Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Playhour Artists/Authors

What follows is a list of artists and writers known to have contributed to Playhour. The comic ran to approximately 1,700 issues between 1954 and 1987 and with very few official records remaining, there's a very good chance that a few artists and a few more writers are missing from the list. Any further information about any of the creators listed below would be very welcome.

Arthur Baker
Walter Bell
Giorgio Bellavitis
Jesus Blasco [Jesús Blasco] (Wikipedia)
Walter Booth
Eric Bradbury
Leslie Branton
Rosemary Brown
Geoff Campion
Stephen Chapman
Rene Cloke
E. T. Coelho
Pam Cooper
Mrs. S. de Basily
Ferguson Dewar
John Donnelly
C. E. Drury
Ron Embleton (Wikipedia)
Bert Felstead
Barbara C. Freeman
Mick Hall
Fred Holmes
Arthur Horowicz
Gordon Hutchings
Roger Hutchings (see under Gordon Hutchings)
Tony Hutchings (see under Gordon Hutchings)
R. Jordan
Tom Kerr
Hans G. Kresse (Wikipedia [Holland])
Bill Lacey
Virginio Livraghi
Harold McCready
V. Mackenzie
Hugh McNeill
Marion Main
H. Maxwell
Philip Mendoza
H. C. Milburn
A. S. A. Newark
Will Nickless
Ron Nielsen
Cecil Orr
Eric R. Parker
Harry Pettit
Cyril Price
Nadir Quinto
Basil Reynolds
Fred Robinson
Sep E. Scott
Henry Seabright
Edgar Spenceley
Geoff Squire
Eric Stephens
H. M. Talintyre
Douglas Turnbull
Bill Ward
Reginald Webb
Fred White
V. Whiteley
Mrs. M. E. Woodward
Peter Woolcock
Colin Wyatt
various unidentified artists working for Bryan Colmer Ltd., Creazioni D'Ami, B. L. Kearley Ltd., Sheldon Studios, Temple Art Agency

George Allen
Sydney J. Bounds
Mike Butterworth
Frank Capern
Betty Clowes
Denise Cork
Ron Garner
John Gill
Barbara Hayes (later Matthews)
J. H. Hopkins
Eric Leyland
Miss P. Mills
Frances Pitt
David Roberts
Colin F. Thomas
Joan Whitford
Brian Woodford

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve,
    Peter Woolcock was knocked down and killed by a motor vehicle in Bermuda December 2014
    Colin Wyatt is still active and has his own website.
    Tim K
