Monday, March 05, 2012

World of Wonder: part 21

We've had a bit of a break since the last set of illustrations from World of Wonder. For newcomers, WoW was a British educational magazine published in the early 1970s. Often considered the lesser companion to Look and Learn, I had to look through all the issues I had recently, when I was researching the Pages from History book, and was reminded just how good some of the illustrations were. As it's not a magazine that many have collected, I'm trawling through the copies I have (not a complete set by any means) and gathering together a few galleries featuring images that take my fancy. You can find more of these mini-galleries by following this link.

M. Unger
M. Unger
Gerry Embleton
Angus McBride
(* World of Wonder © Look and Learn Ltd.)


  1. Nice blog mate - keep it up! I've added it to the side of mine :D

  2. You should also check out a great British magazine called "Finding Out".

  3. Glad everyone is enjoying this little trip down memory lane.

    I'd cover Finding Out if I had copies, but I don't think I have any.
