Friday, August 02, 2024

Comic Cuts — 2 August 2024

After all the excitement last week, this week has felt fairly quiet by comparison. I spent a good chunk of the week — Friday through Tuesday — writing a sprawling essay on the career of Victor Norwood, which will probably turn up in a Forgotten Authors volume, or maybe the Scion book in a cut-down version (the text is 10,300 words, including the bibliography).

On Monday we took a break, met up with two of Mel's workmates and took a wander around Wivenhoe to show them the sights. It was a bit of a shame that so many places are closed on a Monday ... and I've just realised that the book shop, the secondhand bookshop and the library are all closed on Mondays. Thankfully I have enough unread books to see me through this desert of book selling and borrowing.

But back to the story, which involves wandering around for a couple of hours and then having  a nice break sat in the park.

On Wednesday we did a big shop down at Tescos... but I think you get the idea. It hasn't been a particularly exciting week as far as news is concerned. Yes, I know I should be talking about THE PHANTOM PATROL, but I'm still waiting on paperwork before I make decisions about when the book will be released. It takes time when you're a company the size of Rebellion. I must confess that I do like the fact that — although it takes time to complete a project because I'm a one-man band — once a book is ready, it's out almost the next day.

So... rather than drag this out, I have a review to write, so I'll do that and you'll have something else to read over the weekend.

(* The header features two covers by the mysterious 'Gilmore'. I wonder if this is a pen-name, as 'Gilmore' turns up nowhere else.)

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