Monday, September 15, 2008

Carlo Jacono Commando covers

As these were sitting right next to the scanner I thought I'd post them. Although best-known for his 'giallo' covers for Italian crime novels and in the UK for a handful of (superb) covers for the 'Steel Claw' issues of Fleetway's Stupendous Library, this is none other than Carlo Jacono, painting covers for D. C. Thomson's Commando Library. He was an irregular cover artist from 1971-88, the two examples shown here coming from 1975 and 1977. The earlier of the two (Fighting Cat) is a double-winner for me... Jacono cover, Jose Jorge interior artwork. It would really cap everything if the author, who I know only as McLean, turned out to be Alistair McLean. Unlikely, but stranger things have happened... and it's not quite as daft an idea as it sounds.

(* Commando Library © D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this Steve. Still trying to dig up as much as possible to keep progressing the full credit listing for Commando.



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