Export and import of paperbacks by western writers
native to the Nordic
Anders N. Nilsson
A great majority of the western novels published as
paperbacks within the five Nordic countries, i.e. Scandinavia and Finland, were
translated from English after first having been published in USA, Australia or
Great Britain (Nilsson & Myrman 2013). In spite of the anglophone
domination, all Nordic countries except Iceland also had their own native
western writers. Compared to countries
like Germany and Spain, they were not that many, and their combined output
represents only a fraction of the total volume of western novels published in
the region. As I understand, the two major causes of a a nationally produced
western literature were most likely: (1) economic reasons when eliminating the
need for translators, and (2) national pride when telling stories about heroes
of local origin. Examples of the latter category are the Swedish Johan Hellgren
(aka Ben Hogan), the Norwegian Robert Rauland (aka Bob Rowland) of Pioner, and the
Finnish Juho Helapรครค of Finnwest. On the back cover of the Danish edition of
the second Pioner book (as Vestens
Pionerer) it is also stated that of Rowland’s two buddies, Store Dan was a dane
and Carpenter-Joe a swede. Finally, the generally high interest in popular
culture relating to Wild West stories in the Nordic countries provided local
paperback markets of volume enough and encouraged some author talent to work
within this genre.
The Nordic countries represented a tightly integrated
market for cheap paperbacks including those in the western genre. Cooperation
among the larger publishers was well developed, which made export of locally
produced texts from one country to another easier. The dominating Danish
publisher Winther was close to Wennerbergs in Sweden and had also good contacts
in Finland and Norway. The other large Swedish publisher, B. Wahlstrรถm, had
some cooperation with the Norwegian dominant, Bladkompaniet, as well as with
the Vaasa publisher in Finland (Nilsson 2019). The Warner-owned Williams
publisher was active in Danmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. It is thus not
surprising that many paperback series had their close matches in the different
Nordic countries.
One should keep in mind that export of western
paperbacks has also occurred without translation. For example, the Danish and
Norwegian languages are rather similar in print, which enhances the selling of
books produced in one of the two countries also in the other one. Moreover,
some regions of Finland have large fractions of Swedish-speaking inhabitants
and a substantial import of popular literature from Sweden. On the other hand,
the emigration of Finnish-speaking citizens to Sweden has most likely been
linked to some export from Finland of also western paperbacks. Export without
translation is, however, difficult to quantify.
In contrast to the successful current generation of
Scandinavian crime writers, the export of western novels to other regions has
been more or less non-existing. With one major exception – the Norwegian author
Kjell Kรฅre Hallbing writing as Louis Masterson about Morgan Kane (Arnesen 1990,
Nielsen & Holbye 2014, Pettersen 2022). On the other hand, the seminal
compilation Twentieth-Century Western
Writers (Saddler 1991) did not include any writer from the Nordic
countries. Several American western writers, however, have Scandinavian roots,
although most of them were born in USA. Two examples of writers born in
Scandinavia that did migrate to USA, and included in the above-mentioned
compilation, are Ole Edvart Rรธรธlvaag (1876-1931) from Norway, and Donald Bengtsson
Hamilton (1916-2006) from Sweden. Hamilton arrived as a boy to the US together
with his parents, and returned to Sweden at old age to die there.
Study material delimitations
I have here restricted my observations to paperbacks
in the western genre directed at adult readers. There were many authors in the
Nordic country writing for the juvenile readers, especially when including stories
about the North American Indigenous people or “Indians” (for a Swedish
compilation, see Jansson 2022). The juvenile literature is here excluded. Also
excluded are the western novels published as pulp magazines, in contrast to the
paperback as folded and stapled pamphlets. I have, however, included the
Norwegian Komet-books and other similar series from the publisher Folke-Forlaget,
defined as book by the publisher, but still not true paperbacks. Bakken (1994) in
his review of Norwegian paperbacks viewed them as really close to this format. The
Danish edition, named Western Magasinet, of the Swedish Ben Hogan novels were
also more like pulp magazines than paperbacks. Otherwise, western novels and
short stories published in magazines, often serialized, have been excluded (see
Nilsson 2017 for some Swedish listings). With these delimitations, I have
identified 41 Nordic western writers with a total production of 1328 titles.
