Monday, May 31, 2010

Random comic clippings 2: Superman on Trial

Long, long ago... well, 1988 actually... Superman turned 50 years old and BBC Radio 4 celebrated with a fine little radio show entitled Superman on Trial, directed by Dirk Maggs and starring William Hootkins, Shelley Thompson, Vincent Marzello and Stuart Milligan (as Superman). It was a mix of drama and documentary and included interviews with Adam West, Jenette Kahn and Dave Gibbons.

Dave also provided the cover (above) and a two-page strip—not a bad celebration from the Radio Times and hopefully a bit of a blast from the past for those of you with long memories. Amazing to think that in only three more years Superman will be 75!

(Superman © DC Comics.)


  1. I remember that well - in fact think I still may have the pages somewhere. I definitely still have a very hissy cassette recording of the show itself.

  2. Timely posting - the BBC are finally about to release this on CD.
