Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Hunchback of Notre Dame part 6

(* artwork © Look and Learn Ltd. Reprinted by permission.)


  1. Although virtually everyone remembers The Trigan Empire from Look and Learn, there were some quality strips involving other characters such as Dan Dakota, Jason January and Rob Riley and probably many other alliterative names! Any chance, Steve, of showing other yarns from the 60's/70's?

  2. Mike,

    With the indulgence of the various copyright holders, I'm hoping to keep up the reprints on Bear Alley for as long as I can, and not just from Look and Learn.

    Any and all suggestions are welcome. Some won't be possible (Dan Dakota, for instance, was a translated strip licensed in from abroad and I've no who holds the rights) but I'll look into any that are suggested.

    Anthony, I agree. It's a superbly drawn strip and Arthur Ranson is one of Britain's finest comics' artists.

  3. When I interviewed Mike Noble for the book 'True Brit' I mentioned the relationship with Ranson as they both worked on Look-In during a difficult time for Mike and I got the impression he held Arthur Ranson in high regard. I loved some of that Look-In stuff by those guys!
    Who'd like a Noble Look-In reprint book? Who wouldn't?!
