Thursday, July 12, 2018

Commando 5139-5142

Brand new Commando issues are out today! Bear your Brown Bess musket and Baker rifle with the Sherwood Foresters, ditch the camera for courage with film star Rex Barton, outwit wily POWs in the Scottish Highlands, and fire on U-boats from the deck of a Coastal Motor Boat!

5139: The Forlorn Hope
The Forlorn Hope was the name given to those who were placed on the front line in battle. The 45th Sherwood Foresters Regiment of Foot were among those who would advance on the sieged City of Badajoz. It would be one of the bloodiest battles in the Napoleonic Wars, but on they fought against French cannons and muskets, ready to take out the best of Napoleon’s men.
    Manuel Benet’s stellar interior and cover art looks straight out of a scene from Sharpe, the dedication to regimental uniform astounding!

Story: Andrew Knighton
Art: Manuel Benet
Cover: Manuel Benet

5140: Shooting Star
Rex Barton was used to action — both on and off the camera. A film star used for propaganda pictures, Rex had had enough and took to the skies in his own kite, desperate to take down any Jerries in his path — and he was dang good at it. But when the Nazis got their hands on Rex they decided to make their own propaganda piece. The only problem was that Rex wasn’t game to play ball…
    Instantly recognisable, Gordon C Livingstone’s cover shines just as bright as Newark’s film star come RAF pilot hero.

Story: Newark
Art: Gordon C Livingstone
Cover: Gordon C Livingstone
Originally Commando No. 483 (June 1970). Reprinted No. 1404 (April 1980).

5141: Outfoxed!
In the last bitter days of the Second World War, many soldiers were happy to wait out the end in a sleepy prisoner of war camp in the Scottish Highlands — but not Gefreiter Fritz Schmitt. He wore the uniform and had the identity papers, but he did not act like a corporal, and he did not speak to any of the other Germans. No, his only ally was Military Police Sergeant Fred Foxley… but even he would balk when he found out what Schmitt had done in the Ardennes and why he must escape… 
    Inspired by Cultybraggan in Scotland, Ian Kennedy brings the POW camp to life, the perfect backdrop for Watson’s adversaries, Police Sergeant McKay and MP Sergeant Foxley, to play out their battle of wits.

Story: Colin Watson
Art: Morhain
Cover: Ian Kennedy

5142: High Risk Rescue
First World War Coastal Motor Boat skipper Lieutenant Frank Judge was no stranger to danger; CMBs had a top speed of forty knots and launched eighteen-inch torpedoes at enemy U-boats. But when Frank is assigned a mission to sneak ashore behind enemy lines and rescue missing naval Commander Richard Berry, he wishes he had just stayed at sea!
    Ian Kennedy’s moody cover perfectly suits the vintage tone of Clark’s unique World War I naval issue.

Story: Ian Clark
Art: Olivera
Cover: Ian Kennedy
Originally Commando No. 2824 (January 1995).

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