This all ties in with looking through some old issues of Knockout because I came across what is possibly Geoff's first ever contribution to comics. In 1948, Amalgamated Press had put an advert into newspapers as they were looking for new artists and, out of the 200 or so replies, they hired two -- Geoff Campion and Reg Bunn. Geoff's earliest strips were actually humour strips, starting with a brief run on a character called 'Professor Bloop', whose comical antics ran in July and August 1948. Geoff was also called upon to fill-in on a couple of strips drawn by Hugh McNeill whilst McNeill was concentrating his talents elsewhere -- not least on the 'Thunderbolt Jaxon' strip which was to begin appearing shortly after in Australia. Geoff was also involved in those titles as their most prolific cover artist (based, I should say, on those covers I've seen) and was almost certainly responsible for many of the strips inside.

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