Thursday, November 01, 2018

Commando 5171-5174

Brand new Commando issues are coming today! Commemorate the centenary of the Armistice with Commando, featuring an exclusive CORGI Old Bill Bus competition, and the first issue of the brand new series ‘The Weekes’ War’! For further information on the latter, scroll down.

5171: War Bus
In the First World War, over one thousand London buses were used to ferry soldiers from Blighty to the front line in France. It was a long, dangerous journey, one that would take trainee bus driver Sam Porter far away from the depot in Hackney. 
 Now in the driving seat, in a big, bright red AEC Type “B” Omnibus, the next stop for Sam was the trenches!

Story: George Low
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet

5172: Stolen Glory
Max Brandt emerged from World War One covered in honours. Justly so, for he had shot down the famous French air ace, Rene Dumont.
    But two men knew he was not the victor of that dogfight. Brandt himself, and the British pilot who had really downed the Frenchman.

Story: CG Walker
Art: Carmona
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 1592 (March 1982).

5173: Danny’s War
By late 1918, Captain Daniel ‘Danny’ Weekes had been in the trenches for longer than he could remember. He could no longer recall all the faces of the men who had served with him or died under his command. He would do anything to put a stop to the fighting.
    But with three brothers, a sister and his father fighting their own battles, who knew if Danny’s war was ending… or just beginning?
    Issue 1 in the special five-part series: ‘The Weekes’ War’

Story: Iain McLaughlin
Art: Defeo & Morhain
Cover: Ian Kennedy

5174: Front-Line Fear
The pilots and soldiers fighting in and above the trenches, tracing their way across France in the First World War, knew all about fear. They faced it every day and made the best of coping with it.
    That was never easy and if it did become too much, there was always a price to pay. Ask Bill Kane – he didn’t crack up, but somebody said he had and that led to all sorts of danger…

Story: Robert Smith
Art: Janek Matysiak
Cover: Janek Matysiak
Originally Commando No. 3698 (February 2004).

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