Some uncertainties remain, however, due to novels published anonymously, like in
the series Clay Allison in Norway and Finnwest in Finland, and changed titles
in subsequent editions of some series.

Five different Danish western writers did within the
period 1969-1976 get 28 titles published in three different series (Table 1). As
three of these supposed writers are known only by their pseudonyms, the number
may actually be even lower. 21 Danish titles were exported to Finland (19 by Ed
Edson) and Norway (5 by Ed Edson plus two from the series Westhouse). No Danish titles were published in
Swedish translation.
The Danish import included at least 202 titles, of
which 174 were of Norwegian origin and 28 of Swedish. Of the Norwegian titles,
137 were by Kjell Hallbing, 14 by Olav Ottersen, and at least ten by Finn
Halse. Thirteen or more Clay Allison titles imported from Norway lacked author
names. The import from Sweden included 15 Clay Allison titles by Bengt-ร
Cras, and 13 Ben Hogan titles by Kjell Genberg.
Danish author names
Josh Brown (pseudonym, real name unknown): Westhouse 1 title 1969.
Ed Edson (pseudonym, real name unknown): En Texas Bog 19 titles 1971-1974, Ny
Pocket 3 titles 1973.
Martin Nielsen (b. 1935) (pseud. Mart Niel): Westhouse 3 titles 1970-1971.
Frits Remar (1932-1982): En Texas Bog 1 title 1976.
Ed Stomp (pseudonym, real name unknown): Westhouse 1 title 1969.
In Finland, at least 14 different authors contributed
to the Finnwest series. Kari Nenonen also published his western novels in three
other series: Hulkkonen, Luigi Littin Saluuna, and Navajo (Kivimรคki 2018). The
second Hulkkonen title was by Juhani Salomaa. As far as I know, no Finnish
western novel was published in translation in some other country.
In total, 240 titles were imported to Finland and
dominated by 133 Kjell Hallbing titles from Norway. The 88 titles imported from
Sweden included 45 Joe Montana titles by Tommy Schinkler, 29 Clay Allison
titles, most by Bengt-ร
ke Cras, and 14 of Kjell Genberg’s Ben Hogan titles.
Denmark contributed with 19 Ed Edson titles.
Finnish author names
Tapani Bagge (b. 1962): Finnwest 32 titles 1986-1992.
(b. 1959): Finnwest 7 titles 1986-1988.
Aimo Harjula (?): Finnwest 1 title 1988.
Petri Hirvonen (b. 1972): Finnwest 1 title 1992.
Pertti Huopainen (?): Finnwest 1 title 1988.
Juha Kalajoki (b. 1950): Finnwest 3 titles 1983-1984.
Pekka Kolehmainen (b. 1951): Finnwest 4 titles 1981-1984.
Kari Juhani Nenonen (1949-2006, see Wikipedia Finland): Finnwest 19 titles 1980-1987,
Hulkkonen 37 titles 1983-1992, Luigi Littin Saluuna 2 titles 1990, Navajo 6
titles 1984-1985.
Pentti Pesรค (b. 1942): Finnwest 8 titles 1989-1992.
Harri Raitis (b. 1944): Finnwest 4 titles 1991-1992.
Juhani Salomaa (1944-1990, see Wikipedia Finland): Finnwest 54 titles 1976-1990,
Hulkkonen 1 title 1983.
Skiftesvik (b. 1948): Finnwest 1 title 1983.
Seppo Tuisku (1935-2020): Finnwest 1 title 1988.
Juha Tuovinen (?): Finnwest 2 titles 1987.
Anonymous & author unknown: Finnwest 59 titles
No western writer native to Iceland has been found. According
to Pettersen (2022) 82 titles from Norway in the Morgan Kane series written by
Kjell Hallbing as Louis Masterson have been publish in Icelandic translation by
Prenthรบsiฤ in Reykjavรญk 1978-1988.
