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Spot the PhotoSteve's 'Spot the Artists' pieces
[here and here - Steve], where he shows
Look and Learn cover artists inserting the names of their contemporaries in the covers, reminded me of this cover...
Look and Learn issue 851, dated 6 May 1978, had an article on Sir Francis Drake. This was featured on the cover with art by Roger Payne. While I am sure that many of the
Look and Learn artists used photo reference, I wonder how many used publicity stills from films unrelated to the subject matter of the article.

The photo that he used is of actor Patrick Wayne, son of John, portraying Sinbad in the Charles H. Schneer/Ray Harryhausen feature film
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger which was released in 1977. The film also featured Taryn Power, the daughter of Tyrone Power, with
Doctor Who's Patrick Troughton and Jane Seymour, then best known as the Bond Girl Solitaire in
Live and Let Die.

Don't think too badly of Payne for using the photo. After all, the poster artist Victor Gadino used another photo from the same shoot for the film poster used in the UK and, as shown here, Yugoslavia amongst other places, so Payne was in good company.
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