I've no doubt that there are plenty of books and comics out there that I'd love if I got around to reading them, so I'm keeping my eye on those lists as a useful way of picking up some books that I might otherwise miss. Santa will be bringing me Posy Simmonds' latest book Tamara Drewe and the new Alan Moore & Kev O'Neill League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier. And some slippers. I always get slippers.
I don't have much to add. We went to see Andy Parsons on Friday and managed to become part of the show due to my attempts at sneakily taking a photograph going wrong. It would have been OK if the resulting photo had been better. It was a superb show, by the way, with Parsons delivering jokes at rapid-fire pace and not being phased one bit when a he had to admit he'd missed setting up one of the later jokes (it could just be part of the act, of course). The crowd loved him.
Also went to see The Golden Compass. I can't compare it to the book because I've not read it but it definitely works fine as a movie. I've asked Mel if I can have an armoured polar bear for Christmas. I will probably get slippers.
Talking of which... if you do a search for Bear Alley on Google, one of the results that pops up is the Polar Bear Alley blog of stories and news from Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. It's tempting to book up for one of their tours but if you take a look at the little weather monitor they have the temperature is -28. I can take "a bit parky" and even "chilly" but -28! Even a Geordie would want to put on a jumper.
Bits of news...

* Lew Stringer reviews Captain Britain: A Hero Reborn and the new Dan Dare comic.
The temperature in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada has only dipped to -21c so far this year but add in a wind chill and the 'norm' is at -28c. Luckily we have not had a city bus strike since 1975 when temperatures stayed at -30c. For two months and I worked outside the whole time in a steel yard and hitchhiked cross town and back for the period. Canucks are proud of our winter hardiness but we also complain a lot.