Coronet 0340-15834-4, 1972, 192pp. Cover by Chris Foss
----, 1977, 192pp. Cover by Colin Hay
New English Library 0450-42014-0, 1987, 192pp.
Planet Plane (as by John Beynon; London, George Newnes, 1936; abridged as
Stowaway to Mars, London, Nova, 1953; as
Stowaway to Mars by John Wyndham writing as John Beynon, London, Coronet, 1972; Greenwich, CT, Fawcett, 1972)
Nova SF1, 1953. Cover by Gordon Hutchings
Coronet 0340-15835-2, 1972, 188pp, 30p. Cover by Chris Foss
---- [2nd imp.] 1972; [3rd imp.] 1972. Cover by Chris Foss
---- [7th imp.] 1977. Cover by Colin Hay
New English Library 0450-42024-8, 1987, 188pp. Cover by Peter Elson
The Day of the Triffids (London, Joseph, 1951; New York, Doubleday, 1951)
Penguin Books 993, 1954, 272pp, 2/-. Cover by John Griffiths?
---- [2nd imp.] 1956
---- [3rd imp.] 1958
---- [4th imp.] 1959
---- [5th imp.] 1960, 272pp, 2/6. Cover by John Griffiths?
---- [6th imp.] 1961, 272pp, 2/6. Cover by John Griffiths?
---- [7th imp.] 1962, 272pp, 3/6. Cover by John Griffiths
---- [8th imp.] 1963
---- [9th imp.] 1963, 272pp, 3/6. (same as 7th)
---- [10th imp.] 1964
---- [11th imp.] 1965
---- [12th imp.] 1966
---- [13th imp.] 1968
---- [14th imp.] 1969
---- [15th imp.] 1969
---- [16th imp.] 1970
---- [17th imp.] 1970
---- [18th imp.] 1971
---- [19th imp.] 1972
---- [20th imp.] 1972
---- [21st imp.] 1973
---- [22nd imp.] 1974
---- [23rd imp.] 1974
---- [24th imp.] 1975
---- [25th imp.] 1975
---- [26th imp.] 1976
---- [27th imp.] 1977
---- [28th imp.] 1979. Cover by Peter Lord
---- [29th imp.] 1979
---- [30th imp.] 1980, 272pp, 95p. Cover by Peter Lord
Penguin Books 0140-28553-9, 1999?, 272pp.
Penguin Books 0141-18541-4, 2000, xvii+233pp. [introduction by Barry Langford]
Gollancz [SF Masterworks 10] 0575-07338-1, 2001, 272pp
Viking 0141-03300-2, 2008, 272pp.
The Kraken Wakes (London, Joseph, 1953; as Out of the Depths, New York, Ballantine, 1953)
Penguin Books 1075, 1955
---- [2nd imp.] 1956, 240pp, 2/6. Cover: design (orange)
---- [3rd imp.] 1958
---- [4th imp.] 1960
---- [5th imp.] 1962
---- [6th imp.] 1963
---- [7th imp.] 1964, 240pp, 2/6. Cover by Denis Piper
---- [8th imp.] 1966
---- [9th imp.] 1968
Penguin Books 0140-01075-0 [10th imp.] 1969
---- [11th imp.] 1970
---- [12th imp.] 1970
---- [13th imp.] 1972
---- [14th imp.] 1973
---- [15th imp.] 1974
---- [16th imp.] 1974
---- [17th imp.] 1975
---- [18th imp.] 1976
---- [19th imp.] 1977
---- [20th imp.] 1979, 240pp, 95p. Cover by Peter Lord
Viking 0141-03299-5, 2008, 240pp.
The Chrysalids (London, Joseph, 1955; as Re-Birth, New York, Ballantine, 1955)
Penguin Books 1308, 1958, 200pp, 2/6. Cover: design (orange)
---- [2nd imp.] 1959 (as 1st)
---- [3rd imp.] 1961 (as 1st with different rear cover)
---- [4th imp.] 1961 (as 3rd with different rear cover; no 'complete & unabridged' on fc)
---- [5th imp.] 1962
---- [6th imp.] 1964
---- [7th imp.] 1965
---- [8th imp.] 1967
---- [9th imp.] 1968
Penguin Books 1400-01308-3 [10th imp.] 1969
---- [11th imp.] 1969, 200pp, 4/-. Cover by Harry Willock
---- [12th imp.] 1970
---- [13th imp.] 1970
---- [14th imp.] 1971
---- [15th imp.] 1972
---- [16th imp.] 1972
---- [17th imp.] 1973
---- [18th imp.] 1974
---- [19th imp.] 1974
---- [20th imp.] 1975
---- [21st imp.] 1976
---- [22nd imp.] 1977
---- [23rd imp.] 1977
---- [24th imp.] 1978
---- [25th imp.] 1979, 200pp. Cover by Peter Lord
---- [26th imp.] 1980, 200pp, 90p. Cover by Peter Lord
Penguin Books 0141-18147-8 [xth imp.] 2000, xi+186pp. [introduction by M. John Harrison]
Viking 0141-03297-9, 2008, 200pp.
Penguin Books 978-0241-95004-3, 2010, x+203pp.