The second book in the Norwegian Pioner
series by Olav Ottersen, writing as
Dickson Row: (left) Norwegian edition front
cover, (middle)
Danish Vestens Pionerer edition front cover, and (right) ditto
back cover.
A minimum of eight different authors have in the
period 1952-1991 got published 680 different titles (many of them in two or
more editions). Of these titles 162 have been published in Danish, 132 in
Finnish, 82 in Icelandic, and 129 in Swedish translation. Moreover, of Kjell
Hallbing’s Morgan Kane titles, 41 have been published in English, 16 in French,
eight in Dutch, four in Polish, seven in Spanish, and five in German
translation (Pettersen 2022). Of the same author also nine Clay Allison titles
were published in Germany. Finn Halse had at least ten of his titles published
in Danish translation, some of them in the Colt series. All 14 of Ottersens titles
were included in the Danish series Vestens Pionerer published by Winther. The
Finnish, Icelandic, and Swedish import included only titles by Kjell Hallbing.
In spite of being the dominating exporter of western
titles within the Nordic countries, Norway imported only 12 titles, seven from
Denmark and five from Sweden. Most Danish titles were by Ed Edson, and the
Swedish Clay Allison titles were by Kjell Genberg and Sture Hammenskog.
Norwegian author names
Ragnar Askeland (?): Clay Allison 1 title 1986.
Hans Faye-Lund (1919-1989, se Wikipedia Norway) (pseud. Dave Derringer): Russ Quint
Western 4 titles 1971.
Kรฅre Hallbing (1934-2004, se Nielsen & Holbye 2014) (pseud. Collin Hawkins, Lee Morgan, Leo Manning, Louis
Masterson, Ward Cameron): Clay Allison 14 titles 1969-1971, Cowboy-serien 5
titles 1965, Louis Masterson [1] 17 titles 1972-1975, Morgan Kane 83 titles
1966-1985, Ponni 1 title 1962, Triangelwestern 18 titlar 1961-1964. Plus many subsequent editions.
Finn Halse (1910-1980, se Bakken 2022) (pseud. Charles D. Norwood, Danny March,
Freddy March, Ramon Costello, Steve Grant, Tex Miller): En Komet Bok 214 titles
1952-1984, En Komet Bok [Stor] 7 titles 1955-1986, Villmarkserien 71 titles
Stein-Aage Hubred (b. 1947): Clay Allison 4 titles 1971-?
Jan W. Jensen (?): Clay Allison 3 titles 1971-?
Olav Ottersen (1929-2006, se Wikipedia Norway) (pseud. Dickson Row): Pioner 14 titles
Sverre ร
rnes (b. 1949): Clay Allison 23 titles 1981-?
Anonymous & author unknown: Clay Allison about 200
titles 1972-1991.

The Sexy Western Clay Allison stories started in
Norway with Kjell Hallbing writing as Leo Manning.
Other writers continued the
series, also in Sweden. Here one of Kjell Genberg writing as Matt
Jade: (left)
Swedish original as no. 23 from 1973, (middle) Finnish edition of same title as
no. 23
from 1975, and (right) Norwegian edition as no. 21 from 1973.
Fourteen Swedish authors have got 377 titles published,
of which 121 titles were published also in translation in one or more other
Nordic countries. The highest number of titles, 88, was exported to Finland and
including Joe Montana, Clay Allison and Ben Hogan. The 28 titles exported to
Denmark were from the two latter of these series, and to Norway only from Clay
Allison. The Swedish import has been restricted to Norway, including 127 titles
by Kjell Hallbing.
Swedish author names
Kjell Gustav Alexis Andreasson (b. 1938) (pseud. Charlie Siringo, James Dillinger):
3 Vรคstern en 1 title 1983, Prรคrie 1 title 1982, Walter Colt 1 title 1982, Wild
West 4 titles 1980-1982.
ke Bernhard Cras (b. 1943)
(pseud. William Marvin Jr.): Clay Allison/ Sexy Western 123 titles 1973-1989.
