Friday, November 30, 2012

Comic Cuts - 30 November 2012

Well, if you've been following the blog this week you'll know that I've been laid low with a stomach bug. I haven't felt particularly ill, although I was running a temperature for a couple of days. I do feel washed out, so I've had some early nights and hence no blogging. Mel has the same bug, so we have a new game: will we be able to sit through a whole TV programme without having to pause it. At least we haven't lost our sense of humour.

I'm still cracking on with Lion King of Picture Story Papers, which will be the next book from Bear Alley Books. As of this (Thursday) evening, I've laid out some 170 pages and the finished book should easily top the 200 page mark. I'm really very pleased with it. There are 275 illustrations so far, so there won't be many, if any, of the 150 comic strips that appeared in Lion that won't be illustrated. I'm hoping to have the book finished before Christmas and out in January.

The other distraction this week has been a couple of queries regarding layouts for the upcoming H. Rider Haggard collection, which has been "due out shortly" for a couple of years now. Well, the good news is that it's due out shortly. Not quite sure when. Some time in the new year.

A quick reminder that today is the last day you can order the Sexton Blake Annual for 1942 at the discount price. People who have already ordered will be pleased to hear that copies have already started shipping.

No random scans today. I don't have the energy and I promised myself that I'd get to bed before midnight. And I may or may not have something for the weekend. I may give myself a couple of days off just to catch my breath and resume normal service on Monday. We'll see.


  1. Looks like a great book - fantastic cover illustration!

  2. Hi George,

    I've got to confess that I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out. Artwork by Ron Forbes.

  3. Hope you both get well soon...

  4. That cover artwork is pretty darn awesome!