The Midwich Cuckoos (London, Joseph, 1957; New York, Ballantine, 1958)
Penguin Books 1440, 1960, 220pp, 2/6. Cover: still. Movie tie-in.
---- [2nd imp.] 1960
---- [3rd imp.] 1960 (as 1st)
---- [xth imp.] 3/6.
Penguin Books 0140-01440-3 [xth imp.] 1979, 220pp. Cover by Peter Lord
Penguin Books, 2000. Cover (blue)
Viking 0141-03301-0, 2008, 220pp.
The Outward Urge, with Lucas Parkes (London, Joseph, 1959; New York, Ballantine, 1959)
Penguin Books 1544, 1962. Cover by John Griffiths
---- [2nd imp.] 1964
---- [3rd imp.] 1967, 187pp, 3/6. Cover: photo
Penguin Books 0140-01544-2 [xth imp.] 1980
Trouble with Lichen (London, Joseph, 1960; New York, Ballantine, 1960)
Penguin Books 1986, 1963
---- [2nd imp.] 1964
---- [3rd imp.] 1965, 204pp, 3/6. Cover by John Griffiths
Penguin Books 0140-01986-3 [4th imp.] 1969, 204pp.
---- [5th imp.] 1970
---- [6th imp.] 1971
---- [7th imp.] 1971
---- [8th imp.] 1972
---- [9th imp.] 1973
---- [10th imp.] 1974
---- [11th imp.] 1975
---- [12th imp.] 1976
---- [13th imp.] 1977
---- [14th imp.] 1979, 204pp. Cover by Peter Lord
---- [15th imp.] 1980, 204pp, 95p. Cover by Peter Lord
Viking 0141-03298-7, 2008, 204pp
Chocky (London, Joseph, 1968; New York, Ballantine, 1968)
Penguin Books 0140-03121-9, 1970, 153pp. Cover by Harry Willcock
---- [2nd imp.] 1971
---- [3rd imp.] 1972
---- [4th imp.] 1973
---- [5th imp.] 1974
---- [6th imp.] 1975
---- [7th imp.] 1976
---- [8th imp.] 1977
---- [9th imp.] 1979
---- [10th imp.] 1980, 153pp, 85p. Cover by Peter Lord
Puffin Books 0140-31913-1, 1984, 153pp.
Penguin Books 0141-19149-X, 2010, vi+153pp. [introduction by Brian Aldiss]
Web (London, Joseph, 1979)
Penguin Books 0140-05338-7, 1980, 141pp.Cover by Peter Lord
Plan for Chaos (Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2009)
Penguin Books 0141-04877-8, 2010, xi+234pp. [introduction by Christopher Priest]
Love in Time (as by Johnson Harris)
Utopian Publications, Jan 1946, 36pp, 1/-. Cover: photo
Jizzle (London, Dobson, 1954)
Four Square Books 730, 1962, 191pp, 2/6. Cover by unknown
Four Square Books 1308
---- [?3rd imp.] Sep 1967, 3/6.
New English Library 2250-1, Nov 1974, 40p.
New English Library 0450-03745-2, 1978 (Jun 1979), 191pp, 80p. Cover by E. M. Cliften-Dey
The Seeds of Time (London, Joseph, 1956)
Penguin Books 1385, 1959
---- [2nd imp.] 1960
---- [3rd imp.] 1961, 222pp, 2/6. Cover: design (orange)
Penguin Books 0140-01385-7 [xth imp.] 1981, 222pp.
Tales of Gooseflesh and Laughter (New York, Ballantine, 1956)
(no UK paperback)
Consider Her Ways and others (London, Joseph, 1961)
Penguin Books 2231, 1965, 189pp, 3/6. Cover by Herbert Spencer
Penguin Books 2231, 1968, 189pp, 4/-. Cover by Harry Wilcock
The Infinite Moment (New York, Ballantine, 1961)
(no UK paperback)

Wanderers of Time (as by John Wyndham writing as John Beynon Harris; London, Coronet, 1973)
Coronet 0340-17306-8, 1973. Cover by Chris Foss
----, 1977. Cover by Colin Hay
New English Library 0450-42015-9, 1987.
Sleepers of Mars (as by John Wyndham writing as John Beynon Harris; London, Coronet, 1973)
Coronet 0340-17326-2, 1973, 155pp, 30p. Cover by Chris Foss
Coronet, 1977. Cover by Colin Hay?
New English Library 0450-42023-X, 1987.
The Best of John Wyndham, edited by Angus Wells (London, Sphere, 1973; reprinted in 2 vols., see below)
Sphere 07221-9369-6, 1973
The Best of John Wyndham 1932-1949, edited by Angus Wells (London, Sphere, 1975)
Sphere 07221-9373-4, Oct 1975, 170pp, 55p.
----, Feb 1977.
The Best of John Wyndham 1951-1960, edited by Angus Wells (London, Sphere, 1977)
Sphere 07221-9374-2, Feb 1977
Exiles on Asperus (as by John Wyndham writing as John Beynon Harris; London, Coronet, 1979)
Coronet 0340-24046-6, 1979. Cover by Colin Hay?
No Place Like Earth (Seattle, Darkside Press, 2003)
(no UK paperback)