Friday, October 28, 2016

Comic Cuts - 28 October 2016

I'm not sure where the week has gone! Last week I seemed to have quite a lot of time to dig around and do research. This week, barely any spare time at all.

We had a late night Friday visiting friends and then spent Saturday pottering around and catching up on some TV. While Mel took a shower-break, I checked my news feed only to find that Steve Dillon had died; later that evening, I put together a relatively brief obituary—much more could be said about the qualities he brought to his artwork and friends have stepped forward to describe his qualities as a person—which I managed to post at one the following morning.

It's a sign of age that I used to consider one or two o'clock in the morning as bed time. Nowadays I'm usually heading up the stairs at eleven. Whenever I look back at the output I managed to achieve in the Nineties, when I was averaging 400,000 words a year, I wonder what happened. Then I remember that I didn't watch much tele, didn't read much and saw three in the morning regularly. I think I've got a far better life/work balance now.

I've spent most of the week trying to get Hotel Business into our design studio. We run about 60 short features / news items per issue, plus another daily piece on the website, which sounds more of a doddle than it actually is. I should be able to do four a day for five weeks (it's 10 issues a year); and they're mostly 300-400 words, so that shouldn't take more than a morning. Where are my free afternoons?

Guess what this week's theme for our random scans is...

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