Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Comic Cuts

And the good news (for me) is... the main text for the Sci-Fi Art book went off to the editor at Ilex today. The last chunk was over 6,000 words long bringing the total to 16,500 words for my bits (roughly a quarter) of the book. I still have quite a few pictures and captions to sort out, plus the introduction, but I feel like I've crossed a milestone on the book.

Good, because on Saturday morning we're having half the contents of the house put into storage so that workmen can rip the place apart.

I've already got the next two (three really) books lined up, namely Frank Bellamy's King Arthur and volumes 8 and 9 of StormThe Collection which should keep me busy for a while. The Bellamy book we're hoping to have out for the next ABC Show on Sunday, 21st September where we'll be having the usual signing session. I'm not sure if we'll have printed copies of the Karl the Viking box-set but we should have a few of this year's Carlton books to offer you.

Unbelievable to think that it's July already. Six months ago I was working for Look and Learn (still am in a very minor capacity). Since then I've worked on half a dozen different book projects, all of which seem to be lining up to appear later this year, and various other bits and bobs to try and put bread on the table. I imagine that July is going to be a write-off as far as work is concerned; my output collapsed while the windows were being done and the upcoming work is going to be even more of a strain as it's likely to run on into August and involves far more shuffling of stuff around the house. I imagine I'll try to concentrate on things that don't have a deadline, although that all depends on when other projects (like the last of the Trigan Empire Collection books) come to the boil.

Oddly enough, I've just heard that the interview I did on Arthur Mee for BBC4 isn't to be broadcast in July. It's now scheduled for 25 September. What the heck is it about September?

(* Today's gallery images: three covers from Amazing Stories, 1931 vintage, by Leo Morey. These are the ones that didn't make the cut... but we've hopefully included two even better Morey illustrations in the book.)

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