Friday, August 27, 2010

Comic Cuts - 27 August

I'm planning to keep this short as I'm also running the Upcoming Comics listing this morning. I've spent a couple of very full days this week working on the Thriller Comics Index, proofing the text for the introduction and various lists and touching up some artwork scans of original Cowboy Comics and Thriller Comics covers that we will be including in the book. We managed to locate about 70 covers in all, most of which should be in the book; also a stack of black & white pages which we will also be showing examples of.

That pretty much filled the week, although I also put in a full day typing links for the Illustration Art Gallery blog last weekend, a job that would have been incredibly tedious if it hadn't been for the astonishing array of artwork the links take you to. But hopefully that's 450 links I'll never have to type again.

On Tuesday I spent an hour or so crawling around in the attic of the new house. It's only partly boarded but we managed to squirrel away some of the emptied boxes and trays, which has made a substantial difference to Box Mountain. Once I can get some more boards down, we should start to see the mountains turn into foothills... What's the betting that I'll look back on this in a couple of months time and marvel at my confidence? Or should that be naivete?

In the post: Dodgem Logic #5 with an article on old 1950s paperbacks by yours truly. I've only seen a couple of issues and the range of topics that Dodgem Logic covers is immense. Alan Moore has described it as a fanzine or underground magazine, but it lacks the focus on a topic that I usually associate with fanzines or promoting a lifestyle that Oz or Frendz indulged in. Nor is it a literary magazine, although it has articles on literature, poems and an excerpt from Steve Aylett's Novahead. Rather it's a mash-up of all three, a love letter to anything that interests Alan Moore and the editors, whether that's William Burroughs or how to make a trifle, gorgeously photographed and designed. A literary funderzine, if you like.

If you want a copy it should be available in all good comic stores, or you can head over to the Dodgem Logic website and order it directly from the publisher.

There... told you this was going to be short.

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