Friday, October 13, 2023

Comic Cuts — 13 October

While I complain about the odd ache in the knees, I'm generally fairly healthy and haven't suffered from anything since our brush with Covid a year ago. So I was especially annoyed by developing... something, and I'm still not sure what it was, but something wrong with my stomach which started with pains on Saturday and continued to cause a lot of discomfort for the next three days.

It didn't quite fit the profile of food poisoning, or the usual stomach problems (I'm trying to avoid saying "trapped wind" and "constipation" but it's just not possible). Not to get too medical, but I had some pain, was wanting to go to the loo but not doing anything when I got there, but was not nauseous or off my food, was not unable to work or go for a walk. What floored me more was that I had barely slept Sunday night and spent two days with jet lag trying to get myself back to regular sleep/eat/poo patterns. (This is not the hard-hitting comic/paperback content that most of you sign in for, for which I am deeply sorry.)

I managed to get most of the rest of Beyond the Void: The remarkable history of Badger Books finished on Friday and Saturday. There's just a bit of front matter and I need to sort out the index and a cover, but it looks like it will be about 174 pages in total.

Feeling jet-lagged on Monday, I decided to take the day off and read, which was useful as it meant I was able to post a couple of reviews this week, by Tuesday I was picking up the threads of work again, but had to take Wednesday off for my diabetic eye test. This involves having Tropicamide drops in your eye which sting like hell and cause the pupil to expand, so that a camera can take photographs of the retina (the light sensitive cells at the back of your eye). It also causes blurry vision for a couple of hours, so I thought I'd kick around town and make use of the day: firstly to a pharmacy that was taking walk-ins for the Covid jab; and while I was there they offered me the flu jab as well, so I had that. Fizzing with drugs and blurry-eyed, I staggered around a few shops and then into Sainsbury's and then caught the bus home.

Had some food and slept like a baby for three hours solid. So not a bad day at all.

It's now Thursday and I'm trying to get back up to speed, but I've spent half the morning watching videos (albeit of Badger Books!) and pottering around the internet looking for a cheap external hard drive, as I noticed that my main back-up drives are all showing signs of filling up--due entirely to my inability to throw anything away, even scans of old comics that I've sold on Ebay! I just copied over 3gb of scans that are probably never going to be looked at again... but I work on the theory that I've got them should I need them at some point in the future.

I'm 7tb into an 8tb drive, so there's no great hurry, but I know it'll nag at me until I get something sorted.

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