Saturday, January 26, 2008

Valentine Picture Story Library

Released by Prion (an imprint of Carlton Books) in February 2008. The book is available from at a hefty 50% discount. This is in a new pocket library-sized format around the size of the originals and is actually a very nice package. Despite the inclusion of two stories by Jesus Blasco, this wasn't one I put together, although I did write the introduction.


Livin' Lovin' Doll (Valentine PSL 20, Art: R. G. Casarrubio)
What Do You Want? (Valentine PSL 15, Art: R. G. Casarrubio)
You Made Me Love You (Valentine PSL 22, Art: R. Santos)
Treat Me Nice (Valentine PSL 26, Art: Jesus Blasco)
Say It With Music (Valentine PSL 17, Art: Jesus Blasco)
No Turning Back (Valentine PSL 16, Art: Jose Carlos)


Hum the song while you strum your heartstrings with this irresistible collection of love stories; inspired by the songs of some of the greatest musicians of the 50s and 60s. Heart-stopping romance, raw passion, desperate tragedy and swooningly dishy chaps, all packed into a handy handbag-sized volume.Faithfully reproduced from the original Fleetway story libraries, this throbbing compendium will have pulses racing and toes tapping. So, whether it's brings back distant memories of the village hop with the local heart throb or gives you giggle at the innocence of times past, restore your faith in good old-fashioned romance and remember, the girl always gets the dreamboat in the end.


  1. Steve

    I'm working my way through this book just now -- most enjoyable, in a very light and frothy manner.

    Do you know when VPSL was published? I assume circa 1959 -- 1961, but I'd like to know for sure.

    About the Blasco artwork -- I'm sure he's in there (his cars are unmistakeable) but it looks to me like other, less experienced, hands helped him out. I assume he had a studio, and that explains some less than wonderful panels.

    Finally, if Prion are thinking of doing a sequel, or reprinting other girls' libraries, I'm willing to buy them.

    David Simpson

    David Simpson

  2. David,

    Glad you're enjoying the book... it is fun, isn't it?

    The original series of Valentine Picture Story Library ran 26 issues between June 1960 and June 1961, 2 issues published every month.

    Blasco drew 5 issues in all and I suspect you're right about him having assistance. He often worked with two of his brothers inking and I believe his sister also helped out. All three were also artists in their own rights.

    I'm hopeful that Prion will do more; the romance comics market was huge and included some of the best artists and artwork ever published in the UK. It's desperately in need of rescuing.
