Sunday, May 23, 2010

Christie Cover Cavalcade: part 8

Yes, it's the return of the Christie Cover Cavalcade with another selection of paperback covers from Agatha Christie's novels. The last one is an absolute classic: Tom Adams's out of perspective plane and giant wasp was the inspiration for the Agatha Christie episode of Doctor Who.

The Hollow (Fontana 70)

They Do It With Mirrors (Fontana 80)

Hickory Dickory Dock (Fontana 237)

Dumb Witness (Fontana 250)

Towards Zero (Fontana 319)

Death in the Clouds (Fontana 1923)


  1. Thats a beautiful cover, Steve; and as my American cousins might say, 'out of leftfield': might almost be enough to make me buy it, although I'm more of the hard-boiled American crime fiction fan

  2. I've recently started to appreciate the Fontana Editions of Agatha Christie books. I love her work and I'm one of her hugest fans. She's the reason I started to write mysteries in the first place and I owe my first novel to her. I think Death in the Clouds was the first book of hers I read. Thank you for sharing the Christie love.
