Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sketch Club [video]

This video, from 13 April 1953, is somewhat similar to the previous one about the Cartoonists' Club (10 March 1947) and includes some of the same artists. The pub known as the "mucky duck" was the White Swan in Tudor Street, off Fleet Street.

David Langdon (Sunday Pictorial), Maroc (Robert Coram, London Evening Standard) and Norman Pett (creator of 'Jane', Daily Mirror) are seen sketching Daphne, an art student, in her bikini. Joe Dowd (Daily Herald), the honorary secretary of the Sketch Club, then brings Lorna, an art teacher, to the front to pose with a beach ball. Elizabeth Cowley and Avril Showell of Woman are seen sketching, as are Preston Benson (The Star), Norman Williams (The Eagle) and Joss (The Star), who was a founding member of the Sketch Club.

(* The above film is © British Pathe Limited.)


  1. My 77-year old mother, Avril English (formerly Showell) was amazed to find herself on this newsreel, especially given that she only got on the internet a month ago. She remembers seeing it in the theatre when it was originally filmed. She points out also that the correct name of the magazine is Woman, not Women. Long retired from her job as a fashion illustrator she lives in Canada, as do her three kids who were born here. Thanks for posting this - it gave us all a real kick.

  2. Emily,

    Please pass on my thanks to your Mum for her comments. If you (or she) ever cares to discuss her career I'd be fascinated to hear more. Magazine illustration is an area that has barely been scratched as a subject and it would be marvelous to learn something about her work and about her contemporaries. You can always drop me a line direct at the e-mail address below my pic.



  3. Emily
    I worked with your Mom At Holt Renfrew. I would love to get in touch with her. I just happened to find this this site. a few years late.My Name is Diane O'Neill

