Thursday, June 20, 2024

Commando 5759-5762

Commando's latest issues are on sale today, Thursday 20th June, 2024! Featuring mysterious desert tanks, air battles over Korea, a British officer turned coward, and the return of Warlord's Kampfgruppe Falken to comics pages!

5759: Kampfgruppe Falken: The Point Of No Return

The Original Warlord character storms back into comics! In 1940, Major Heinz Falken was a panzer commander court martialled for refusing to massacre refugees in the Blitzkrieg of France. As punishment, Falken was sentenced to serve in a penal battalion on the brutal Eastern Front, under the cruel command of General Heiss.
    Between Heiss’ cruelty, the fearsome resistance, and the extreme weather, Falken has it cut out for him and his men. But when an unexpected person from Falken’s past crops up, he’ll have to choose between survival or leaving his humanity behind!
    We are excited to announce the return of Kampfgruppe Falken to comics, as the original Warlord character is back in the pages of Commando! Join Major Heinz Falken as he fights for survival after his exile to the Eastern Front! Penned by Dominic Teague with indomitable artwork by the legendary Manuel Benet.

Story: Dominic Teague
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet

5760: Desert Fox

“The Ghost” — that was the British soldiers’ nickname for the solitary German tank which would appear mysteriously out of the desert wastes to create havoc, and then just as strangely disappear. Its tracks could never be seen, and everybody reckoned it was unstoppable — everybody, that is, except Sergeant Greg Fox. Greg decided to hunt it down — armed with only a tommy gun and two grenades!
    Classic Commando from 1970 incoming! With the powerhouse trio of contributors on board, Eric Hebden on script, Galindo on interior artwork and the great Ian Kennedy on cover!

Story: E Hebden
Art: Galindo
Cover: Ian Kennedy
First Published 1970 as Issue 514

5761: Fallen Sabre

Inspired by true events...
    During the ferocious fighting of the air war in Korea, both Allied and Communist forces were desperate to gain any edge in battle. Soviet-built MiG-15s dueled with American F-86 Sabres in the skies known as “MiG Alley” — and they would stop at nothing to capture an enemy aircraft intact!
    Commando Issue 5761 is hot stuff from masterful writer James Swallow. With stunning interiors by Italian artist Paolo Ongaro and a vibrant and exciting cover by the amazing Neil Roberts!

Story: James Swallow
Art: Paolo Ongaro
Cover: Neil Roberts

5762: Don’t Shoot!

The sergeant couldn’t believe his ears when Lieutenant Ron Deal ordered the men to lay down their arms. This was the brave officer who led them from the battlefields of France to the scorching sands of the North African desert. He’d never been known to give in without a fight, so what was he up to now? Surely he hadn’t turned coward?
    Issue 5762 is a dynamic Commando reprint with another dream team of Commando contributors on board. With prolific writer CG Walker on the script, CT Rigby on the interior artwork and Jeff Bevan’s artwork on the cover!

Story: CG Walker
Art: CT Rigby
Cover: Jeff Bevan
First Published 1982 as Issue 1600

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