(1906-1992) (pseud. Stewart Mill): Silver Star 2 titles 1961-1962.
Erling Genberg (b. 1940) (pseud. K. Earl Ginsburg, Matt Jade,
Steve Hammer): Ben Hogan [1] 55 titles 1972-1977, Ben Hogan [2] 22 titles
1990-1993, Clay Allison 13 titles 1971-1975, Prรคrie 2 titles 1973, Pyramid 3
titles 1972-1973.
Sture Hammenskog (1932-1988, se Nilsson 2013a) (pseud. Steve Hammer): Clay Allison 3
titles 1971.
Fredrik Lindstrรถm (b. 1934) (pseud. Hanz F. Lindstroem): Bullet Western 3 titles
Sven Rune Mantling (1927-1987) (pseud. Stewart Rogers, Wyatt C. Bannister): Longhorn 1
title 1968, Mustang 1 title 1959, Topp Wild West 36 titles 1959-1973.
Stewart Mill (pseudonym, real name unknown):
Silver Star 3 titles 1963-1965.
Bjรถrn Persson (b. 1967): Ultima Esperanza Books 1 title 2022.
Tommy Schinkler (1938-1994) (pseud. Tom Dutchman): Joe Montana 58 titles 1979-1988,
McAllister/ Mack & Joe 37 titles 1974-1979.
Erik Gabriel Setterborg (b. 1939) (pseud. Luke Devery): Pingvin 3 titles 1958-1959.
Ulf Westblom (b. 1953) & John Alf Lennart ร
gren (b. 1950)
(pseud. John West): 1 title Wild West 1974.
Stellan Wik (?) (pseud. E.G. Williams): McAllister 4 titles 1973-1974.
When it comes to exchange of western novels written by
native authors in the five Nordic countries, it becomes evident that Denmark,
Finland and Iceland all were chiefly importers, whereas Norway and Sweden were
the main exporters (Table 1). The difference between the latter two was that
Norway had a very low import, whereas Sweden combined a substantial export with
a high import. Export capacity depends on production, which was highest in
Norway, followed by Sweden and Finland. The more isolated position of the
Finnish language may explain the failed export in spite of a substantial
production of texts.
Norway was the exclusive exporter to both Iceland and
Sweden, whereas Denmark imported also from Sweden, and Finland also from both
Denmark and Sweden. The small Norwegian import was split between Denmark and
Sweden. Norway was the only exporter that had their books translated in all
four other countries, and also the only source for export outside the Nordic
countries. The Norwegian success depended, however, on the author Kjell
Hallbing and especially his Morgan Kane novels. Novels by other Norwegian
writers were only sold to Denmark.
Top-selling western writers from outside the
English-speaking world are rare birds, and Hallbing’s success was really an
unexpected phenomenon. Obviously, he was a really skilled narrator that created
a complex and interesting character in Morgan Kane that appeared in 83 original
books (Arnesen 1990). The Morgan Kane success spilled over on his other stories,
and resulted in national megasuccess in his own country plus by far the largest
export volume among Nordic western writers. The high number of Hallbing books
sold worldwide, estimated by Arnesen (1990) to 14 million and by Nielsen &
Holbye (2014) to 22 million, was also boosted by second and even third editions
in countries like Denmark and Sweden, and last but not least the seemingly
endless number of editions published in his own country.
Table 1. Production and translation of western
paperback novels by local writers within the five
Nordic countries: (DK)
Denmark, (FI) Finland, (IS) Iceland, (NO) Norway, and (SE) Sweden.
Cover art
Besides the texts, the intra-Nordic exchange has also
included cover paintings. For example, the Norwegian artist George Schumann’s
cover paintings for the Pioner series was used also on the Danish edition,
Vestens Pionerer (Bakken 1994). Same thing with the Danish series En Komet Bog.
