Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Lost Frank Bellamy art discovered

I meant to post these a while back but completely forgot. What reminded me was a recent post by Norman Boyd about a newly discovered Frank Bellamy strip about John Adams which appeared in the BOAC in-flight magazine Welcome Aboard in 1970. Norman has the full story at the Frank Bellamy Checklist Blog.

Above are two previously unrecorded Frank Bellamy dustjacket illustrations, produced for the Valentine Romance Book Club in 1954. These were actually spotted by my good friend John Clark some while ago but I've only just gotten around to borrowing and scanning them. I've done a little cleaning up as the originals were a bit scuffed and beaten up and I think the results are not bad at all. I've no idea if Bellamy contributed any more covers to the series and it just goes to show that you have to keep your eyes open all the time... you never know what the heck you'll find in the most obscure magazines and amongst the most uncollectable books!

(* No idea about the copyright on these. Probably the Estate of Frank Bellamy.)


  1. Hello Steve,

    I wonder, would Roberta Leigh (of Dark Inheritance, above) be the same person as the creator/writer of ITV's string-puppet science fiction series Space Patrol (1963-64)...?


  2. Hi Tise,

    Yes, same woman. She wrote around 50 romance novels as well as her work for TV.

  3. Brilliant discoveries for Bellamy fans - well done and thanks once again for sharing Steve. I'm adding to the checklist straight away.
