Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Masters of British Comic Art by David Roach

David Roach, one of the foremost researchers of British comics, has dialed it up to fivemost with his new book. The first third of the book is a comprehensive history of UK comics that will introduce readers to the creators behind the scenes who filled the British weekly anthologies and monthly pocket libraries. The bulk of the book is then dedicated to showing off some of the stunning artwork that has appeared over the years by 127 different artists, much of it reproduced from original boards and ranging from Tom Browne to Anna Mill. David takes in the "usual suspects" (Hampson, Embleton, Lawrence) but casts his net wide to show off artwork by more obscure names like Leslie Otway, Norman Lee and Doris Kinnear. There may be the odd name missing, but some missing from the gallery (Philip Mendoza, for instance) are covered in the opening history.

Why have I been rather reticent about discussing Masters of British Comic Art previously? Well, it's because David kindly dedicated the book to me. I've had my name in a lot of books (often on the title page and cover!), but it was a real shock and an absolute delight to spot it here.

If you have even a passing interest in comics history and comic art, this is the book for you. You will not be disappointed.

Masters of British Comic Art by David Roach
Rebellion ISBN978-1781-08759-6, 2 April 2020, 384pp, £39.99 / $50 (hardcover, cover by Brian Bolland) Available via Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. This book has just been delivered to me. Sent by anonymous. Looks fantastic!