The 12 first Finnish titles of Ben Hogan used the same cover art by Bengt Olof
Wennerberg, aka Bowen, as the Swedish first edition. Bowen also painted the
covers for early Clay Allison titles, including those by Kjell Hallbing writing
as Leo Manning, which means that some of his artwork was exported to Denmark,
Finland and Norway (Nilsson 2013b). In Sweden, Wolfgang Gerd Lothar Bartsch (1939–2018)
replaced Bowen and made the artwork for Clay Allison/Sexy Western titles no. 21-107.
Many of his paintings were used also on corresponding editions in the other
three countries.
The Norwegian artist Ernst Vevle Olsen Meister painted
four of the later Morgan Kane original covers, i.e. Alaska marshal, Dommedag i Skagway,
Klondike ’97, and Yukon’s onde and. These paintings were
used also on the corresponding editions in the other four Nordic countries. There
are also examples of Norwegian paintings used on Swedish editions of novels by
authors from outside Scandinavia. Harald Damsleth’s outstanding paintings from
the Norwegian edition of the Spanish author Josรฉ Mallorqui’s stories about
Coyote were used also on Lindqvist’s Swedish editions. Selected titles of the
Swedish Nyckelbok series published by Romanfรถrlaget used cover art by Norwegian
illustrators such as John I. Stenrud, Per Svinรธ, and Otto Wiese Moe (Nilsson
2018). Stenrud also painted some of the early Swedish Pyramid-book covers.
The Danish export of cover paintings was quite limited
but three paintings by William Petersen were used on a few Kjell Hallbing books
in the Swedish Texas series (no. 3-5), and the Finnish Louis Masterson series
(no. 3, 4 and 7).
This painting by the Danish artist William
Petersen was used in combination with the same Kjell Hallbing
title, Bastardene, in three different Nordic
countries: (left) Danish series Louis Masterson no. 4
from 1980, (middle)
Swedish series Texas no. 4 from 1980, and (right) Finnish series Louis
Masterson no. 4 from 1985.
My thanks to Gunnar Olsen for his scans of Danish book
covers used here.
Finn, 1990: Eventyret om Morgan Kane,
pp. 121-129, in: Fra Rudolf Muus til
Margit Sandemo. 75 รฅrs folkelesning fra Bladkompaniet A.S. Oslo:
Willy, 1994: Vakre damer og blodig dรธd.
Den norske pocketbokas historie 1949-1994. Oslo: Bladkompaniet.
Bakken, Willy, 2022: Finn Halse,
Staffan, 2022: Indianbรถcker i Sverige 1675-2000, fakta och fiktion : en
bibliografi, http://indianlitteratur.com.
Miikka, 2018: Kioskilรคnkkรคrit kautta aikain, http://www.perunamaa.net/kioskilankkarit/Etusivu.html.
Patrik, 2020: Serielagret, http://serielagret.se.
Atle & Kjell Jรธrgen Holbye (eds.), 2014: Den store boka om Morgan Kane. Oslo: Aller Forlag.
Nilsson, Anders N. 2013a: Arvidsjaur, Texas & Clay
Allison – och Sture Hammenskog. DAST
Magazine 26 August 2013.
Anders N. 2013b: Fallet Kjell Hallbing: Om kioskbรถckers svรฅretablerade
identitet. DAST Magazine 18 April 2013.
Anders N. 2017: Western- och nordlandsfรถljetonger i Lektyr och Levande Livet
1940–1966. DAST Magazine 12 January
Anders N. 2018: Bildkonstens anonymisering och namnlรถshet satt i system. DAST Magazine 29 October 2018.
Anders N. 2019: Svensk kiosklitteratur i รถsterled. DAST Magazine 13 February 2019.
Anders N. & Patrik Myrman, 2013: Populรคrpocketbรถcker inom vรคsterngenren i
Sverige – en kartlรคggning. DAST Magazine
13 October 2013.
Gunnar, 2020: Serieoversigt – bรธger, http://www.logolsen.dk/Serieliste.html.
Jan 2022: Morgan Kane, http://www.morgankane.org.
(* Column header: The same Morgan Kane story by Kjell
Hallbing writing as Louis Masterson, first edition in: (left) Norway no. 29
from 1969, (middle) Iceland no. 29 from 1981, and (right) Denmark no. 25 from