I re-read some of Le Carré's best novels in 2009, prompted by the showing of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Smiley's People (both starring Alec Guinness) and the Radio 4 adaptations of the entire Smiley canon starring Simon Russell Beale. They did a damn fine job - I'm listening to one of them as I type this.
John Le Carré is one of the few authors whose entire output is still in print... with very good reason. There was a recent re-release of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to tie-in with the movie's release, which is as good a starting place as any if you've not read any of his books before. Hopefully it will prompt a reissue of the whole of the Karla trilogy (the story continuing in The Honourable Schoolboy and Smiley's People). Add The Spy Who Came in from the Cold and you have four of the best novels about spy tradecraft you could wish for.
If you prefer something a bit more modern, Le Carré has adapted magnificently to the fall of the Berlin wall and the supposed end of the Cold War; you could do a lot worse than try The Constant Gardner (made into a very good movie) or his latest, Our Kind of Traitor.
Call for the Dead
Penguin Books C2066, 1964, 157pp, 2/6. Cover by Romek Marber
----, [2nd imp.] 1964
----, [3rd imp.] 1964
----, [4th imp.] 1965
----, [5th imp.] 1966
as The Deadly Affair, [6th imp.] 1966, 157pp, 3/6. Cover: photo. Movie tie-in.
Penguin 0140-02066-7, [7th imp.] 1972
----, [8th imp.] 1975
----, [9th imp.] 1976, 157pp, 50p. Cover photo by Robert Hollingsworth
----, [xth imp.] 1979, 157pp.
----, [xth imp.] 1982. Cover: design
Coronet 0340-55969-1, 1992, 157pp.
Sceptre 0340-93755-2, 2006, 159pp.
Sceptre 0340-99372-3, 2009, 168pp.
A Murder of Quality
Penguin Books 2271, 1964, 156pp, 3/6. Cover by Keith Burns
----, [2nd imp.] 1965
----, [3rd imp.] 1966
----, [4th imp.] 1969
Penguin Books 0140-02271-6, [5th imp.] 1971
----, [6th imp.] 1972
----, [7th imp.] 1974
----, [8th imp.] 1974
----, [9th imp.] 1975
----, [10th imp.] 1976, 156pp, 50p. Cover design by Robert Hollingsworth
----, [11th imp.] 1978
----, [12th imp.] 1979, 156pp, 75p. Cover design by David Quay & Peter Horridge
A Murder of Quality: The Novel & the Screenplay, Hodder & Stoughton 0340-55551-3, 1991, 271pp, £6.99. Cover photo by Murray Close. TV tie-in.
Coronet 0340-55444-4, 1991, 176pp.
Sceptre 0340-76647-6, 2000, 191pp.
Sceptre 0340-99373-1, 2009, 180pp.
Penguin Classics 0141-19637-8, 2011, 176pp.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Pan X364, 1964, 240pp.
----, [2nd imp.] 1964
Pan M107, [3rd imp.] 1965
----, [4th imp.] 1965, 240pp, 5/-. Cover: design. Movie tie-in.
Pan 0330-20107-7, [xth imp.] 1976, 240pp.
Coronet 0340-51307-1, 1990, 219pp.
Sceptre 0340-73964-9, 1999, 229pp.
Sceptre 0340-99374-X, 2009, ix+256pp.
Penguin Classics 0141-19452-9, x+257pp.
Penguin 0670-01939-X, 2011
The Looking-Glass War
Pan M210, 1966
----, [2nd imp.] 1967, 237pp, 5/-. Cover by unknown
Pan 0330-20210-3, [2nd imp.] 1967, 237pp, 5/-. Cover: still. Movie tie-in. *Recover of Pan M210
----, [xth imp.] 1976. Cover: photo
----, [14th imp.]1979, 237pp, 90p. Cover: design
Coronet 0340-55446-0, 1991, 287pp.
Sceptre 0340-75034-0, 1999, 287pp.
Sceptre 0340-93758-0, 2006, 288pp.
Sceptre 0340-99375-8, 2009, 318pp.
A Small Town in Germany
Pan Books 0330-02306-9, 1969, 319pp.
----, [2nd imp.] 1970, 319pp.
----, [xth imp.] c.1980
Coronet 0340-55445-2, 1991, 342pp.
Sceptre 0340-75035-9, 1999, 336pp, £6.99. Cover photo by Seth Greenwald
The Naive and Sentimental Lover
Pan Books 0330-23293-2, 1972
----, [14th imp.] 1981, 431pp, £1.95. Cover by unknown
Coronet 0340-51592-9, 1990, 462pp.
