Thursday, September 14, 2006

Comic Clippings - 14 September 2006

More Look and Learn in the News

I received a scan of the Daily Mirror article that was published on Wednesday. Today we had a write up in the Daily Mail, under the headline "Sixties favourite 'Look and Learn' to relaunch" and today's radio appearance was on 'Good Evening Wales' with hosts Phil Parry and Felicity Evans for Radio Wales.

This one actually involved me going down to the Colchester studio of Essex Radio for the first time in some years; the last time I was there was for some disasterous discussion about science fiction -- disasterous for me, anyway, because they couldn't get the line to work properly. To hear the discussion and any questions that were being aimed my way I had to listen to what was being broadcast and, because they put in a few seconds delay so they can bleep out any swearing on live broadcasts, there were three or four seconds of dead air between the question being asked and me hearing it. And three or four seconds after I started speaking, this echo of what I'd just said came winging its way back to me through the headphones. It's guaranteed to destroy your train of thought and you keep having to remind yourself not to talk louder and louder or pause between sentences to let the echo catch up with you!

Thankfully, today's experience was nothing like that and the whole thing went nice and smoothly. I'm actually back on Essex Radio tomorrow morning on their breakfast show, so this is going to be short and sweet so I can get some sleep!

Again, not much time for digging around on the internet but a couple of things I spied...
  • The Times ran an obituary for poet and hill climber Syd Scroggie, who died on 9 September 2006, in which it was mentioned that Syd -- born William Sydney Scroggie in 1919 -- once worked as a sub-editor on the boy's story paper The Hotspur before the Second World War. Presumably around 1938-39. I had a poke around the web to see if there was any mention of him actually writing any stories but I couldn't find anything apart from this graduation speech given by Professor Chris Whatley when Scroggie was given an honourary degree by University of Dundee, which might be the source of the information in The Times.

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