Saturday, September 29, 2012

Joe Hunter - Attack Force

Joe Hunter was the pen-name of Wilfred McNeilly. There's not much I can add to that except that I seem to recall this was an OK series when I read it thirty years ago, although the fact that I don't recall a single thing about it probably says volumes.

Attack Force No.1: French Assignment
New English Library 0450-02572-1, Feb 1976, 159pp, 40p.
The mission was to penetrate deepest enemy occupied France and bring back a coffin. A coffin that contained a deadly secret, one which British Intelligence dared not allow to fall into German hands.
__What was needed was a small band of tough fighting men trained to perfection into a cohesive fighting unit. And so Attack Force was born, six ruthless men and one deadly woman led by the callous Major Harrison, who were to tackle the most dangerous and baffling assignments of the war—the ones that no one else would or could take on.
Attack Force No.2: Mission to the Gods
New English Library 0450-02670-1, Feb 1976, 158pp, 40p.
In occupied Greece small pockets of resistance fighters still maintained their defiant harrying of the enemy, constantly sapping their strength by guerilla warfare. Britain urgently needed to tie up as many German troops as possible in Greece, to relieve the pressure exerted on the British in the Western Desert by Rommel.
__Attack Force was ordered to be dropped into Greece to deliver essential supplies, maintain morale and organise raids against the Germans. Against all odds they managed to survive the initial drop, but then things started to go drastically wrong. With disaster staring them in the face, only Major Harrison's ingenuity could save them...
Attack Force No.3: Roman Holiday
New English Library 0450-02863-1, May 1976,159pp, 40p.
The twin brothers were identical. One was a Marshal of the Italian Army. The other supported the Allies. The task facing Major Harrison and his ferocious Attack Force was to substitute one for the other. It was a task destined to lead them into perils and intrigues as outrageous as any they had yet faced in their mission to make life hell for Hitler and his pals. It was a task fated to lead them into ancient Rome, the horrors of the arena and the machinations of the Mafia. It was a task that would lead them into the lion's den.

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