Sceptre 0340-93760-2, 2006, 556pp.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Pan Books, 1975
----, [12th imp.] 1979, 317pp, £1.25. Cover photo by John Timbers. TV Tie-in.
Coronet 0340-51308-X, 1989, 367pp.
Sceptre 0340-93761-0, 2006, 382pp.
Sceptre 0340-99376-6, 2009, 422pp.
----, [xth imp.] 2011.
Sceptre 1444-72818-0, 2011, 422pp. Movie tie-in.
The Honourable Schoolboy
Pan Books, 1978
----, [14th imp.] 1983, 543pp, £2.50. Cover by unknown
Coronet 0340-49490-5, 1989, 602pp.
Sceptre 0340-73963-0, 1999, 575pp.
Sceptre 0340-99377-4, 2009, 686pp.
Smiley's People
Pan Books 0330-25272-6, 1980
----, [14th imp.], n.d., 335pp, £2.95. Cover photo by John Timbers. TV tie-in.
Coronet 0340-55917-9, 1992, 384pp.
Sceptre 0340-73962-2, 1999, 395pp.
The Little Drummer Girl
Pan Books 0330-28256-5, 1984
----, [2nd imp.] n.d., 522pp, £2.50. Cover by Kevin Tweddell
Coronet 0340-61845-0, 1994, 576pp.
Sceptre 0340-76649-2, 2000, 572pp.
Sceptre 0340-93764-5, 2006, 572pp.
A Perfect Spy
Coronet 0340-39313-0, 1987, 607pp, £3.50.
Sceptre 0340-76650-6, 1999, 704pp. Cover: photo
Sceptre 0340-93765-3, 2006, 704pp, £7.99. Cover: photo
The Russia House
Coronet 0340-51121-4, 1990, 426pp, £4.50. Cover by unknown
Sceptre 0340-76651-4, 2000, 460pp.
Penguin 0141-19635-1, 2011, ix+452pp.

The Secret Pilgrim
Coronet 0340-55205-0, 1991, 352pp, £4.99. Typographical cover
Sceptre 0340-937670-X, 2006, 348pp.
Sceptre 0340-99379-0, 2009, 408pp.
Penguin 0141-19636-X, 2011, 409pp.
The Night Manager
Coronet 0340-59765-8, 1994, 718pp.
Sceptre 0340-766522, 2000, 624pp.
Sceptre 0340-93768-8, 2006, 624pp, £7.99. Cover photo by Corbis
Our Game
Coronet 0340-64027-8, 1996, 414pp, £5.99. Cover by unknown
----, [2nd imp.] n.d.
Sceptre 0340-76653-0, 2000, 408pp.
Sceptre 0340-93769-6, 2006, 408pp.
The Tailor of Panama
Coronet 0340-68479-8, 1997, 288pp.
----, [3rd imp.] n.d., 460pp, £6.99. Cover by Bob Warner
Sceptre 0340-76654-9, 1999, 460pp.
Coronet 0340-79370-8, 2001, 448pp. Movie tie-in.
Sceptre 0340-93770-X, 2006, 416pp.
Single and Single
Coronet 0340-73899-5, 2000.
---- [10th imp.] n.d., 415pp, £6.99. Cover by Larry Rostant
---- [19th imp.] n.d., 415pp, £6.99. Cover photo by Tony Stone Images
Sceptre 0340-76655-7, 2000, 351pp.
Sceptre 0340-93771-8, 2006, 351pp.
The Constant Gardner
Coronet 0340-73339-X, 2001, 570pp.
Hodder 0340-83709-8, [8th imp.] 2005, 570pp, £6.99. Cover: still. Movie tie-in.
Sceptre 0340-93772-6, 2006, 506pp.
Absolute Friends
Coronet 0340-83290-8, 2004
----, [10th imp.] n.d., 383pp, £6.99. Cover design
Sceptre 0340-92368-5, 2006
The Mission Song
Hodder 978-0340-92199-9, 2007, 392pp, £6.99. Cover photo Tim Flach/Lynsey Addario
A Most Wanted Man
Hodder 978-0340-97709-5, 2009, 418pp, £6.99. Cover photo by Daniela Lombard/Colin Thomas
Our Kind of Traitor
Penguin 978-0141-04916-8, 2011, 309pp, £7.99. Cover photo by Andreas Hempel/Gallery Stock
A Delicate Truth
Penguin 978-0241-96518-4, 2014, 342pp, £7.99. Cover design by wearesuperfantastic.com
A Legacy of Spies (London, Viking, Sep 2017)
Penguin 978-0241-98161-0, (May) 2018, 353pp, £8.99.
