Monday, September 14, 2009

Comic Cuts 14 September 2009

No comic strip today. I've been busy with proofs and haven't had any time to line anything up. I have a few little features that I'll be posting over the next couple of days and the regular daily strip will be back shortly, once I'm caught up.


  1. So, how about a tank themed compilation? Or don't tank crews figure in the old comics that often?

  2. The books I've done have been "themed" by title more than anything. The War Picture Library was a mixture of air, ground and sea, so the selections are more diverse; Battle was almost exclusively ground war because of the launch of Air Ace and War at Sea, which, to coin a phrase, did what they said on the tin.

    If Carlton want an all-tank issue, I'm sure I could find more than enough good stories. I've already used some (e.g. Norman Worker's "Trail of the Avenger" in the third War volume) but there are plenty more. It can't hurt to suggest it.
