Friday, June 05, 2020

Comic Cuts - 5 June 2020

This week's Comic Cuts video has a cover reveal of the first volume of Bear Alley's next book, due out later this month, and the story of how we ended up looking after a stray dog (don't worry, the story has a happy ending).

You'll hear the story in the video, but here are a couple of pics of our doggy pal, Hamish.


  1. Good to hear about Hamish. Steve, what's with the footage of you preening yourself and 'mugging' at the camera at the beginning of your video? It went on so long that I almost bailed out. You might lose a few viewers that way.

    1. Ah, well. We can't all have the same sense of humour or there wouldn't be any need for more than one comedian.
