes is out of print but available in full in Hughes' Yesterday's Tomorrows (Knockabout Comics, ISBN 978-0861661541, July 2007). The original Dan is being reprinted in a series by Titan Books, a list of which can be found in the Titan section of Bear Alley's Comics Bibliography. New adventures of the old Dan can be found in Spaceship Away! (visit their website for subscription rates).
Thank you Steve Winders for your assessment of Virgin’s 2008 Dan Dare. This is a perceptive piece, the result of careful perusal and judicious criticism. You lived with the story for half-a-year and have dealt with it graciously.
ReplyDeleteBut forgive me if I suggest you let Virgin’s space-man down rather too gently.Some of the words I would have used (naff, illogical, intellectually torpid)
you have eschewed, and thereby you have given us a too-rosy impression.
At the end of the third episode (until which time it’s been all exposition and no action)
we arrived at a set-piece battle, where a platoon of futuristic marines take on a hoard of anatomically bizarre mythical monsters. Bizarre because their brains and eyes are in their stomachs and they strangle their enemies with their tongues.
A thousand of these ferocious green ‘Torrs’ charge across the plain to attack Dan & Co.
So a small company of marines forms a square, the first rank kneeling, guns to shoulders,
and the rank behind standing, guns to shoulders Dan’s
‘redcoats’ do a ‘Zulu’ on the enemy,and are on the point of standing down when across the horizon come twenty-thousand Torrs, bearing down with intent. Our hero keeps his face impassive and his voice firm as he issues the command ‘Fix bayonets’. Incontrovertible proof that when poor fiction takes us into the future,it actually takes us into the past.
Showing us the future was Hampson’s forte. He not only made his characters look supremely natural whatever they were doing, he set them down on a fully-visualised 21st century Earth. And shot them across space to brilliantly imagined planets, populated by wholly conceived aliens who lived in daunting
cities. Here was a tomorrow you could believe! When Virgin gave us a replay of the Battle of Waterloo, my last iota of goodwill petered out.
ReplyDeletethe last dan dare novel was trip to trouble, is there any news of a other
novel being published in the near future.
maybe reprinting the orginal novels going back to 2004.
because i am missing operation saturn
part 1 2005 edition.
thanks again
Trip to Trouble is still available from Titan Books via Amazon. So is part 1 of Operation Saturn, but only second hand for a fortune. Abebooks has Operation Saturn for much less (still expensive tho').
ReplyDeleteI don't think Titan are publishing any more Dan Dare volumes. I certainly haven't heard of any plans since the publication of Trip to Trouble in 2011.