Thursday, August 06, 2020

Commando 5355-5358

Action-packed issues 5355-5358 are out today! We've got Crusader tanks in North Africa, a Luftwaffe Judas in a Junkers 88, a coward with a twenty-five pounder gun, and paratroopers versus a Panzer in Algeria!

5355: Bullseye Bruno

There was something wrong with Bruno Neumann — something his nemesis Matthias Schenk couldn’t put his finger on. No matter how easy the shot was, or how neatly his ducks were in a row, Bruno couldn’t hit anything — not one single Allied aircraft. Even his ironic nickname “Bullseye Bruno” did nothing to stir the Jerry airman into finding his target and shooting it down. Fool me once, thought Schenk, fool me twice, but fool me three times and I smell a rat — or worse a TRAITOR!

Story: Steve Taylor
Art: Vicente Alcazar
Cover: Keith Burns
5356: The White Feather

“NO GUTS!” That’s what they said about young Harry Bishop when he froze in action. And if that wasn’t bad enough, to add insult to injury, Bishop was then demoted from being in charge of his own twenty-five pounder crew to being a driver in another crew! But don’t give him the white feather yet, because when Bishop’s back is against the wall you’ll soon see this coward has bite!

Story: Brunt
Art: Martin
Cover: Ken Barr
Originally Commando No. 142 (1964).
5357: Raging Metal

Written by Commando’s resident Aussie writer, Brent Towns, ‘Raging Metal’ is a brilliant romp for fans of Desert War issues. Towns creates tension under the hot rays of the burning sun between two Aussie Sergeants, Bob Andrews and Simon Meredith. A misunderstanding in the heat of a battle soon leads to Bob getting hot under the collar — and inside a boiling tank it’s hard for tempers to cool off!

Story: Brent Towns
Art: Jaume Forns
Cover: Neil Roberts

5358: Hold the Bridge!

It’s a race against time in this Silver era reprint as Captain Robert Sutton and his men parachute into enemy‑held territory in Algeria to destroy a Nazi-held bridge! Written by the Commando team in the 1980s, with a cover by British comic artist legend Ian Kennedy, this isn’t one to miss!

Story: Staff
Art: Carrion
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 1553 (1981).

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