Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Comic Clippings - 9 May

I'm still recovering from a busy Bank Holiday weekend so I'm going to use this little introductory space to say if you've sent me an e-mail and I haven't replied yet, I will. I'm still working on the Karl the Viking introductions but now have most of the first volume intro. mapped out, a good chunk of the second written and part of the third ditto. I'm hoping that over the next two weekends I'll be able to get all my notes together in some coherent form and then tidy everything up over the Spring Bank Holiday at the end of the month. That's the plan, anyway.

At the Look and Learn website, the Picture Library now has 16,368 images and another disc is heading into the post tomorrow. There will be a big pieces on Look and Learn in the next issues of Fumetto (Italy) and Redeye (UK) as we continue to spread the word.

It's also worth taking a dip into The Children's Newspaper if you've not given it a try. Apart from being a fascinating insight into how news was treated by successive editors who tried to keep young children abreast of world events, you can also stumble upon some interesting stories, like Geoffrey Household's first novel, serialised in 1935 ahead of its book publication in 1936, and comic strips by the likes of Peter Jackson, Philip Mendoza and C. L. Doughty as the following three examples show. Give it a try. It's fun.

Here are a few news items I've noted in the last couple of days:
  • I was sorry to hear that Bob Rothwell, a long-time member of the Eagle club, died on Sunday 6 May. Bob was the organiser of the regular 'Eagle Day' get-togethers for Eagle fans and was a staunch supporter of various Eagle exhibitions which often featured items from his collection.
  • Grant Morrison is interviewed on Newsarama about DC's 52.
  • An interview with Leah Moore and John Reppion about Albion and influences can be found in the Italian online magazine de:code (4 May) in both English and Italian. There's also an interview with Brian Michael Bendis.