Thursday, April 25, 2024

Commando 5743-5746

Tanks, Mosquitos, Legionnaires and a grenade-wielding British Officer, all in Commando issues 5743-5746! On sale from today, Thursday 25th April, 2024.

5743: Frank the Tank

The M4 Sherman Firefly named Frank was a beast of a machine. Tough, stubborn, and a heck of a thing to drive. Corporal Ken Roberts, Frank’s driver, soon found out that if you upset Frank he would go nowhere and you would end up a sitting duck for the Germans!
    But there was a secret inside Frank, one that would save the lives of his entire crew — if you showed him some respect!
    The first of Brent Towns issues this Commando set, and it’s a super-supernatural issue featuring a ghost in the tank machine! With artwork by veteran Jaume Forns and newcomer Marco Bianchini.

Story: Brent Towns
Art: Jaume Forns
Cover: Marco Bianchini

5744: Valley of Flame

Sergeant Bull Moore, a tough veteran who’d been in more tight corners than he could remember, had never met an officer like Lieutenant Stephen Wylie before. Stephen wore glasses, was timid as a mouse, and wasn’t even sure how to fire his own revolver! He’d even been known to chuck grenades at Nazis without taking the pin out! Bull could never have imagined a guy like that would save a whole battalion from total disaster!
    Gentry weaves together all the elements that make up a fantastic classic Commando in issue #5744 ‘Valley of Flame’: a hapless officer turned hero with a capable sergeant by his side! With art by Franch and Penalva, what more could you want?

Story: Gentry
Art: Franch
Cover: Penalva
First Published 1970 as Issue 548

5745: Recon Hoodoo!

Pilot Officer Bob Carter had a hoodoo on him — that’s what everyone said. Any navigator that climbed into the unarmed De Havilland Mosquito reconnaissance plane with that jinxed pilot was marked for death! First, it had been Flight Sergeant Jim Morris, then Riley Nash, and by Mike Croft, it was confirmed. Bob had a hoodoo — one that was deadly for anyone who flew with him!
    What’s more classic in a Commando than a hoodoo on the main character? Well, that’s exactly what Brent Town evokes in his story about the jinxed Aussie pilot of an unarmed recon plane during World War Two. With moody interiors by Alberto Saichann, with a lush cover by Neil Roberts.
Story: Brent Towns
Art: Alberto Saichann
Cover: Neil Roberts

5746: Legion Vendetta

A first-class soldier in the French Foreign Legion and a crack pilot in the RAF – Jeff Daly had been both during his exciting, hectic life. He’d been to many places and met many people, but the one man he would never forget was his brutal Legion sergeant. If their paths crossed ever again, one of them would die!
    Issue 5746 features everything that makes a really good Commando — an Ian Kennedy cover, Gordon C Livingstone interior artwork, and a tale of revenge written by Gentry!

Story: Gentry
Art: Gordon C Livingstone
Cover: Ian Kennedy
First Published 1981 as Issue 1573

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