Thursday, November 29, 2018

Commando 5179-5182

Brand new Commando issues are out today! Take to the trenches with our “Angels on Wheels”, discovery the lineage of the lost son of a German Count, delve once more into no man’s land to rescue the final Weekes’ sibling, and fight the Fokker Scourge! Plus, get your copies of 5179 or 5181 for your chance to win a model CORGI Sopwith F1 Camel AND a Fokker D.VII!

5179: Harriet’s War
In the dark, the cries of the wounded men on the front line echoed, their hoarse voices calling for the ‘angels on wheels’ to come save them. One such angel was Harriet Weekes, an ambulance driver in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry. As the fourth and only female Weekes sibling, Harriet had joined up to do her part in the war just like her brothers. Some said she was reckless. Some said she drove like a bat out of Hades. But when there were people who needed her help, she was an angel on wheels.
    Issue 4 of ‘The Weekes’ War’!

Story: Andrew Knighton
Art: Khato
Cover: Ian Kennedy

5180: Father and Son
For many generations, there had been a Count von Regenskirch in the German Army. This duty had passed from father to son – but then, during the First World War, the Count was killed and his small son disappeared.
    But that child was not dead. Grown to manhood, he now stood proudly in military uniform. But it was the wrong uniform, the wrong country, and he was now fighting against Germany. What strange twist of fate had caused this mystery?

Story: CG Walker
Art: Carmona
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 1530 (July 1981). Reprinted No. 2875 (August 1995).

5181: Tommy’s War
November 11th, 1918. Armistice.
    The war was over… or so most thought, but some still held to the regime of battle, and kept a tight hold of their prisoners.
    All the Weekes family wanted was to be together again, but Tommy lay far away on the other side of the shrapnel filled fields
of No Man’s Land. It was all or nothing, and the Weekes family would do anything to get Tommy back!
    Issue 5 of ‘The Weekes’ War’!

Story: Iain McLaughlin
Art: Defeo & Morhain
Cover: Ian Kennedy

5182: Battling Boneshakers
They were “wood-and-wire wonders”, these early aircraft of World War One – hard enough to fly, let alone fight in! To make things worse for the pilots of the newly formed Royal Flying Corps, the enemy were quick enough to perfect a gun that fired successfully through the propeller arc of their Fokker Eindeckers.
    Men like Gus Mathieson had their work cut out to survive – even using their puny pistols until a British gun could be developed to counter the “Fokker Scourge”.

Story: KP MacKenzie
Art: Gordon C Livingstone
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 2906 (November 1995).


  1. The cover art of 'Battling Boneshakers' could only have been executed by Ian Kennedy, yet is here attributed to Janek Matysiak. Someone has blundered. Badly!

  2. You are absolutely right, Malcolm. Well spotted. The Matysiak credit was on the PR sheet supplied by DCT.
