Monday, March 09, 2009

Harry Hargreaves' It's a Birds's Life

Something light and cheery for this Monday morning. The following cartoons are from Harry Hargreaves' It's a Bird's Life, reprinted from Punch where the 'little bird', of indeterminate species, appeared for many years.

(* Artwork from It's a Bird's Life © Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Ltd.)


  1. Thanks for sharing this one with us, Steve.

    I agree, what a great way to start the week off.

    I remember seeing some of this work, but cannot for the life of me remember, where or when.

    Hope you are well.

    Best Wishes,

  2. The Hayseeds was a strip I tripped over when younger and I thought - wow! an English Walt Kelly!

    Take a look at

    Lovely cartoon further down the page on British class system

  3. Fabulous cartoons from Harry Hargeaves. I don't suppose you have any of his Hayseeds to upload?

  4. I was supposed to be studying a bunch of other stuff, but I found a bunch of old bound copies of Punch from when Hargreaves was busiest, and spent hours leafing from volume to volume getting glares from other students as I giggled my way through all his cartoons.

  5. I loved Harry Hargreaves cartoon "Budge & Co" which was in the Reveille many years ago. Anyone know if Budge is still available to download?taskuhc 23
