Thursday, September 12, 2024

Invasion Colchester 2024

This year's Invasion Colchester took place on Saturday, with the town centre swamped with cos-players dressed up as everything from Princesses to Predators. This is a charity event hosted each year for the benefit of St Helen Hospice, Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity and MIND (Mid & North East Essex). 

It has been going annually sine 2011, and if you click on the 'Invasion Colchester' tag at the end of this post, you can travel back in time to previous invasions. I haven't been every year (Covid also put a pause on the event in 2020) and (annoyingly) I didn't have a camera with me the first year, but Mel and I have otherwise managed to snap a few pictures over the years.

Congratulations to everyone involved. The pic immediately below comes from the event's Facebook page, but the rest of the photos are by myself or Mel.

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