Agent Running in the Field (London, Viking, 2019)
Penguin 978-1241-98654-7, 2020, 366pp, £8.99. Cover design by Superfantastic
Silverview (London, Viking, Oct 2021)
Penguin 978-0241-99453-5, Apr 2022, 255pp, £8.99. Cover design by Superfantastic
The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories From My Life (2016)
Penguin 978-0241-97689-0, 2017, 343pp, £8.99. Cover photo by Richard Bailey
Novels (series: George Smiley)
Call for the Dead (Smiley) London, Gollancz, 1960; New York, Walker, 1962; as The Deadly Affair, New York, Penguin, 1966.
A Murder of Quality (Smiley). London, Gollancz, 1962; New York, Walker, 1963.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (Smiley). London, Gollancz, 1963; New York, Coward-McCann, 1964.
The Looking Glass War. London, Heinemann, 1964; New York, Coward-McCann, 1965.
A Small Town in Germany. London, Heinemann, 1968; New York, Coward-McCann, 1968.
The Naive and Sentimental Lover. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1971; New York, Knopf, 1971.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (Smiley). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1974; New York, Knopf, 1974.
The Honourable Schoolboy (Smiley). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1977; New York, Knopf, 1977.
Smiley's People (Smiley). London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980; New York, Knopf, 1980.
The Little Drummer Girl. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1983; New York, Knopf (New York, NY), 1983.
A Perfect Spy. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1986; New York, Knopf, 1986.
The Russia House. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1989; New York, Knopf, 1989.
The Secret Pilgrim. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1991; New York, Knopf, 1991.
The Night Manager. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993; New York, Knopf, 1993.
Our Game. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1995; New York, Knopf, 1995.
The Tailor of Panama. London, Hodder & Stoughon, 1996; New York, Knopf, 1996.
Single and Single. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1999; New York, Scribner, 1999.
The Constant Gardener. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001; New York, Scribner, 2001.
Absolute Friends. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2004; New York, Little Brown, 2004.
The Mission Song. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2006; New York, Little Brown, 2006.
A Most Wanted Man. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2008; New York, Scribner, 2008.
Our Kind of Traitor. London, Viking, 2010; New York, Viking, 2010.
A Delicate Truth. London, Viking Apr 2013; New York, Viking, May 2013.
A Legacy of Spies. London, Viking, Sep 2017; New York, Viking, Sep 2017.
Agent Running in the Field. London, Viking, 2019; New York, Viking, 2019.
Silverview. 2021.
The Incongruous Spy: Two Novels of Suspense (contains Call for the Dead, A Murder of Quality) London, Gollancz, 1964; New York, Walker, 1964.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, Call for the Dead, A Murder of Quality, The Looking-Glass War, A Small Town in Germany. London, Octopus, 1979.
The Quest for Karla (contains Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley's People). New York, Knopf, 1982; as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley's People, London, Octopus, 1988; as Smiley versus Karla, London, Coronet, 1991; as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Honourable Schoolboy, Smiley's People, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1994; as John Le Carre: Three Complete Novels, Avenel, NY, Wings, 1995.
Three Complete Novels (contains The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, A Small Town in Germany, The Looking Glass War). New York, Avenel Books, 1983.
The Russia House, The Secret Pilgrim, A Murder of Quality. London, Chancellor Press, 1993.
The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life. London, Viking, Sep 2016; New York, Viking, Sep 2016.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, adapted by Michael Thomas. London, Hutchinson (Bull-eye Books), 1974.
Heart of Darkness. Photographs by Don McCullin, introduction by John Le Carré. London, Secker & Warburg, 1980.
John Miller: New Horizons, introduction by John Le Carré. Beaconsfield, Bucks, David Messum, 1982.
The Clandestine Muse. The G. Harry Pouder memorial lecture delivered at Johns Hopkins University on May the 20th 1986. Portland, Oregon, C. Seluzicki, 1986.
A Murder of Quality: The Novel & The Screenplay. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1991.
Nervous Times. An address given at the Savoy Hotel at the annual dinner of the Anglo-Israel Association on 10th November, 1997. London, Anglo-Israel Association, 1998.
Sarratt and the Draper of Watford, by John Le Carré and others. Sarratt, 1999?
Conversations with John Le Carré, edited by Matthew Bruccoli & Judith Baughman. Jackson, Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, 2005.
John Le Carre: The Biography by Adam Sisman. London, Harper, 2015.
Splendid cover gallery, Steve. I spent the past week blogging about le Carre, culminating in a review of the Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy film here.