Monday, April 26, 2010

Eric Roberts

Peter Gray has published a letter from the daughter of Eric Roberts over at his Cartoons and Comics blog. Roberts was a long time contributor to both Amalgamated Press and D. C . Thomson, his style instantly recognisable. One minor error... where Erica mentions Sinbad the Sailor, I believe she must mean "Sinbad Simms", which Roberts drew for Knockout in 1957-58; above you'll see the opening episode and just what a terrific artist Roberts was. Sinbad looks just like Roberts' later creation Winker Watson, who debuted in the Dandy in 1961.

1 comment:

  1. I like Eric Roberts' cartoony style combined with a more 'serious' storyline. Something that only seems to have carried on in European comics.

    Steve, it'd be interesting to see an article on European reprints that appeared in UK comics. Both Tintin and Asterix made early entries into the market as well as Blueberry. What was the reasoning behind this? Was it because of a lack of home grown material and there was space needed to filled?
