Thursday, August 15, 2024

Commando 5775-5778

issues 5775-5778 go on sale from today, Thursday 15th August 2024! With amazing aircraft artwork in Issues 5775 and 5776 alongside armoured action in Issues 5777 and 5778!

5775: Twenty-Five Flights

The B-17 Flying Fortress bomber ‘High Guard’ had the best crew in the whole outfit. Through the brutal anti-aircraft flak in the cold light of day they had flown twenty-four missions into the heart of Germany together.
    If they could complete their twenty-fifth flight it would end their tour of duty… But would they survive it?
    Marco Biachini’s stunning artwork graces the cover of this magnificent issue from the talents of Andrew Knighton and Alberto Saichann!

Story: Andrew Knighton
Art: Alberto Saichann
Cover: Marco Bianchini

5776: The Night the Tow Rope Broke

The night the tow rope broke was the worst in Lieutenant Mike Hasting’s life. For when his glider crash-landed off target in Sicily, he was captured by a Sicilian brigand called Il Castello who dragged him off to a cave on the side of Mount Etna, the largest volcano in Europe.
    There, Il Castello already held an Italian, a German, a Canadian and an American — one man from each of the armies on Sicily who had ruined the brigand’s old way of life. Now he was ready to punish them... in his own cruel way.
    Another superb aircraft cover for this set of Commandos, this time from the master Ian Kennedy! With a strange yarn by Skentlebery and artwork from L Rosell to boot!

Story: Skentlebery
Art: L Rosell
Cover: Ian Kennedy
First Published 1971 as Issue 524

5777: No Pasaran!

This is the story of the heroic Spanish volunteers who fought for the Allies in World War Two.
    After fighting for their homeland against Franco’s fascist Nationalists, the defeated Republicans, including young anarchist Juan Lopez, fled to North Africa where they eventually joined the Free French Forces.
    Together with the French, the Spaniards were valiant in action — determined to fight the Nazi fascists wherever they went!
    Issue 5777 is a passion project collaboration between the dream team Carlos Pino and Ferg Handley! A story not often told about the Spanish contribution to World War Two - what a story and what an issue!

Story: Ferg Handley
Art: Carlos Pino
Cover: Carlos Pino

5778: Escape to Freedom

Sergeant Stan Boden and Private Ernie Briggs were caught behind the advancing German armies in France during 1940.
    Stan reckoned that if they could fight their way through to Dunkirk they would manage to escape to England. But not Ernie — all he wanted to do was surrender!
    From one dream team to another, this time from the 1980s with the trio of hard hitters being McDevitt, Philpott and Ian Kennedy!

Story: McDevitt
Art: Philpott
Cover: Ian Kennedy
First Published 1982 as Issue 1621

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