Thursday, March 30, 2023

Commando 5631-5634

issues 5631-5634 go on sale today, Thursday 30th March, 2023. With a whole set of reprint Commandos dedicated to one of our favourite artists, Gordon C Livingstone — including brand-new covers created from his interior linework and coloured by top artists Neil Roberts and Len O’Grady.

5631: Attack from the Sea

First up in the Commando reprint set of Gordon C Livingstone classics is 5631 Attack from the Sea! What started out as a well-planned raid on the North African coast by a crack force of British Commandos had developed into a nightmare chase across the desert. There was one among them with a grudge against all Germans. He had wrecked the mission and now he was steadily wrecking any chances of survival. The attack from the sea had gone dangerously wrong!

Roberts vividly captures Livingstone’s style, while lending his own touch in this masterful homage to the Golden Era artist.

Story | Rudge
Art| Gordon C Livingstone
Cover | Gordon C Livingstone & Neil Roberts
Originally Commando No. 1410 (1980).

5632: Never Surrender

Mike Mason said he would never surrender. He even made a bet on it. And when a guy like Mike Mason says something he sticks to his word. So, although he was shot down in enemy territory, taken prisoner by the Germans, slung in jail by the Italians, he never in fact surrendered! Of course, he did surrender to a Spitfire, but that doesn’t count —or does it? See what you think!

Commando 5632 is an aircraft adventure which packs a punch! This Commando from the 1970s is semi-inspired by the real-life events of an Italian seaplane being stolen and flown back to Malta! And with Irish artist Len O’Grady lending his colouring skills to the cover, it’s easy to see why he’s a master at his craft.

Story | E Hebden
Art | Gordon C Livingstone
Cover | Gordon C Livingstone & Len O’Grady
Originally Commando No. 956 (1975).

5633: The Hero was a Fake

Bill Drummond, a British Army lieutenant, looked in dismay at the cringing figure crouching in the corner of the cellar, fear haunting his nervous, flickering eyes. Bill found it hard to believe that this was the same man who’d saved his life only weeks before. But then he didn’t know the full story of this Yank he hailed as a hero, but who was hunted high and low by American MPs for being a deserter and a black marketeer!

Another rip-roaring tale from the 1970s featuring a twist! Is Jake Larsen an honourable man or a cowardly thief? Read to find out!

Story | Allan
Art | Gordon C Livingstone
Cover | Gordon C Livingstone & Neil Roberts
Originally Commando No. 492 (1970).

5630: Fly to Freedom

Stan Newman was a natural-born pilot. He loved flying the marvellous Hawker Hart biplanes in India before the war, and then later the Hawker Fury fighters. So it was a great day for him when he took up the latest Hawker aeroplane, the famous Hurricane. He threw it all over the sky in a wonderful display of aerobatics... but then he brought it back down on the runway again with his wheels still folded up and skidded through a line of parked aircraft! The Royal Air Force is not very keen on pilots who write off several valuable planes in one go. It looked as if Stan’s flying days were over...

The final in the set of Commando reprints dedicated to the legendary Gordon C Livingstone is a romp not to miss! With more types of aircraft than you can shake a stick at, all perfectly depicted in the instantly recognisable Livingstone style.

Story | R A Montague
Art | Gordon C Livingstone
Cover | Gordon C Livingstone & Len O’Grady
Originally Commando No. 1462 (1980).

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